Friction stress between a composite pipe joint and a steel pipe and itseffects on strength of the composite joint ———Numerical analysis
A finite element model for two steel pipes connected by a composite pipe joint was developed with ANSYS sof tware. With the functional module of contact element in ANSYS , the st ress dist ributions in the compositepipe joint under different contact conditions to the steel pipes ( bending , compression and torsion) were obtained ,and the load bearing capability of the composite pipe joint was further studied. The studies are focused on the effect sof the f riction coefficient on the friction st ress on the contact surfaces between the steel pipe and on the compositepipe joint , and on the effect s of the friction st ress on the load bearing capability of the composite pipe joint . The results show that , with the increasing of the friction coefficient , the maximum contact pressure between the compositepipe joint and the steel pipe decreases and the maximum friction st ress increases ; the load bearing capability of thecomposite pipe joint is st rengthened under the bending.