Visual simulation of damage accumulation for composite multiple bolted joints
A three-dimensional finite element analysis was presented for the composite multiple bolted joint s. Theanalysis took into account the progressive damage process and non-linear contact behavior at each bolt-hole interface.The 1 ×3 bolted single-shear joint s were modeled and the final damage loads were compared with those f rom a parallel experimental research. Three sort s of T300/ Q Y9512 composite plates with different geomet ry configurationswith the single lap were tested. The model developed in this paper shows excellent capability to quantify the effectsof geomet ries , which include substantially changed load dist ribution , damage onset and development in the multiplebolted joint case. The result s show that the thickness variance does not change the bolt load st ress. However , varying the thickness of the laminate has a significant effect on the st ress value and dist ribution around the bolt .