Dynamic response and damage of fiber metal interpenetrating composite plate under low-velocity impact
摘要: 纤维增强金属复合材料受到冲击时容易发生金属与纤维分层从而影响力学性能,为了缓解此类现象,将金属板冲孔,使用碳纤维和芳纶纤维交替穿编,制备了一种三维复合材料纤维金属互穿式复合板(Fiber Metal Interpenetrating Composite Plate,FMICP)。进行了低速冲击试验,研究了FMICP在不同冲击速度、冲击面积和冲孔样式下的力学性能。研究表明:当冲击速度在35.19~78.08 m/s之间时,FMICP发生了贯穿破坏,吸收了39.78~70.67 J的冲击能量;受到恒定49 J冲击能量时,冲击面积为491 mm2的FMICP最高能够吸收42.77 J能量;随着冲击面积的增大,FMICP中受到拉伸的纤维数量增多,冲击造成的冲切破坏和局部损伤减小;冲孔类型改变了FMICP中金属基的占比和应力传递方式,椭圆冲孔FMICP (41.11 J)相对矩型冲孔FMICP (34.08 J)能够起到更好的吸收能量的作用。本研究结果可为FMICP的推广应用提供参考。
- 低速冲击 /
- 能量吸收 /
- 三维穿编 /
- 纤维金属互穿式复合板 /
- 动力响应
Abstract: Fiber reinforced metal composites are prone to delamination of metal and fibre when subjected to impact, thus affecting the mechanical properties, in order to alleviate such phenomena, a three-dimensional composite Fiber Metal Interpenetrating Composite Plate (FMICP) was prepared by punching the metal plate and alternately threading it with carbon fibres and aramid fibres. Low-speed impact tests were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of FMICP at different impact velocities, impact areas and punching styles. The study shows that: when the impact velocity is between 35.19 and 78.08 m/s, the FMICP undergoes penetration damage and absorbs 39.78 J to 70.67 J of impact energy; when subjected to a constant 49 J of impact energy, the FMICP with an impact area of 491 mm2 is able to absorb a maximum of 42.77 J of energy; as the impact area increases, the number of fibers subjected to stretching in the FMICP increases, which decreases the punching damage and local damage caused by the impact; the type of punching changes the percentage of metal base in the FMICP and the mode of stress transfer, the elliptical punched FMICP (41.11 J) is able to absorb energy more effectively compared to the rectangular punched FMICP (34.08 J). The results of this study can provide a reference for the promotion and application of FMICP. -
表 1 纤维金属互穿式复合板(FMICP)制备材料力学性能
Table 1. Mechanical properties of Fiber-Metal Interpenetrating Composite Plate(FMICP) prepared materials
Material Density/
at break/%Aluminium alloy 2.68 230 170 70 — 14 Carbon fibre 1.76 3530 — 230 7 1.5 Aramid fiber 1.45 1750 — 440 15 3.1 Epoxy resin 0.95 75 — 2.0 — 8.7 表 2 FMICP试件参数
Table 2. FMICP specimen parameters
Number Thickness/mm Quality/g Punch type Punch shape/mm AC/AL-A1-1(1) 2.93±0.10 41.0 Elliptical
RectangularAC/AL-A1-1(2) 2.90±0.10 40.7 AC/AL-A1-1(3) 2.94±0.10 41.2 AC/AL-A1-2 3.32±0.10 48.4 AC/AL-A1-3 2.78±0.10 40.2 AC/AL-A1-4 3.16±0.10 47.0 AC/AL-A1-5 2.91±0.10 40.9 AC/AL-A2-1(1) 2.99±0.10 43.8 AC/AL-A2-1(2) 2.95±0.10 42.9 AC/AL-A2-1(3) 2.97±0.10 43.1 AC/AL-A3-1(1) 2.94±0.10 42.9 AC/AL-A3-1(2) 2.89±0.10 42.0 AC/AL-A3-1(3) 2.97±0.10 43.1 AC/AL-B1-1(1) 2.84±0.10 39.7 Circular-rectangular AC/AL-B1-1(2) 2.91±0.10 40.1 AC/AL-B1-1(3) 2.93±0.10 40.3 AC/AL-C1-1(1) 3.09±0.10 43.3 Rectangular AC/AL-C1-1(2) 2.98±0.10 42.1 AC/AL-C1-1(3) 3.04±0.10 42.9 Notes:AC/AL is an aramid fibre (A) and carbon fibre (C) reinforced aluminum based (AL) FMICP; The three numbers in A1-1 differentiate between the type of punch, the impact area, and the impact velocity of the specimen, the specimen numbers in the article are abbreviated versions. 表 3 弹体及弹托力学性能
Table 3. Mechanical properties of Bullet and Shell casing
Parts Material Density/(g·cm−3) Tensile
modulus/GPaBullet Alloy Steel SKD11 7.80 2000 2800 1700 210 Shell casing Nylon 1.15 75 90 70 2.9 表 4 FMICP冲击试验结果汇总
Table 4. Summary of FMICP impact test results
Number Initial
energy/JEnergy absorption rate/% AC/AL-A1-1(1) 35.19 11.94 314 44.96 5.18 39.78 88.49 AC/AL-A1-1(2) 36.94 13.76 49.55 6.88 42.68 86.12 AC/AL-A1-1(3) 35.93 12.86 46.89 6.01 40.88 87.19 AC/AL-A1-2 49.95 35.28 90.58 45.19 45.39 50.11 AC/AL-A1-3 65.15 51.93 154.13 97.90 56.22 36.48 AC/AL-A1-4 68.86 56.52 172.15 115.98 56.17 32.63 AC/AL-A1-5 78.08 64.42 221.34 150.67 70.67 31.93 AC/AL-A2-1(1) 47.54 29.64 177 45.43 17.67 27.77 61.11 AC/AL-A2-1(2) 49.67 28.77 49.58 16.64 32.94 66.44 AC/AL-A2-1(3) 49.02 29.94 48.30 18.02 30.28 62.70 AC/AL-A3-1(1) 30.62 15.59 491 53.85 13.97 39.89 74.07 AC/AL-A3-1(2) 29.74 16.19 50.80 15.05 42.77 73.96 AC/AL-A3-1(3) 30.18 15.84 52.32 14.41 38.58 72.81 AC/AL-B1-1(1) 37.55 23.42 314 51.21 15.15 36.06 70.42 AC/AL-B1-1(2) 36.96 21.33 49.59 16.51 33.08 66.70 AC/AL-B1-1(3) 37.89 20.97 52.11 15.96 36.16 69.39 AC/AL-C1-1(1) 36.81 21.36 49.20 16.57 32.63 66.32 AC/AL-C1-1(2) 38.42 22.87 53.58 18.99 34.60 64.57 AC/AL-C1-1(3) 37.99 21.89 52.39 17.39 35.00 66.80 表 5 不同冲孔FMICP参数
Table 5. Different punching FMICP parameters
Number Punch type Single punching area/mm2 Metal based ratio/% Metal based quality/g AC/AL-A1-1(1-3) Elliptical 12.56 81.91 22.12 AC/AL-B1-1(1-3) Circular-rectangular 15.14 78.19 21.11 AC/AL-C1-1(1-3) Rectangular 16 76.96 20.78 Notes: Metal based ratio is the proportion of base metal after punching to the mass of base metal before punching. 表 6 Recht-Ipson模型拟合参数
Table 6. Recht-Ipson model fitting parameters
a p FMICP 0.823 2.726 -
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