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赵俊捷 陶文武 曾利建 李毅超 李仁府 王坤

赵俊捷, 陶文武, 曾利建, 等. 基于蛋白质分散的碳纳米管/环氧树脂粘结剂的粘结性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(2): 753-760. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220412.003
引用本文: 赵俊捷, 陶文武, 曾利建, 等. 基于蛋白质分散的碳纳米管/环氧树脂粘结剂的粘结性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(2): 753-760. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220412.003
ZHAO Junjie, TAO Wenwu, ZENG Lijian, et al. Investigation of the bonding performance of a protein dispersed carbon nanotube/epoxy adhesive[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(2): 753-760. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220412.003
Citation: ZHAO Junjie, TAO Wenwu, ZENG Lijian, et al. Investigation of the bonding performance of a protein dispersed carbon nanotube/epoxy adhesive[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(2): 753-760. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220412.003


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220412.003
基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2019kfyXJJS060)

    李毅超,博士,讲师,研究方向为航空复合材料、树脂基纳米复合材料 E-mail:liyichao@hust.edu.cn;

    李仁府,博士,教授,研究方向为飞行器设计、多功能航空复合结构设计 E-mail:renfu.li@hust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Investigation of the bonding performance of a protein dispersed carbon nanotube/epoxy adhesive

Funds: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2019kfyXJJS060)
  • 摘要: 碳纳米管/环氧树脂因其优良的力学与粘结性能可广泛应用于航空航天等高端领域结构件的胶结连接。然而如何有效降低碳纳米管的团聚性,保证制备工艺的低成本与绿色环保是该纳米粘结剂能够实际应用的关键。为此,本文提出一种基于蛋白质分散的碳纳米管增强环氧树脂粘接剂并对其粘结性能进行了研究。结果表明:经过酸或碱性环境变性处理的大豆分离蛋白能够有效降低碳纳米管的团聚性并显著提高环氧树脂的粘接性能,当碳纳米管质量分数为0.1wt%时,经酸、碱性处理的大豆分离蛋白-碳纳米管/环氧树脂粘结剂的粘结性能增幅分别为26.6%、26.7%;而当碳纳米管质量分数增加到0.3wt%时,两种处理方法的大豆分离蛋白-碳纳米管/环氧树脂粘结剂的粘结性能增幅分别为10.2%和18.3%,碱处理结果比酸处理提升79%。


  • 图  1  碳纤维粘接板: (a)碳纤板与玻纤组合;(b)粘接板固化、切割;(c)粘接板三点弯实验;(d)粘接板实物组成图

    Figure  1.  Carbon fiber bonding board: (a) Carbon fiber board and glass fiber combination; (b) Bonding board curing and cutting; (c) Three-point bending experiment of bonding board; (d) Diagram of bonding board physical composition

    图  2  三点弯测试平台及显微镜

    Figure  2.  Three-point bending test platform and microscope

    图  3  (a)质量分数0.1wt%下不同改性处理CNT动态散射实验测量粒子直径;(b) 图3(a)局部放大图;(c)静置一周后测量改性CNT粒子直径

    SPI—Soy protein isolate; CNT—Carbon nanotube

    Figure  3.  (a) Particle diameters measured by dynamic scattering experiments of CNT with different modification treatments; (b) Partial enlarged view of Fig. 3(a); (c) Particle diameters of modified CNT measured after standing for a week

    图  4  质量分数0.1wt%下不同改性处理CNT与原始大豆分离蛋白的FTIR图谱

    Figure  4.  FTIR spectra of different modified CNTs and raw soybean protein isolates at 0.1wt% mass fraction

    图  5  升温速率为20 K/min下不同改性处理CNT与原始大豆分离蛋白热重实验结果

    Figure  5.  Thermogravimetric experimental results of different modified CNTs and raw soybean protein isolate at a heating rate of 20 K/min

    图  6  质量分数0.1wt% ((a)~(c))、0.3wt% ((d)~(f))下未改性CNT粘接剂粘接头断裂过程

    Figure  6.  Fracture process of unmodified CNT adhesive at mass fraction of 0.1wt% ((a)-(c)) and 0.3wt% ((d)-(f))

    图  7  不同质量分数下未改性CNT增强粘接剂失效形式与失效载荷

    Figure  7.  Failure modes and failure loads of unmodified CNT-reinforced adhesives under different mass fractions

    图  8  质量分数0.1wt%蛋白质酸((a)~(c))、碱((d)~(f))改性CNT增强粘接剂粘接头断裂过程

    Figure  8.  Fracture process of bond joints of 0.1wt% protein acid ((a)-(c)), base ((d)-(f)) modified CNT-reinforced adhesive

    图  9  质量分数0.1wt%、0.3wt%酸碱变性处理下CNT增强粘接剂胶结头失效载荷

    Figure  9.  Failure load of CNT-reinforced adhesive bonding head under acid-base denaturation treatment with mass fraction of 0.1wt% and 0.3wt%

    图  10  大豆分离蛋白修饰碳纳米管表面机制示意图

    Figure  10.  Mechanism of surface modification of carbon nanotubes with soybean protein isolate

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