Heat dissipation analysis and design of two2dimensional cellular materials
With a single“easy flow”direction and larger surface area density , two2dimensional (2D) cellular mate2
rials exhibit at t ractive thermal capability besides the high specific rigidity and specific st rength. The research of it sheat dissipation characteristic through forced convection has significant importance. A numerical method is used to solve the flow field and conjugate heat t ransfer between fluid and solid in two2dimension cellular materials. The sen2sitivity of porosity and microst ructure size to the heat dissipation capability was explored and the design parameters are optimized. The effect of microst ructure type on heat dissipation efficiency was investigated by analyzing and comparing five typical kinds of 2D cellular materials. A new optimization design concept is presented , in which the design parameters range ( the acceptable range of the design parameters which can satisfy the requirement ) is maximized under given heat dissipation capability const raint s. The result s obtained by this design concept are more suitable for the multifunctional design of the materials based on other requirement s. The analysis indicates that 2D cellular materials with regular hexagonal cells provide the highest level of heat dissipation efficiency and are more suitable for the ult ralight multifunctional design.