The f racture behaviors and f ractographic features of WC/ NiCrMo steel mat rix composites under 12kinds of conditions, af ter austenization between 960 ~ 1040 ℃ then quenching and tempering, were investigatedusing single edge notched beam ( SENB) method, SEM and elect ron theory analysis. The result s show that thematerial has high st rength (σ
bb ~2200 MPa, σ
bc ~3000 MPa) and hardness ( HRC 62~68), and higher fracturetoughness (~30 MPa ·m
1/2 ) . The main fractographic appearances are WC cleavage, quasi-cleavage of mat rix, dispersed dimples and dimple bands. The numerous hard phases of WC (~40 %) play a dominant role in f racture toughness and fracture behavior, and based on the alloy elect ron theory, both of the containing carbon st ructure unit swith high bond st rength andα-Fe (Ni) st ructure unit s with more lattice elect ron in mat rix cont ribute to the st rongtough support to the hard phases and lead to micro-ductility during fracture.