Lan Liwen, Jin Yongfang, He Shaoping, et al. INVESTIGATIONS ON INTERFACE FOR FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES PART Ⅴ: The Relationship Between the Stability of Carbon Fiber Composites to Thermalmoisture and Adhesion Interface[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 1986, 3(4): 35-Ⅳ.
Lan Liwen, Jin Yongfang, He Shaoping, et al. INVESTIGATIONS ON INTERFACE FOR FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES PART Ⅴ: The Relationship Between the Stability of Carbon Fiber Composites to Thermalmoisture and Adhesion Interface[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 1986, 3(4): 35-Ⅳ.
Lan Liwen, Jin Yongfang, He Shaoping, et al. INVESTIGATIONS ON INTERFACE FOR FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES PART Ⅴ: The Relationship Between the Stability of Carbon Fiber Composites to Thermalmoisture and Adhesion Interface[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 1986, 3(4): 35-Ⅳ.
Lan Liwen, Jin Yongfang, He Shaoping, et al. INVESTIGATIONS ON INTERFACE FOR FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES PART Ⅴ: The Relationship Between the Stability of Carbon Fiber Composites to Thermalmoisture and Adhesion Interface[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 1986, 3(4): 35-Ⅳ.