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吴玉涛 王冰冰 田飞宇 陈秀兰 朱春锋 徐信武

吴玉涛, 王冰冰, 田飞宇, 等. 木质素基阻燃剂改性聚氨酯保温材料的制备及性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-14.
引用本文: 吴玉涛, 王冰冰, 田飞宇, 等. 木质素基阻燃剂改性聚氨酯保温材料的制备及性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-14.
WU Yutao, WANG Bingbing, TIAN Feiyu, et al. Preparation and properties of lignin-based flame retardant-modified polyurethane insulation materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: WU Yutao, WANG Bingbing, TIAN Feiyu, et al. Preparation and properties of lignin-based flame retardant-modified polyurethane insulation materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 江苏省科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX23_1183)

    徐信武,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为木质复合材料。 E-mail: xucarpenter@njfu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TQ328.2;TB332

Preparation and properties of lignin-based flame retardant-modified polyurethane insulation materials

Funds: Postgraduate Research &Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (KYCX23_1183)
  • 摘要: 建筑保温材料的阻燃抑烟性能事关消防安全。本研究基于聚磷酸铵(APP),针对其界面相容性和抑烟性能差的问题,利用碱木素(AL)、双(4-异氰酸酯基苯基)甲烷(MDI),制备了核壳结构的膨胀型阻燃剂APP@AL (APP∶MDI∶AL为9∶2∶1),并应用于硬质聚氨酯(RPU)泡沫保温材料的阻燃处理(添加量25wt%)。通过SEM-EDS、XPS、FT-IR等方法分析APP@AL的结构及组成,采用锥形量热仪(CONE)、热重(TG)等仪器分析了阻燃抑烟性能。结果表明,APP@AL与RPU泡沫基体具有良好的界面相容性。与添加APP的RPU泡沫复合材料相比,APP@AL改性RPU泡沫复合材料的抗压强度显著提高(达31.8%),导热系数降低(7.0%);此外,CONE测试表明,平均放热速率和总放热量分别降低27.2%和24.4%,同时抑烟性能显著增强(总产烟量减少 47.6%,总CO产量降低 57.0%)。TG分析表明,APP@AL阻燃剂的热稳定性明显高于APP,且更有助于构建稳定的残炭层。综上,木质素基膨胀型阻燃剂对RPU泡沫保温材料具备优异的阻燃抑烟作用。


  • 图  1  APP和APP@AL的SEM-EDS图像

    Figure  1.  SEM-EDS of APP and APP@AL

    图  2  (a-c) APP和APP@AL的XPS能谱;(d) APP和APP@AL的红外光谱

    Figure  2.  (a-c) XPS fine spectra; (d) FTIR spectra for each flame retardant

    图  3  APP@AL的合成机制示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic mechanism of APP@AL synthesis

    图  4  Pure RPU(a-a2),25APP/RPU(b-b2),25APP@AL1/RPU(c-c2),25APP@AL2/RPU(d-d2) ,25APP@AL3/RPU(e-e2)的SEM图像

    Figure  4.  SEM image of Pure RPU(a-a2), 25APP/RPU(b-b2), 25APP@AL1/RPU(c-c2), 25APP@AL 2/RPU(d-d2), 25APP@AL3/RPU (e-e2)

    图  5  RPU泡沫复合材料的(a) HRR, (b) TSP, (c) COP和(d) CO2P曲线

    Figure  5.  (a) HRR, (b) STP, (c) COP, (d) CO2P curves of RPU foam composites

    图  6  CONE测试后泡沫复合材料残炭的顶视图

    Figure  6.  Top view of char residual of RPU foam composites after CONE testing

    图  7  在N2氛围下RPU泡沫复合材料的热稳定性:(a) TG,(b) DTG

    Figure  7.  Thermal stability of RPU foam composites under N2 atmosphere: (a) TG, (b) DTG

    图  8  (a) Pure RPU,(b) 25APP/RPU,(c) 25APP@AL1/RPU,(d) 25APP@AL2/RPU/RPU,(e) 25APP@AL3/RPU,(f) 25APP@AL4/RPU残炭的SEM图像

    Figure  8.  SEM images char residual of (a) Pure RPU; (b) 25APP/RPU;(c) 25APP@AL1/RPU; (d) 25APP@AL2/RPU/RPU; (e) 25APP@AL3/RPU; (f) 25APP@AL4/RPU

    图  9  RPU泡沫复合材料泡沫残炭的拉曼光谱图

    Figure  9.  Raman spectra of char residual of RPU foam composites

    图  10  APP、APP@AL3和AL在N2氛围下的热稳定性:(a)TG,(b)DTG

    Figure  10.  Thermal stability of APP, APP@AL3 and AL under N2 atmosphere: (a) TG, (b) DTG

    图  11  APP@AL阻燃机制示意图

    Figure  11.  Schematic illustration for the proposed flame-retardant mechanism of APP@AL

    表  1  APP改性配方

    Table  1.   formula of APP modification

    Formulation APP@AL1 APP@AL2 APP@AL3 APP@AL4
    APP / g 45 45 45 45
    MDI / g 5 7.5 10 11.25
    AL / g 10 7.5 5 3.75
    Notes: APP−Ammonium polyphosphate; MDI− 4 4'-Methylenebiphenyl isocyanate; AL−Alkali lignin.
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    表  2  硬质聚氨酯(RPU)泡沫复合材料配方

    Table  2.   Preparation formula of rigid polyurethane (RPU) foam composites

    Formulation Pure RPU 25APP/RPU 25APP@AL1/RPU 25APP@AL2/RPU 25APP@AL3/RPU 25APP@AL4/RPU
    APP/g 0 50 0 0 0 0
    APP@AL1/g 0 0 50 0 0 0
    APP@AL2/g 0 0 0 50 0 0
    APP@AL3/g 0 0 0 0 50 0
    APP@AL4/g 0 0 0 0 0 50
    LY-4110/g 100 100 100 100 100 100
    AK-8805/g 2 2 2 2 2 2
    LC/g 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
    HFC-365 mfc/g 33 33 33 33 33 33
    PAPI/g 100 100 100 100 100 100
    Notes: LY-4110−Polyetherpolyol; AK-8805−Silicone surfactant; LC−Dibutyltin dilaurate; HFC-365 mfc−Foaming agent;PAPI− Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate; 25APP/RPU,25APP@AL1/RPU,25APP@AL2/RPU, 25APP@AL3/RPU,25APP@AL4/RPU, the 25 indicates that the amount of flame retardant added is 25% of the total mass of LY-4110 and PAPI.
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    表  3  APP和APP@AL中C、P和N元素含量

    Table  3.   Elemental C, P and N content in APP and APP@AL

    Samples C/wt% P/wt% N/wt%
    APP 0 26.0 14.4
    APP@AL1 13.8 19.5 11.9
    APP@AL2 12.9 20.6 12.2
    APP@AL3 11.6 22.1 12.8
    APP@AL4 11.1 21.5 13.2
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    表  4  RPU泡沫复合材料的孔径尺寸、表观密度、导热系数和压缩强度

    Table  4.   The cell diameter, apparent density, compression strength and thermal conductivity of RPU foam composites

    Samples Cell diameter/μm Apparent density/(kg·m−3) Thermal conductivity/(mW·m−1·K−1) Compressive strength/kg
    Pure RPU 533 ± 80* 50.5 ± 1.2 23.2 ± 0.1 194 ± 20
    25APP/RPU 601 ± 90 49.4 ± 1.5 24.2 ± 0.2 173 ± 25
    25APP@AL1/RPU 455 ± 60 51.8 ± 1.1 22.7 ± 0.1 214 ± 18
    25APP@AL2/RPU 458 ± 55 51.7 ± 1.0 22.7 ± 0.2 215 ± 14
    25APP@AL3/RPU 444 ± 65 52.0 ± 0.9 22.5 ± 0.2 228 ± 20
    25APP@AL4/RPU 449 ± 70 51.9 ± 1.0 22.6 ± 0.2 221 ± 21
    Note: * Average and standard deviations.
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    表  5  RPU泡沫复合材料燃烧性能测试结果

    Table  5.   Test results of fire performance of flame-retardant RPU foam composites

    Samples HRR/(kW·m−2) LOI/% TTI/s THR/(MJ·m−2) SPR/(cm2·s−1) TSP/m2 COY/(kg·kg−1) Residue/%
    Pure RPU 403.8 253.1 18.5 6 56.0 0.0094 5.5 279.2 7.4
    25APP/RPU 132.6 68.7 26.2 3 25.0 0.0034 2.1 54.2 25.4
    25APP@AL1/RPU 149.2 58.6 26.8 5 19.1 0.0027 1.7 27.1 29.2
    25APP@AL2/RPU 145.0 56.5 26.9 5 19.0 0.0026 1.5 26.5 28.5
    25APP@AL3/RPU 140.5 50.0 27.0 5 18.9 0.0023 1.1 23.3 28.7
    25APP@AL4/RPU 150.1 61.6 26.7 5 19.3 0.0025 1.3 25.8 28.0
    Notes: PHRR−Peak heat release rate; MHRR−Mean heat release rate; LOI−Limiting oxygen index; TTI−Time to ignition; THR−Total heat release; SPR−Smoke release rate; TSP−Total smoke release; COY−CO yield; Residue−Charcoal residue rate.
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    表  6  在相应温度下RPU泡沫复合材料不同热解阶段和800℃的残炭

    Table  6.   The corresponding temperatures of RPU foam composites at different pyrolysis stages and the char residue at 800℃

    SamplesT10% / ℃T50% / ℃W800 / wt%
    Pure RPU27234813.0
    Notes: T10% and T50% represent the temperature where 10wt% and 50wt% of weight were lost, W800 represents the residual weight at 800℃.
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