1-3 cement based piezoelectric composites were fabricated using cement as matrix by the cut-filling method. The fabrication procedure of the composites was introduced in detail. The effects of width to thickness
w/t ratio of the 0.375Pb(Mg
3 piezoelectric ceramic rod on the piezoelectric pro-perties, dielectric properties and acoustic impedance of the composites were studied. The results indicate that the piezoelectric constant
d33, the electromechanical coupling coefficients
Kp and
Kt, dielectric constant
εr and dielectric loss tan
δ are all dependent on the ratio of width to thickness
w/t of piezoelectric ceramic rods. By changing the
w/t of piezoelectric ceramic rods, the acoustic impedance of the composites can be tailored to match that of the concrete, which shows that 1-3 cement based piezoelectric composite is suitable to be applied in civil structural health monitoring.