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韩朝锋, 薛有松, 张东生, 冯向伟, 陈莉娜, 朱晓伟, 吴海宏, 苏玉恒

韩朝锋, 薛有松, 张东生, 等. 碳纤维复合材料电导特性和力电耦合行为研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(6): 3136-3152. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230119.004
引用本文: 韩朝锋, 薛有松, 张东生, 等. 碳纤维复合材料电导特性和力电耦合行为研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(6): 3136-3152. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230119.004
HAN Chaofeng, XUE Yousong, ZHANG Dongsheng, et al. Research progress on electrical property and electromechanical coupling behaviors of carbon fiber composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(6): 3136-3152. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230119.004
Citation: HAN Chaofeng, XUE Yousong, ZHANG Dongsheng, et al. Research progress on electrical property and electromechanical coupling behaviors of carbon fiber composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(6): 3136-3152. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230119.004


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金委-河南省联合基金重点项目(U1604253);国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0101602)


  • 中图分类号: TB332

Research progress on electrical property and electromechanical coupling behaviors of carbon fiber composites

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China-Henan Province Joint Fund Key Project (U1604253); Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFB0101602)
  • 摘要: 碳纤维复合材料具有良好的导电性能,但其作为增强体的树脂基复合材料的导电性能与增强体结构显著相关,且在加载条件下的结构变形触发碳纤维复合材料的导电行为发生改变,这一特性在智能传感器方面具有重要的应用。本文从复合材料电阻法结构健康监测应用出发,着重概述了不同维度增强体碳纤维树脂基复合材料的导电性能和预测模型、表面电势场分布和主要测量技术及力电耦合行为和本构模型,以期为碳纤维复合材料“材料-结构-功能”一体化集成系统的设计提供新方向和新途径。


    Abstract: Carbon fiber composites have good electrical conductivity, however, the electrical conductivity of the resin matrix composites is significantly related to reinforcement architectures. The structural deformation under external load triggers the modification in the conductive behavior of carbon fiber composites, which has an important application in smart sensors. Based on the utilization of electrical resistance method in structural health monitoring for composites, this paper focuses on the overview of electrical conductivity and predictive models, surface potential field distribution and main measurement technologies, as well as electromechanical coupling behavior and constitutive models of carbon fiber reinforced resin matrix composites with different dimensional architectures. It is expected to provide a new direction and path to design "material-structure-performance" integrated system in carbon fiber composites.


  • 碳纤维及其复合材料作为国家战略新兴材料,因其轻质高强、高冲击损伤容限和多重增强结构混杂制造等特性,广泛应用在航空航天、远洋船舶、轨道交通和新能源汽车等高精尖技术领域[1-2]。在实际工程应用中,碳纤维复合材料构件易遭受各种异物撞击和循环加载等多重外部威胁,线弹性的力学行为和脆性断裂的失效特性极易引发灾难性崩塌事故[3-5],造成重大经济损失和人员伤亡,因此及时跟踪和监测复合材料的损伤起始和扩展对优化材料使用寿命和性能至关重要。结构健康监测(Structural health monitoring,SHM)是利用集成在工程结构中的传感器网络,实时提取结构损伤特征参数和损伤敏感指标来识别结构健康状态,从而建立一种状态监测、特征识别和损伤评估的系统,实现在役工程结构的健康监测诊断[6]。SHM能够准确预测变形和损伤位置,保证结构的完整性和运行安全性,为工程结构的管理和养护提供决策支撑。碳纤维复合材料除优异的损伤容限和热传导性能以外,突出的电导特性和压阻效应等多功能属性近年来逐步受到重视[7]


    图  1  碳纤维复合材料在结构健康监测(SHM)中的应用:(a) 力电耦合行为;(b) 导电机制;(c) 飞机机翼监测;(d) 桥梁承载监测
    Figure  1.  Application of carbon fiber composites in structural health monitoring (SHM): (a) Electromechanical coupling behavior; (b) Conductive mechanism; (c) Aircraft wing monitoring; (d) Bridge bearing monitoring
    ΔR—Relative resistance change; R0—Initial resistance; σ1—Stress; ε1—Strain

    碳纤维复合材料的电导特性在纵向、横向和厚度方向均不同,呈明显的电各向异性。碳纤维的电导率约为0.58~1.15×105 S/m,远高于近似绝缘材料的高聚物树脂基体,因此复合材料中碳纤维增强体的结构决定其最终的电导性能[15]。随着纺织织造技术的不断革新和日益成熟,增强体的结构历经一维线性结构(单/多向纤维材料)、二维平面结构(机织、编织、针织和非织造)和三维立体结构(三维机织、编织和针织)的发展变化[16],如图2所示。

    图  2  复合材料不同维度增强体结构
    Figure  2.  Different dimensional reinforcement structure of composites


    图  3  复合材料内部电流传导路径示意图
    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of internal current conduction path of composites


    单向(Unidirectional,UD)碳纤维复合材料层压板中纤维沿长度方向取向,导电性能整体上表现为正交各向异性。单向碳纤维复合材料沿主轴纵向、横向与厚度方向的导电特性截然不同:在纵向,电导率受碳纤维连续传导机制的控制,而其他两个方向电导率则受横向或厚度方向上随机分布的纤维接触点的影响。当碳纤维体积含量达到某一个临界值时,整个复合材料内部形成一个三维互联互通的导电网络[21-23] (图4)。Abry等[24]和Todoroki等[25]研究发现复合材料沿主轴3个方向的电导率随着碳纤维体积含量的增加呈上升趋势。在此研究基础上,Wasselynck等[26]和Kane等[27]通过切片取样还原了复合材料内部纤维间相互接触的形貌特征和分布规律,然后采用t分布和正态分布函数建立了三维渗透模型,并通过均质化方法推导出了单向碳纤维复合材料层压板的电导率张量,结果发现当纤维体积含量低于渗透阈值时电导率数值接近于零,当纤维体积含量高于渗透阈值时电导率呈指数增长。

    图  4  碳纤维复合材料内部三维导电网络示意图[23]
    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of three-dimensional conductive network inside carbon fiber composite[23]


    表  1  单向复合材料层压板电导率预测模型
    Table  1.  Prediction model for electrical conductivity of unidirectional composite laminates
    ModelElectrical conductivity prediction model Ref.
    Longitudinal directionTransverse directionThickness direction
    Haider model (Composites containing conductive particles)σxx=σfVf+σm(1Vf)σyy=σzz = σmσf(1+Vf)+σm(1Vf)σf(1Vf)+σm(1+Vf) [34]
    Penetration model(Unidirectional composite)σzz = σf(VfVc)p [35]
    Bueche model(Composites containing conductive particles)σxx=(1Vf)/σf+Vfwg/σm1/σmσf [36]
    Fiber contact model(Multidirectional composites containing angle layers)σxx=πd2X4σfVpdclcos2θσyy=πd2X4σfVpdclsin2θ [37]
    Fiber inclination model(Multidirectional composites containing angle layers)σxx=σfVfcos2θ(1LtanθW)σyy=σfVfsin2θ(1LcotθW) [37]
    Effective medium model(Unidirectional composite)σxx=σm[1+Vf(σfσm)[(σfσm)(S11+S33)+2σm]2(σfσm)2(1Vf)S11S33+σm(σfσm)(2Vf)(S11S33)] [38]
    McCullough model(Composites containing conductive particles)σii=Vfσf+VmσmλiVfVm(σfσm)2Vfiσf+Vmiσm
    Vfi=(1λi)Vf+λiVm,Vmi=(1λi)Vm+λiVf, i=1, 2, 3
    Notes: σf—Fiber conductivity; σm—Resin conductivity; Vf—Fiber volume fraction; Vc—Critical fiber volume fraction; p—Critical exponent; wg—Conductive particle content; d—Fiber diameter; dc—Fiber contact circle diameter; X—Fiber contact coefficient; l—Fiber length; Vp—Contact fiber volume; L—Sample length; W—Sample width; θ—Fiber inclination angle; S—Shape parameter; x, y, z—Coordinate direction; 1, 2, 3—Principal axis direction; λi—Fiber contact factor; σxx, σyy, σzz—Electrical conductivity in the x, y and z directions; σii—Conductivity component.
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    对于二维增强结构碳纤维复合材料,Senghor等[40]通过三步法建立了多尺度均质模型预测缎纹机织复合材料层压板的有效电导率张量,计算步骤如图5所示:(1) 利用渗透理论、Hertz弹性接触理论和Holm接触电阻理论构建纱线三维等效电阻网络,并采用欧姆特性模拟纱线电导率张量;(2) 通过选取代表性体积单元和封闭算法计算单层复合材料的电导率张量;(3) 采用多层六面体退化惠特尼单元模拟计算整个复合材料的电流环路。结果发现模型预测结果与实验结果具有较好的一致性,并进一步发现面内各方向电导率均相等。Baltopoulos等[41]通过测试斜纹机织复合材料层压板面内0°、30°、45°、60°和90°等5种不同角度方向的电导率,发现面内方向电导率与角度无关。Han等[42]通过对比交叉铺层和平纹机织层压复合材料的交织结构,发现平纹机织物中的经、纬纱周期性交织形成了桥联区域,使电流以均等的机会沿纵向与横向流动,最终导致面内电导率相等;同时碳纤维经、纬纱均处于弯曲状态,导致厚度方向纤维间接触点增多。纱线弯曲导致其轴向电导率减小,径向电导率增加。测试结果显示,与碳纤维纱线在面内方向处于伸直状态的交叉铺层复合材料层压板相比,平纹机织复合材料层压板的电导率在面内方向降低了27.5%,厚度方向则增加了12.5%。

    图  5  缎纹机织复合材料层压板电导率多尺度均质模型分析[40]
    Figure  5.  Multi-scale homogeneous model analysis of electrical conductivity of satin woven composite laminates[40]
    [σ]yarn—Yarn conductivity; Rx, Ry, Rz—Resistance in the x, y and z directions of Unit 2; Reqx, Reqy, Reqz—Equivalent resistance of single-layer composite materials in the x, y and z directions





    图  6  不同铺层结构碳纤维复合材料层压板电势场和温度场分布[47]
    Figure  6.  Distribution of electric potential field and temperature field of carbon fiber composite laminates with different laminate structures[47]
    J—Electrical current; φ*—Electrical potential field; E*—Electrical field component; Q*—Heat flux; T*—Temperature; T*image—Thermal imaging temperature

    在电导率各向异性的基础上,为分析导电复合材料内部的电流分布,Busch等[48]提出了一个二维线性电导率各向异性模型。此后Park等[49]采用实验和理论分析相结合的方法,对比分析了不同电极位置加载下单向复合材料层压板表面电势场的分布规律。Todoroki等[50]通过类比热导率控制方程和理想流体的特性,推导出了二维和三维条件下线性电导率各向异性的电势函数,并结合镜像法,将其成功用于分析单/多向复合材料层压板内部的电流密度分布[30, 51-52],实验测试结果和理论数据吻合较好。

    对于二维增强结构复合材料,Lee等[53]采用实验测试和有限元分析相结合的方法研究了平纹机织复合材料层压板中电极位置与破坏孔洞之间间距对电势分布的影响,结果发现两者距离越小,电势变化越明显。Kikunaga 等[54]通过电晕瞬间充电的方法观测了不同斜纹机织碳纤维复合材料层压板表面电势场的分布,结果表明电势场分布与织物结构密切相关,而且织物的浮长线越长,电导率越高,相应区域的电势值也越大。Gaier等[55]利用四点法测试发现平纹机织复合材料层压板表面电势场的分布与金属铜板相似。


    图  7  单对电极加载下平纹机织复合材料层压板表面电势场分布[42]
    Figure  7.  Surface potential field distributions of plain woven composite laminates under single pair of electrodes[42]
    CFRP—Carbon fiber reinforced plastic; DC—Direct current
    图  8  两对电极加载下平纹机织复合材料层压板表面电势场分布[42]
    Figure  8.  Surface potential field distributions of plain woven composite laminate under two pairs of electrodes[42]


    图  9  3D机织角连锁(AI)织物结构
    Figure  9.  Architecture of 3D woven angle-interlock (AI) fabric
    图  10  单对电极加载下3D机织AI复合材料表面电势场分布[56]
    Figure  10.  Surface potential field distributions of 3D woven AI composites under single pair of electrodes[56]
    AIW—Angle-interlock woven
    图  11  两对电极加载下3D机织AI复合材料表面电势场分布[56]
    Figure  11.  Surface potential field distribution of 3D woven AI composites under two pairs of electrodes[56]


    碳纤维树脂基复合材料作为一种自我感知的智能传感结构材料,主要通过自身的压阻效应(Piezoresistivity)对外界刺激进行响应。压阻效应是一种力电耦合行为,表现为材料电阻随着应变的变化而变化,因此可以通过电阻测量实现材料的健康监测[57]。压阻效应在一定范围内呈线性回复,而当损伤发生时则表现出不可逆的电阻变化,因此能够为复合材料的结构变形与损伤扩展提供判断依据。其中灵敏度系数(Gage factor,GF)是评价压阻效应的关键指标,通常指单位应变导致的可逆电阻的相对变化量,其数值会随着增强结构、电极配置和应力水平的变化而变化。


    图  12  应变电压变化与循环次数曲线[64]
    Figure  12.  Strain and Potential vs. number of loading cycles curve[64]
    CH 1—Channel 1; CH 2—Channel 2


    Park等[49, 67]和Xia等[68]考虑纤维接触点的影响,引入了电无效长度 δec (Electrical ineffective length)参数,从而建立了等效直流并联电阻模型(图13);同时结合Weibull强度理论和全局负荷分担(Global load sharing,GLS)模型建立了单向复合材料层压板一维力电耦合本构模型,并用蒙特卡洛法验证了该本构模型在拉伸作用下的有效性,最终将其成功应用于复合材料的损伤定量分析。在此研究的基础上,Ogi等[69]直接将接触电阻与碳纤维电阻串联,组成H型等效直流电路,建立了二维力电耦合本构模型,预测了拉伸作用下单向复合材料层压板的电阻变化,结果显示该模型能准确预测0°和90°层压板在低应变区线性压阻响应和高应变区非线性压阻响应;通过将灵敏度系数表示为偏轴角度的函数,发现当偏轴角度为12°时灵敏度系数达到最大值。Zhu等[70]考虑层间接触电阻的影响,建立了复合材料层压板梁厚度方向的并联电阻模型(图14),用以分析变形后碳纤维复合材料梁拉伸面和压缩面的电阻变化,结果表明在弯曲应力下,厚度方向的电导率增大,使电流沿厚度方向更容易渗透传导,从而在宏观上表现出与弯曲变形对应的压阻响应。Sevkat等[71]采用四探针法发现多向复合材料层压板的压阻行为与单向复合材料层压板不同,电阻变化呈明显的三段式:先增加、然后减小和最终的指数增加,其中电阻减小阶段是由于复合材料受拉时产生的泊松效应、高纤维体积含量和多角度铺层结构使内部纤维接触点增多,从而导致电导率增加;同时基于纤维接触点的Weibull分布函数和电导率指数函数建立了力电耦合统计模型,该模型可以准确预测上述3个阶段的压阻响应。Wang等[72]依据泊松效应、应变效应和损伤效应推导出了多向层压板沿纵向和厚度方向的二维力电耦合本构模型,并通过压缩实验进行了验证,结果表明随着压缩应变的增加,复合材料因内部损伤导致应变系数和灵敏度系数逐渐降低,变化趋势如图15所示。现有研究单/多向碳纤维复合材料层压板的力电耦合本构模型和适用条件见表2

    图  13  单节点处电阻网路和等效电阻模型[68]
    Figure  13.  Electrical network and equivalent electrical circuit around a single node[68]
    δ—Electrical ineffective length; Ri,j—Node resistance; Rc—Contact resistance; Vi,j—Node voltage
    图  14  等效电阻模型[70]
    Figure  14.  Equivalent electrical circuit[70]
    RL(i)—Longitudinal resistance of the ith lamina; RΓ(i)—Thickness resistance associated with half of the ith lamina; A—Voltage contact
    图  15  (a) 循环压缩实验;(b) 灵敏度系数与压缩应变曲线[72]
    Figure  15.  (a) Cycle compressive test; (b) Gage factor vs compressive strain curve[72]
    表  2  单/多向复合材料层压板力电耦合本构模型
    Table  2.  Electromechanical coupling constitutive model of unidirectional/multi-directional composite laminates
    DimensionResistance modelElectromechanical coupling
    constitutive model
    1DConsidering fiber contact resistance, the basic resistance unit is the electrical ineffective length, which is suitable for unidirectional laminatesΔRR=(1+αε)exp[(δecLO)(Efεσ0)]1[67]
    2DConsidering fiber contact resistance, the basic resistance unit
    is 1/2 of the ineffective length, suitable for unidirectional laminates
    1DConsidering the fiber contact resistance, it follows Weibull statistical distribution; Conductivity, which follows a linear change before fiber fracture and an exponential change after fiber fracture, suitable for multi-directional laminatesΔRR=1 + eσ/σ01(ε[71]
    2DConsidering Poisson effect, strain effect, and damage effect, suitable for multi-directional laminates\begin{gathered}\upsilon = - \dfrac{{{\varepsilon _{11}}}}{{{\varepsilon _{33}}}},{\left( {\dfrac{{\Delta \rho }}{\rho }} \right)_{{\text{reversible}}}} = \alpha {\varepsilon _{33}} \\ \dfrac{{\Delta {R_{33}}}}{{{R_{33}}}} = {\varepsilon _{33}}(1 + \alpha + 2\upsilon ) \\ \dfrac{{\Delta {R_{11}}}}{{{R_{11}}}} = \dfrac{{\Delta {\rho _{11}}}}{{{\rho _{11}}}} - \dfrac{{{{\Delta {R_{33}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\Delta {R_{33}}} {{R_{33}}}}} \right. } {{R_{33}}}}}}{{1 + \alpha + 2\upsilon }} \\ {\left( {\dfrac{{\Delta \rho }}{\rho }} \right)_{{\text{irreversible}}}} = \beta {\varepsilon _{33}} \\ \end{gathered} [72]
    Notes: \Delta R—Resistance change rate; R—Resistance; \alpha —Gage factor; \varepsilon —Strain; {\delta _{{\text{ec}}}}—Slip length; {E_{\text{f}}}—Tensile modulus; L—Sample length; {L_{\text{O}}}—Reference length; {\sigma _{\text{0}}}—Weibull scale factor; K—Strain coefficient; {F_{\text{1}}}—Failure probability of series resistor components; {F_{\text{2}}}—Probability of failure of parallel resistor components; S—Loading stress; {S_{\text{0}}}—Reference stress; \Delta \rho —Resistivity change rate; \rho —Resistivity; υ—Poisson's ratio; b—Constant, 0.973; t—Constant,8.67; β—Damage effect coefficient.
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    对于三维增强结构复合材料,Saleh等[13]研究了三维机织AI结构(正交、层层和贯穿厚度)经向和偏轴角度(0°和45°)在拉伸作用下对力电耦合行为的影响,结果发现正交AI的偏轴方向由于材料内部纱线沿加载方向重新取向,发生大变形并形成有效的导电通路,导致拉伸破坏应变最大,电阻呈现出先增大后减小的变化趋势;层层AI的偏轴方向由于材料内部纱线、树脂分层引起了局部损伤,电阻变化最大。Wan等[76]采用四探针法研究了三维四向编织碳纤维复合材料的力电耦合行为,发现电阻在拉伸应变较小时呈现出线性增加的变化规律,当拉伸应变超过6%时,电阻则呈现出非线性增加;循环压缩实验表明电阻随着压缩比和循环次数的增加而线性增加。Cheng等[77]研究了碳/芳纶混杂三维机织正交AI复合材料在弯曲循环加载下的压阻响应,发现在低挠度下复合材料表现出了负压阻效应,在高挠度下表现出了正压阻效应,且位于中间位置处的碳纤维长丝束电阻变化最大。Han等[11]利用四探针法研究了不同偏轴角度的三维机织AI复合材料在短梁剪切准静态和循环加载下的电阻响应, 发现三维机织AI复合材料的力电耦合行为对偏轴角度十分敏感:在准静态加载过程中,轴向试样因纱线断裂导致内部导电通路发生中断,电阻直线增加;偏轴试样因内部纱线发生重新取向和分离,导电网络经历破坏和重组的变化过程,电阻增加缓慢,最终保持恒定;在相同载荷循环加载下,复合材料由于压阻效应,相对电阻变化(\Delta R)为负值并可逆地降低,其中0°轴向试样的\Delta R变化最小,45°和60°偏轴试样的\Delta R分别显示出最大的变化值和变化幅度,如图16所示。薛有松等[14]研究了三维机织 AI复合材料经、纬向在弯曲作用下的压阻响应,实验发现在弯曲疲劳加载前期,复合材料呈现出负压阻效应,基体裂纹、界面脱粘等不可逆的损伤随着循环次数的增加不断累积,导致电阻缓慢增加;在弯曲疲劳加载后期,电阻显著增加,这主要是由于主承载纱线的断裂所致(图17)。

    图  16  循环载荷与最大剪切载荷比和相对电阻变化关系[11]
    Figure  16.  Relationship between the ratio of cycle load to shear strength and relative resistance change[11]
    图  17  电阻-循环次数曲线[14]
    Figure  17.  Resistance-number of loading cycles curve[14]



    (1) 深入研究不同增强结构碳纤维树脂基复合材料的电导率、电势场分布和力电耦合行为,系统揭示复合材料导电机制的结构效应和传导路径差异;

    (2) 结合电阻抗成像技术、电网络理论和机器学习等新技术,为研究三维增强结构碳纤维树脂基复合材料的电导特性和力电耦合行为提供新思路和新方案;

    (3) 在构建碳纤维树脂基复合材料力电耦合本构模型时,应准确表征碳纤维复合材料在加载条件下电阻响应和刚度退化之间的定量关系,明晰导电网络的变形、破坏和重组等变化过程,最终实现碳纤维复合材料导电结构的优化设计和智能监测的有效利用。

  • 图  1   碳纤维复合材料在结构健康监测(SHM)中的应用:(a) 力电耦合行为;(b) 导电机制;(c) 飞机机翼监测;(d) 桥梁承载监测

    Figure  1.   Application of carbon fiber composites in structural health monitoring (SHM): (a) Electromechanical coupling behavior; (b) Conductive mechanism; (c) Aircraft wing monitoring; (d) Bridge bearing monitoring

    ΔR—Relative resistance change; R0—Initial resistance; σ1—Stress; ε1—Strain

    图  2   复合材料不同维度增强体结构

    Figure  2.   Different dimensional reinforcement structure of composites

    图  3   复合材料内部电流传导路径示意图

    Figure  3.   Schematic diagram of internal current conduction path of composites

    图  4   碳纤维复合材料内部三维导电网络示意图[23]

    Figure  4.   Schematic diagram of three-dimensional conductive network inside carbon fiber composite[23]

    图  5   缎纹机织复合材料层压板电导率多尺度均质模型分析[40]

    Figure  5.   Multi-scale homogeneous model analysis of electrical conductivity of satin woven composite laminates[40]

    [σ]yarn—Yarn conductivity; Rx, Ry, Rz—Resistance in the x, y and z directions of Unit 2; Reqx, Reqy, Reqz—Equivalent resistance of single-layer composite materials in the x, y and z directions

    图  6   不同铺层结构碳纤维复合材料层压板电势场和温度场分布[47]

    Figure  6.   Distribution of electric potential field and temperature field of carbon fiber composite laminates with different laminate structures[47]

    J—Electrical current; φ*—Electrical potential field; E*—Electrical field component; Q*—Heat flux; T*—Temperature; T*image—Thermal imaging temperature

    图  7   单对电极加载下平纹机织复合材料层压板表面电势场分布[42]

    Figure  7.   Surface potential field distributions of plain woven composite laminates under single pair of electrodes[42]

    CFRP—Carbon fiber reinforced plastic; DC—Direct current

    图  8   两对电极加载下平纹机织复合材料层压板表面电势场分布[42]

    Figure  8.   Surface potential field distributions of plain woven composite laminate under two pairs of electrodes[42]

    图  9   3D机织角连锁(AI)织物结构

    Figure  9.   Architecture of 3D woven angle-interlock (AI) fabric

    图  10   单对电极加载下3D机织AI复合材料表面电势场分布[56]

    Figure  10.   Surface potential field distributions of 3D woven AI composites under single pair of electrodes[56]

    AIW—Angle-interlock woven

    图  11   两对电极加载下3D机织AI复合材料表面电势场分布[56]

    Figure  11.   Surface potential field distribution of 3D woven AI composites under two pairs of electrodes[56]

    图  12   应变电压变化与循环次数曲线[64]

    Figure  12.   Strain and Potential vs. number of loading cycles curve[64]

    CH 1—Channel 1; CH 2—Channel 2

    图  13   单节点处电阻网路和等效电阻模型[68]

    Figure  13.   Electrical network and equivalent electrical circuit around a single node[68]

    δ—Electrical ineffective length; Ri,j—Node resistance; Rc—Contact resistance; Vi,j—Node voltage

    图  14   等效电阻模型[70]

    Figure  14.   Equivalent electrical circuit[70]

    RL(i)—Longitudinal resistance of the ith lamina; RΓ(i)—Thickness resistance associated with half of the ith lamina; A—Voltage contact

    图  15   (a) 循环压缩实验;(b) 灵敏度系数与压缩应变曲线[72]

    Figure  15.   (a) Cycle compressive test; (b) Gage factor vs compressive strain curve[72]

    图  16   循环载荷与最大剪切载荷比和相对电阻变化关系[11]

    Figure  16.   Relationship between the ratio of cycle load to shear strength and relative resistance change[11]

    图  17   电阻-循环次数曲线[14]

    Figure  17.   Resistance-number of loading cycles curve[14]

    表  1   单向复合材料层压板电导率预测模型

    Table  1   Prediction model for electrical conductivity of unidirectional composite laminates

    ModelElectrical conductivity prediction model Ref.
    Longitudinal directionTransverse directionThickness direction
    Haider model (Composites containing conductive particles){\sigma _{{{xx}}}} = {\sigma _{\text{f}}}{V_{\rm{f}}} + {\sigma _{\rm{m}}}(1 - {V_{\rm{f}}}){\sigma _{{{yy}}}} = {\sigma _{zz}}{\text{ = }}{\sigma _{\text{m}}}\dfrac{{{\sigma _{\rm{f}}}(1 + {V_{\rm{f}}}) + {\sigma _{\text{m}}}(1 - {V_{\rm{f}}})}}{{{\sigma _{\rm{f}}}(1 - {V_{\rm{f}}}) + {\sigma _{\text{m}}}(1 + {V_{\rm{f}}})}} [34]
    Penetration model(Unidirectional composite){\sigma _{{{zz}}}}{\text{ = }}{\sigma _{\rm{f}}}{\left( {{V_{\rm{f}}} - {V_{\rm{c}}}} \right)^{{p}}} [35]
    Bueche model(Composites containing conductive particles){\sigma _{{{xx}}}} = \dfrac{{{{(1 - {V_{\rm{f}}})} /{{\sigma _{\rm{f}}} + {{{V_{\rm{f}}}{w_{\rm{g}}}} / {{\sigma _{\rm{m}}}}}}}}}{{{1 /{{\sigma _{\rm{m}}}{\sigma _{\rm{f}}}}}}} [36]
    Fiber contact model(Multidirectional composites containing angle layers){\sigma _{ { {xx} } } } = \dfrac{ { {\text{π} } {d^2}X} }{ {4{ \sigma_{\text{f} } }{V_{\rm{p} } }{d_{\rm{c} } }l{\cos^2}\theta } }{\sigma _{{\text{yy}}}} = \dfrac{{{\text{π}} {d^2}X}}{{4{\sigma _{{\rm{f}}}}{V_{\rm{p}}}{d_{\rm{c}}}l{\text{si}}{{\text{n}}^2}\theta }} [37]
    Fiber inclination model(Multidirectional composites containing angle layers){\sigma _{ { {xx} } } } = {\sigma _{\rm{f} } }{V_{\text{f} } }\cos{^2}\theta \left(1 - \dfrac{ {L\tan \theta } }{W}\right){\sigma _{ { {yy} } } } = {\sigma _{\rm{f} } }{V_{\text{f} } }{\text{si} }{ {\text{n} }^2}\theta \left(1 - \dfrac{ {L\cot \theta } }{W}\right) [37]
    Effective medium model(Unidirectional composite){\sigma _{{{xx}}}} = {\sigma _{\rm{m}}}\left[ {1 + \dfrac{{{V_{\rm{f}}}({\sigma _{\rm{f}}} - {\sigma _{\rm{m}}})\left[ {({\sigma _{\rm{f}}} - {\sigma _{\rm{m}}})\left( {{S_{11}} + {S_{33}}} \right) + 2{\sigma _{\rm{m}}}} \right]}}{{2{{({\sigma _{\rm{f}}} - {\sigma _{\rm{m}}})}^2}(1 - {V_{\rm{f}}}){S_{11}}{S_{33}} + {\sigma _{\rm{m}}}({\sigma _{\rm{f}}} - {\sigma _{\rm{m}}})(2 - {V_{\rm{f}}})({S_{11}} - {S_{33}})}}} \right] [38]
    McCullough model(Composites containing conductive particles){\sigma _{ { {ii} } } } = {V_{\rm{f} } }{\sigma _{\rm{f} } } + {V_{\rm{m} } }{\sigma _{\rm{m} } } - \dfrac{ { {\lambda _i}{V_{\rm{f} } }{V_{\rm{m} } }{ {({\sigma _{\rm{f} } } - {\sigma _{\rm{m} } })}^2} } }{ { {V_{ { {{\rm{f}}i} } } }{\sigma _{\rm{f} } } + {V_{ { {{\rm{m}}i} } } }{\sigma _{\rm{m} } } } }
    {V_{{{\rm{f}}}}}_{{i}} = (1 - {\lambda _i}){V_{\text{f}}} + {\lambda _i}{V_{\text{m}}},{V_{\text{m}}}_{{i}} = (1 - {\lambda _i}){V_{\text{m}}} + {\lambda _i}{V_{\text{f}}}, i=1, 2, 3
    Notes: {\sigma _{\text{f}}}—Fiber conductivity; {\sigma _{\text{m}}}—Resin conductivity; {V_{\text{f}}}—Fiber volume fraction; {V_{\text{c} } }—Critical fiber volume fraction; p—Critical exponent; {w_{\text{g} } }—Conductive particle content; d—Fiber diameter; {d_{\text{c}}}—Fiber contact circle diameter; X—Fiber contact coefficient; l—Fiber length; {V_{\text{p}}}—Contact fiber volume; L—Sample length; W—Sample width; \theta —Fiber inclination angle; S—Shape parameter; x, y, z—Coordinate direction; 1, 2, 3—Principal axis direction; {\lambda _{{{{i}}} } }—Fiber contact factor; σxx, σyy, σzz—Electrical conductivity in the x, y and z directions; σii—Conductivity component.
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    表  2   单/多向复合材料层压板力电耦合本构模型

    Table  2   Electromechanical coupling constitutive model of unidirectional/multi-directional composite laminates

    DimensionResistance modelElectromechanical coupling
    constitutive model
    1DConsidering fiber contact resistance, the basic resistance unit is the electrical ineffective length, which is suitable for unidirectional laminates\dfrac{ {\Delta R} }{R} = \dfrac{ {(1 + \alpha \varepsilon )} }{ {\exp\left[ { - \left(\dfrac{ { {\delta _{\rm ec} } } }{ { {L_{\rm{O}}} } }\right)\left(\dfrac{ { {E_{\rm{f} } }\varepsilon } }{ { {\sigma _0} } }\right)} \right]} }{ { - } }1[67]
    2DConsidering fiber contact resistance, the basic resistance unit
    is 1/2 of the ineffective length, suitable for unidirectional laminates
    \begin{gathered} \dfrac{{\Delta {R_{11}}}}{{{R_{11}}}} = \dfrac{{1 + K{}_{11}{\varepsilon _{11}}}}{{{{\left( {1 - {F_1}} \right)}^2}}} - 1(0^\circ ) \\ \dfrac{{\Delta {R_{22}}}}{{{R_{22}}}} = \dfrac{{1 + K{}_{22}{\varepsilon _{22}}}}{{1 - {F_2}}} - 1(90^\circ ) \\ \end{gathered} [69]
    1DConsidering the fiber contact resistance, it follows Weibull statistical distribution; Conductivity, which follows a linear change before fiber fracture and an exponential change after fiber fracture, suitable for multi-directional laminates\begin{gathered} \dfrac{ {\Delta R} }{R} = \dfrac{ { {\text{1 + e} } } }{ { {\sigma / { {\sigma _{\rm 0} } } } } } - 1(\varepsilon \leqslant 10\% ) \\ \dfrac{ {\Delta R} }{R} = \dfrac{ { {\text{1 + e} } } }{ {b{ {\rm e}^{ - { {(S - {S_0})}^t} } } }} - 1(\varepsilon \leqslant 10\% ) \\ \end{gathered}[71]
    2DConsidering Poisson effect, strain effect, and damage effect, suitable for multi-directional laminates\begin{gathered}\upsilon = - \dfrac{{{\varepsilon _{11}}}}{{{\varepsilon _{33}}}},{\left( {\dfrac{{\Delta \rho }}{\rho }} \right)_{{\text{reversible}}}} = \alpha {\varepsilon _{33}} \\ \dfrac{{\Delta {R_{33}}}}{{{R_{33}}}} = {\varepsilon _{33}}(1 + \alpha + 2\upsilon ) \\ \dfrac{{\Delta {R_{11}}}}{{{R_{11}}}} = \dfrac{{\Delta {\rho _{11}}}}{{{\rho _{11}}}} - \dfrac{{{{\Delta {R_{33}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\Delta {R_{33}}} {{R_{33}}}}} \right. } {{R_{33}}}}}}{{1 + \alpha + 2\upsilon }} \\ {\left( {\dfrac{{\Delta \rho }}{\rho }} \right)_{{\text{irreversible}}}} = \beta {\varepsilon _{33}} \\ \end{gathered} [72]
    Notes: \Delta R—Resistance change rate; R—Resistance; \alpha —Gage factor; \varepsilon —Strain; {\delta _{{\text{ec}}}}—Slip length; {E_{\text{f}}}—Tensile modulus; L—Sample length; {L_{\text{O}}}—Reference length; {\sigma _{\text{0}}}—Weibull scale factor; K—Strain coefficient; {F_{\text{1}}}—Failure probability of series resistor components; {F_{\text{2}}}—Probability of failure of parallel resistor components; S—Loading stress; {S_{\text{0}}}—Reference stress; \Delta \rho —Resistivity change rate; \rho —Resistivity; υ—Poisson's ratio; b—Constant, 0.973; t—Constant,8.67; β—Damage effect coefficient.
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  • 目的 








  • 碳纤维及其复合材料作为国家战略新兴材料,因其轻质高强、高冲击损伤容限和多重增强结构混杂制造等特性,广泛应用在航空航天、远洋船舶、轨道交通和新能源汽车等高精尖技术领域。碳纤维复合材料除优异的损伤容限和热传导性能以外,突出的电导特性和压阻效应等多功能属性近年来逐步受到重视。碳纤维复合材料在外部承载下结构变形诱发电阻发生相应变化,本身可作为智能传感器件记录损伤演变过程,在实现结构材料承载的同时发挥功能材料自我感应的作用,在结构健康监测(Structural health monitoring,SHM)应用中具有巨大的潜在价值。



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  • 收稿日期:  2022-11-24
  • 修回日期:  2023-01-05
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