
郑舒方, 王玉印, 郭兰迪, 靳玉岭

郑舒方, 王玉印, 郭兰迪, 等. 具有三维连续网络结构的聚合物基导热复合材料研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(12): 6528-6544. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230530.004
引用本文: 郑舒方, 王玉印, 郭兰迪, 等. 具有三维连续网络结构的聚合物基导热复合材料研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(12): 6528-6544. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230530.004
ZHENG Shufang, WANG Yuyin, GUO Landi, et al. Research progress of thermally conductive polymer composites with three-dimensional interconnected network structures[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(12): 6528-6544. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230530.004
Citation: ZHENG Shufang, WANG Yuyin, GUO Landi, et al. Research progress of thermally conductive polymer composites with three-dimensional interconnected network structures[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(12): 6528-6544. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230530.004


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(22201099);山东省自然科学基金青年基金(ZR2021 QB204);济宁学院博士科研启动基金(2018 BSZX04)

    郑舒方,博士,讲师,研究方向为有机/无机杂化纳米功能复合材料设计 E-mail: zhengsf1988@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Research progress of thermally conductive polymer composites with three-dimensional interconnected network structures

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (22201099); Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund (ZR2021 QB204); Doctoral Research Start-up Fund of Jining University (2018 BSZX04)
  • 摘要: 热界面材料可以有效地将高温电子器件的热量快速传递到热管理元件,以缓解电子器件过热而导致的元件寿命恶化的问题。近年来,由聚合物和高导热填料制成的聚合物基复合材料因其密度低、导热性能可调而受到广泛关注。不同于传统的填料随机分散的复合材料,在聚合物基体中构建三维连续网络结构可以显著增加填料/填料接触、降低导热渗透阈值和界面热阻,显著改善复合材料的导热性能。首先,简要分析了聚合物基导热复合材料的导热机制。其次,总结了具有连续网络结构的聚合物基导热复合材料的构筑工艺,主要包括基于三维导热填料网络的预构筑、基于聚合物颗粒/粉末的后加工、基于聚合物纤维/织物的后加工、基于聚合物胶乳的铸膜或絮凝等工艺。再次,系统总结了不同类型的导热填料对聚合物复合材料导热性能的影响,主要包括金属填料、陶瓷填料、碳基填料及其混杂填料等。最后,对具有三维连续网络结构的聚合物基导热复合材料的发展前景进行了展望。


    Abstract: Thermal interface materials could effectively transfer the heat from electronic devices with high temperature to the thermal management components, so as to alleviate the problems of deterioration of component life caused by overheating of electronic devices. In recent years, the polymer-based composites composed of polymer matrix and reinforcing fillers with high thermal conductivities have been widely concerned because of their low density and adjustable thermal conductivities. Different from the conventional composites with randomly dispersed fillers, the construction of three-dimensional (3D) continuous network structure in the polymer matrix could significantly increase the filler/filler contact, reduce the percolation threshold of thermal conductivity and the interfacial thermal resistance, and then significantly improve the thermal conductivities of composites. Firstly, the thermal conductivity mechanisms of polymer-based thermal conductive composites were briefly analyzed. Secondly, the construction processes of polymer-based thermally conductive composites with interconnected network structures were summarized, mainly including the pre-construction of 3D thermally conductive filler network, the post-processing based on polymer particle/powder, the post-processing based on polymer fiber/fabric, and the film casting or flocculation based on polymer latex. The effects of different types of thermal conductive fillers on the thermal conductivities of polymer composites were summarized, mainly including metal fillers, ceramic fillers, carbon-based fillers and their hybrid fillers. Finally, the development prospects of polymer-based thermally conductive composites with interconnected network structures were prospected.


  • 随着航空航天、5G通信和人工智能等领域高集成化、多功能化和智能化技术的迅猛发展,电路传输功耗和发热量急剧增大,引起严重的材料失效问题,因此需要高效导热耗散热量保障设备的正常工作温度并延长工作寿命。聚合物导热材料由于良好的可加工性、耐腐蚀性和电绝缘性在热管理领域备受关注[1-3]。常见的聚合物导热材料主要包括两种:本征型聚合物导热材料和填充型聚合物导热材料。本征型聚合物导热材料的制备工艺繁琐、成本高昂,在工业应用上不具备优势,而填充型聚合物导热材料制备流程简便、可控程度高,适用于大规模工业生产与应用[4]。但是填充型聚合物导热材料通常需要较高的填充量以达到理想的热导率,严重影响聚合物导热材料的力学性能和可加工性。因此,如何通过结构/功能一体化设计构筑高效导热网络,获得低填充且高导热的聚合物导热材料是目前亟需解决的难题。

    二维纳米材料如氮化硼纳米片(BNNS)、还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)和多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)等被广泛用作高导热填料[5-10]。其中,BNNS具有与石墨烯类似的二维片层结构,热导率达到1700~2000 W/(m·K)。Wang等[11]以三聚氰胺泡沫(MF)为三维骨架,通过逐层组装将BNNS包覆其上,并使用环氧树脂(EP)浸渍封装制得MF@BNNS/EP复合材料。当BNNS填充量为1.1vol%时,复合材料的热导率为0.6 W/(m·K)。与纯EP相比,其热导率提高了123%。聚氨酯(PU)开孔泡沫是由聚醚/聚酯多羟基醇与含有氨基的多元异氰酸酯反应并发泡所制得的多孔材料,具有高孔隙率和高弹性,泡棱表面含有大量的极性官能团(如羰基),且制作工艺成熟、成本低、环保可降解,是一种理想的聚合物多孔材料模板[12-16]。Yang等[17]首先将BNNS和碳纳米管(CNTs)包覆于PU开孔泡沫骨架,然后采用牺牲模板法将复合材料在380℃下热解1 h得到三维BNNS/CNT复合材料,并使用EP浸渍封装制得三维BNNS/CNT/EP复合材料。当BNNS/CNT填充量为5wt%时,其热导率为0.33 W/(m·K)。Zeng等[18]使用冰模板法制得BNNS气凝胶,再通过EP封装得到低填充高导热复合材料。上述研究尽管构筑了连续的导热网络,但通过树脂封装后增大了界面热阻,并未充分发挥连续导热网络的优势。



    BNNS@PDA的制备与功能化改性过程如图1(a)所示。取2 g BN粉末加入单口烧瓶,加入200 mL IPA溶液,在20 kHz、200 W条件下超声搅拌6 h得到乳白色BN和BNNS混合分散液,静置一段时间后以2000 r/min转速离心20 min使BNNS和BN分层,将上层清液真空辅助抽滤后,置于70℃烘箱中干燥4 h得到BNNS。取0.2 g BNNS置于单口烧瓶中,加入200 mL Tris缓冲溶液(pH=8.5),在20 kHz、200 W条件下超声搅拌1 h使BNNS分散均匀,再加入0.6 g DA于60℃水浴条件下搅拌6 h,使DA自聚得到PDA并接枝到BNNS表面,得到棕黑色分散液,静置冷却至室温,使用去离子水多次抽滤洗涤,置于70℃烘箱内干燥,得到BNNS@PDA。

    图  1  聚多巴胺功能化改性氮化硼纳米片(BNNS@PDA) (a)和BNNS@PDA/聚氨酯(PU)复合材料 (b) 的制备示意图
    Figure  1.  Schematic illustration for fabrication of polydopamine functionalized nitride boron nanosheets (BNNS@PDA) (a) and BNNS@PDA/polyurethane (PU) composites (b)
    BN—Boron nitride; IPA—Isopropyl alcohol

    BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的制备如图1(b)所示。将BNNS@PDA分散于去离子水中配制成2 mg/mL分散液,将PU开孔泡沫逐次在分散液中浸涂并干燥,重复1~5次,使BNNS@PDA负载于PU开孔泡沫的三维骨架表面,得到不同BNNS@PDA填充量的BNNS@PDA/PU复合泡沫,然后将其置于厚0.5 mm的模具中,在175℃、10 MPa条件下热压10 min,冷却至室温取出得到双导热网络BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料。将未浸涂BNNS@PDA的PU开孔泡沫在相同模具和工艺条件下进行热压得到具有单导热网络PU材料。

    使用德国布鲁克公司红外光谱仪(VECTOR-22)对BNNS和BNNS@PDA的化学结构进行表征。通过日本岛津公司X射线光电子能谱仪(AXIS SUPRA)检测BNNS和BNNS@PDA表面元素的变化。使用德国布鲁克公司的X射线衍射仪(D8 QUEST)对BNNS和BNNS@PDA晶格结构进行表征。使用日本日立公司热重分析仪(STA7200RV)对BNNS、BNNS@PDA和BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料进行热重分析。使用美国FEI公司的高分辨场发射扫描电镜(FEI Verios 460)观察BNNS、BNNS@PDA和BNNS@PDA/PU的微观形貌。采用西安夏溪电子科技公司的导热系数仪(TC3000)对复合材料的热导率进行测试。使用红外热成像仪(Fluke Ti300)分析BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料在65℃热台上的表面温度分布变化。

    图2(a)~2(c)分别是BN、BNNS和BNNS@PDA的水分散液数码照片,使用激光笔照射分散液,可以观察到在BNNS和BNNS@PDA分散液中有明显的光路,产生了丁达尔效应,说明BNNS和BNNS@PDA在去离子水中具有良好的分散性。图2(a')~2(c')是静置24 h后的数码照片,BN分散液出现明显沉淀,而BNNS和BNNS@PDA分散液无明显沉淀,且光路清晰。这是由于通过超声剥离和功能化改性得到的BNNS和BNNS@PDA表面存在大量羟基和氨基,使其亲水性增加,能够在去离子水中保持稳定的分散状态。图2(b'')2(c'')分别是BNNS和BNNS@PDA的SEM图像。可以看出,剥离后的BNNS和BNNS@PDA表现出纳米片层结构,并且形貌完整。BNNS@PDA表面较粗糙,说明PDA已成功接枝于BNNS表面[17-19]

    图  2  BN ((a), (a'))、BNNS ((b), (b')) 和BNNS@PDA ((c), (c')) 静置24 h前后的分散液数码照片;BNNS (b'') 和BNNS@PDA (c'') 的SEM图像
    Figure  2.  Digital photographs of BN ((a), (a')), BNNS ((b), (b')) and BNNS@PDA ((c), (c')) dispersion before and after standing for 24 h; SEM images of BNNS (b'') and BNNS@PDA (c'')

    图3(a)是BN、BNNS、BNNS@PDA、PU开孔泡沫和BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的红外图谱。BNNS在3452 cm−1、1591 cm−1、1375 cm−1和813 cm−1处的特征峰分别是—OH、N—H键的面内弯曲振动及B—N键的面内拉伸振动和面外弯曲振动,这是由于经剥离后得到的BNNS表面形成了—OH。BNNS@PDA在2808 cm−1处产生了亚甲基面内弯曲振动的特征峰,说明DA发生自聚并接枝在BNNS表面[20]。BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料在3302 cm−1、1355 cm−1和763 cm−1处的特征峰分别是酰胺基团中N—H键的面内弯曲振动及N—B键的面内拉伸振动和面外弯曲振动。其中N—H键的特征峰位置较PU开孔泡沫中N—H键的特征峰(3369 cm−1)发生红移,这是由于BNNS@PDA表面的—OH与PU中的N—H形成氢键。因此BNNS@PDA可通过层层氢键组装包覆于PU开孔泡沫的三维骨架表面。

    图  3  (a) BN、BNNS、BNNS@PDA、PU开孔泡沫和BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的FTIR图谱;(b) BN、BNNS和BNNS@PDA的XRD图谱;BNNS和BNNS@PDA的XPS图谱 (c) 和TGA曲线 (d)
    Figure  3.  (a) FTIR spectras of BN, BNNS, BNNS@PDA, porous PU foams and BNNS@PDA/PU composites; (b) XRD patterns of BN, BNNS and BNNS@PDA; XPS spectras (c) and TGA curves (d) of BNNS and BNNS@PDA




    图  4  PU开孔泡沫的数码照片 (a) 和SEM图像 (a') 及单导热网络PU材料的SEM图像 (a'');BNNS@PDA/PU复合泡沫数码照片 (b)、SEM图像 (b') 和B元素EDS分布图像 (b'');BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料数码照片 (c) 和断面SEM图像 ((c'), (c''))
    Figure  4.  Digital photo (a) and SEM image of porous PU foams (a') and SEM image of PU with single heat-conduction network (a''); Digital photo (b), SEM image (b') and EDS mapping image of B (b'') of BNNS@PDA/PU composite foams; Digital photo (c), SEM images ((c'), (c'')) of BNNS@PDA/PU composites

    图5为不同BNNS@PDA含量的BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的热导率。可以看出,BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的热导率随着BNNS@PDA含量的增加而增大,其中单导热网络PU材料的热导率为0.387 W/(m·K),与纯PU(0.21 W/(m·K))相比提高了45.7%[21]。当BNNS@PDA的含量为16.3wt%时,复合材料的热导率达到0.783 W/(m·K),与单导热网络PU材料相比提高了102.3%。这是由于引入BNNS@PDA后,包覆在PU开孔泡沫三维骨架表面的BNNS@PDA形成连续导热网络,与PU三维骨架共同形成双导热网络进行热量的传输,进一步提高了BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的热导率。

    图  5  BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的热导率
    Figure  5.  Thermal conductivity of BNNS@PDA/PU composites


    图  6  BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的单导热网络 (a) 与双导热网络 (b) 导热机制
    Figure  6.  Heat conduction mechanism of single (a) and double (b) heat-conduction networks of BNNS@PDA/PU composites

    图7为BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料在65℃热板上受热升温的红外热成像图像。从图7(a)中可以看到单导热网络PU材料受热6 s后,表面温度从42℃上升到55.3℃。图7(b)中BNNS@PDA含量为16.3wt%的BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料受热6 s后,表面温度从42℃上升到60.6℃。图8为BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料受热温度变化曲线,与单导热网络PU材料相比,BNNS@PDA含量为16.3wt%的BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料在初始阶段升温速率更快,并且迅速达到热稳定状态,说明引入BNNS@PDA后,复合材料热响应时间更快,导热能力更强,能够将热板的温度快速传递到复合材料表面。

    图  7  单导热网络PU (a) 和BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料 (b) 的红外热成像图像
    Figure  7.  Infrared thermal images of PU with single heat-conduction network (a) and BNNS@PDA/PU composites (b)
    图  8  单导热网络PU与BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料受热温度变化曲线
    Figure  8.  Heating temperature curves of PU with single heat-conduction network and BNNS@PDA/PU composites


    图  9  BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的TGA曲线
    Figure  9.  TGA curves of BNNS@PDA/PU composites

    (1) 基于层层氢键组装,以聚氨酯(PU)开孔泡沫为模板,以聚多巴胺功能化改性氮化硼纳米片(BNNS@PDA)为导热填料,采用浸涂-热压成型法制得低填充、高导热BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料。

    (2) 通过多巴胺对BNNS进行表面功能化改性能够使其良好地负载于PU开孔泡沫的三维骨架表面,并通过热压成型形成以PU骨架为主要导热网络、以PU骨架表面包覆的BNNS@PDA为次级导热网络的高效双重三维导热网络结构,从而降低导热复合材料的界面热阻。

    (3) BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的热导率随着BNNS@PDA含量增加而增大。当BNNS@PDA含量为16.3wt%时,BNNS@PDA/PU复合材料的热导率达到0.783 W/(m·K),与单导热网络PU的热导率(0.387 W/(m·K))相比提高了102.3%。

  • 图  1   (a) 低填料含量下形成的“海-岛”结构;(b) 高填料含量下形成的热传导路径;(c) 导热阈渗现象;(d) 热弹性系数理论[27]

    Figure  1.   (a) “Sea-island” in low fillers loading; (b) Thermal conduction paths in high fillers loading; (c) Percolation phenomenon; (d) Thermoelastic coefficient theory[27]

    λ—Thermal conductivity coefficient

    图  2   (a) 流化床化学气相沉积(CVD)工艺制备氮化硼纳米粒子(BNNS)/碳纳米管(CNTs)示意图和三维BNNS/CNTs/环氧树脂(EP)复合材料制备示意图;(b) 三维泡沫骨架上沉积的BNNS/CNTs的SEM图像;(c) 三维导热网络结构对BNNS/CNTs/EP复合材料导热系数的增强作用[39]

    Figure  2.   (a) Schematic illustration of the fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process for the fabrication of boron nitride nanoparticles (BNNS)/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and the preparation process of 3D BNNS/CNTs/epoxy (EP) composie; (b) SEM image of BNNS/CNTs deposited on 3D foam skeleton; (c) Enhancement of 3D network structure on thermal conductivity of BNNS/CNTs/EP composite[39]

    PU—Polyurethane; CNTs15%—Mass fraction (15wt%) of CNTs in BNNS/CNTs samples

    图  3   (a) 具有连续网络结构的(CNT+BN)@聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)复合材料制备示意图;(b) 均匀分散的CNT/BN/PVDF复合材料和具有连续网络结构的(CNT+BN)@PVDF复合材料在不同混杂填料配比下的导热系数的对比; (c) (CNT+BN)@PVDF复合材料在不同热压温度下的导热系数变化,插图显示了混杂填料网络形貌[18]

    Figure  3.   (a) Schematic representation showing the preparation of interconnected (CNT+BN)@polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) composites; (b) Thermal conductivities of uniformly dispersed CNT/BN/PVDF and interconnected (CNT+BN)@PVDF composites as a function of the volume ratio of hybrid fillers; (c) Thermal conductivities of (CNT+BN)@PVDF composites molded at varied compression temperature, the insets exhibited the morphologies of hybrid filler network[18]

    TC—Thermal conductivity

    图  4   (a) 热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)/聚多巴胺(PDA)/Ag复合材料制备示意图;(b) TPU/PDA/Ag纤维膜表面 SEM图像;(c) 热流沿面内方向的连续Ag粒子路径的传导示意图;(d) 不同Ag含量下TPU/PDA/Ag复合膜的导热系数[53]

    Figure  4.   (a) Schematic illustration of the preparation process of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)/polydopamine (PDA)/Ag composites; (b) SEM image of the surface of TPU/PDA/Ag fiber membrane; (c) Schematic illustration of heat flow transfer along continuous silver particles pathways in-plane direction; (d) Thermal conductivities of TPU/PDA/Ag composite films versus mass fraction of Ag[53]

    TPU/PDA/Ag-x—Mass fraction (xwt%) of Ag loading in TPU/PDA/Ag (polyurethane/polydopamine/argentum) composite films

    图  5   (a) 通过胶乳共混-铸膜工艺制备具有连续网络的天然橡胶(NR)-羧基化多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTR)复合材料的制备示意图;(b) NR-MWCNTR复合材料的TEM图像[56]

    Figure  5.   (a) Schematic representation of the preparation of natural rubber (NR)-carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTR) composites with interconnected network by latex blending-solution casting process; (b) TEM images of NR-MWCNTR composite film[56]

    MWCNT—Multi-walled carbon nanotube

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    Figure  6.   Thermal conductivity of common materials including polymers and fillers (Metals, ceramics and carbon materials)[10]

    BNNT—Boron nitride nanotube; h-BN—Hexagonal boron nitride; BAs—Cubic boron arsenide; AlN—Aluminum nitride; BNNS—Boron nitride nanosheet

    图  7   (a) Cu@TPU复合材料制备和Cu2+在TPU颗粒表面还原的示意图[71];(b) PVDF@PDA@Ag/低熔点合金(LMPA)、PVDF/LMPA和PVDF@PDA/LMPA复合材料制备示意图[74]

    Figure  7.   (a) Schematic illustration of preparation process of Cu@TPU composites and Cu2+ reduction process on TPU granules[71]; (b) Schematic diagram of fabrication process of PVDF@PDA@Ag/low melting point alloy (LMPA), PVDF/LMPA and PVDF@PDA/LMPA composites[74]

    图  8   (a) BN@聚苯硫醚(PPS)和BN/PPS复合材料的制备示意图;(b) 30vol%BN含量下BN@PPS颗粒的OM图像;(c) 具有连续网络结构的BN/PPS复合材料和PPS/BN共混复合材料的导热系数[85]

    Figure  8.   (a) Schematic illustrating the synthesis process of BN@polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) and BN/PPS composite; (b) OM image of BN@PPS particles with 30vol%BN loading; (c) Thermal conductivity of the interconnected architecture BN/PPS composites and PPS/BN blend composites[85]

    APTES—3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane; S-PPS—Segregated polyphenylene sulfide; A-BN—APTES functionalized BN; PEI—Polyethylenimine

    图  9   (a) 具有连续网络结构的还原氧化石墨烯(RGO)/TPU复合材料的制备过程示意图;(b) RGO/TPU复合材料切片的OM图像;(c) 连续网络结构RGO/TPU的导热系数[20]

    Figure  9.   (a) Schematic illustration of fabrication process of reduced graphene oxide (RGO)/TPU composite with interconnected structure; (b) Optical microscope images of RGO/TPU composite sections; (c) Thermal conductivities of RGO/TPU with interconnected structure[20]

    GO—Graphene oxide

    图  10   (a) 具有三维连续网络结构的聚苯乙烯(PS)/氧化石墨烯(GO)-PDA复合材料制备示意图,插图为PS/GO-PDA薄膜照片;((b), (b’)) PS/GO-PDA微球的SEM图像;(c) 不同填料含量下PS/GO-PDA复合材料的面内和面外导热系数;(d) 不同填料含量下PS/GO和PS/GO-PDA体积电阻率[103]

    Figure  10.   (a) Schematic illustration of preparation of the polystyrene (PS)/graphene oxide (GO)-PDA composites with a continuous three-dimensional network. Inset: photograph of the PS/GO-PDA thin film; ((b), (b’)) SEM images of the PS/GO-PDA microspheres; (c) In-plane and through-plane thermal conductivities of the PS/GO-PDA composites with different filler loadings; (d) Volume electrical resistivity of the PS/GO and PS/GO-PDA with different filler loadings[103]

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