Microstructure and properties of Cu2 Fe2Ag in2situ composites
The effect s of Ag on the microstr ucture and mechanical and electrical proper ties of Cu2 Fe in2situ com2posit es were investigated. Four in2situ composites, Cu2 12 wt%Fe, Cu2 14 wt%Fe2 1 wt%Ag, Cu2 14 wt%Fe2 3 wt%Agand Cu2 11 wt%Fe2 6 wt%Ag were prepared by the cast and drawn process. T he ult imate tensile st rength and elec2tr ical resistivity of the composites at each draw ratio wer e measur ed. T he microstructure evolution of the compositeswas investigated using scanning electr on micr oscopy ( SEM) and dist ribution of Fe and Ag in the matrix was ana2lyzed by EDS equipped on SEM. The results show that the presence of Ag can refine the primar y Fe dendrites andreduce the solution of Fe in Cu at high temper ature as well, which leads to the simult aneous increment in bothst rength and conduct ivit y. H owever, the Cu2 Fe2 Ag composites show a bit lower plasticity and the fr act ur e surfacesexhibit shear character istic at a lower dr aw r atio.