Fabrication on electronic package box of SiCP/ Al composites with high volume fraction of SiCP
The SiCP preformed compact was prepared by Powder Injection Molding ( PIM) , and the melting aluminum penet rated into the SiCP preformed compact by the pressure infilt ration method to manufacture the elect ronicpackage box of SiCP (65 %) / Al composites. SiCP (65 %) / Al composite manufactured by pressure infilt ration has highdensity and homogeneous microst ructure. The density of the composite is 2. 98 g/ cm3 ; the thermal expansion coefficient and thermal conductivity of the composite are 8. 0 ×10 -6 / K and nearly 130 W/ (m·K) at room temperature ,respectively , which is up to the request of the elect ronic package.