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公衍斌 王震宇 邵永波 常志远

公衍斌, 王震宇, 邵永波, 等. 矩形截面连续纤维GFRP箍筋弯曲段受拉性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
引用本文: 公衍斌, 王震宇, 邵永波, 等. 矩形截面连续纤维GFRP箍筋弯曲段受拉性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
GONG Yanbin, WANG Zhenyu, SHAO Yongbo, et al. Bend capacity of continuous fiber GFRP stirrups with rectangular section[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: GONG Yanbin, WANG Zhenyu, SHAO Yongbo, et al. Bend capacity of continuous fiber GFRP stirrups with rectangular section[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (52278222);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2022ME007);烟台大学研究生科研创新基金(KGIFYTU2315)

    王震宇,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为纤维增强复材及其在海洋工程中的应用。 E-mail: zywang@ytu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TU502+.6;TB332

Bend capacity of continuous fiber GFRP stirrups with rectangular section

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52278222); Natural Science Foundation of Shandong, China (ZR2022ME007); Yantai University Graduate Student Research Innovation Foundation (KGIFYTU2315)
  • 摘要: 纤维增强复合材料(FRP)箍筋角部弯曲段受拉强度是箍筋破坏的关键控制参数,为研究新型矩形截面连续纤维玻璃纤维增强树脂复合材料(GFRP)箍筋的弯曲段受拉性能,采用ACIB.5试验方法测试并得到了9种不同矩形截面GFRP箍筋与传统拉挤圆形截面箍筋的弯曲段受拉强度,考察了箍筋形式、截面宽度、厚度及宽厚比对GFRP箍筋弯曲段受拉性能的影响规律。试验结果表明,矩形截面连续纤维GFRP箍筋的弯曲段受拉强度与圆形截面拉挤箍筋相比有明显提高。弯曲段受拉强度与直线段受拉强度之比随矩形截面厚度的减小而增大,随截面宽度增加而减小。当截面面积一定时,随着宽厚比的增大,弯曲段受拉强度与直线段受拉强度之比呈增大趋势,但增长幅度逐渐减小。根据试验数据建立了考虑弯曲半径与截面宽厚比影响的矩形截面连续纤维GFRP箍筋弯曲段受拉强度预测模型,箍筋弯曲半径建议在25~40 mm范围内取值,依据不同的弯曲半径,连续纤维GFRP箍筋最优宽厚比的建议取值范围为2~8,为该类箍筋实际应用提供了设计依据。


  • 图  1  箍筋弯曲段受拉强度测试装置(单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Experimental set-up for the bend strength of stirrups (Units: mm)

    图  2  箍筋弯曲段受拉试验破坏模式

    Figure  2.  Failure modes of the bend test of stirrups

    图  3  箍筋弯曲段受拉性能试件的弯曲段受拉强度与直 线段受拉强度之比

    Figure  3.  The ratio of the bend strength to the tensile strength for specimens of bend capacity

    图  4  截面尺寸对箍筋弯曲段受拉性能试件的弯曲段与直 段受拉强度之比的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of the dimension of cross-section on the ratio of the bend strength to the tensile strength for speci- mens of bend capacity

    EXP is experimental value; PRE is predicted curve

    图  5  箍筋弯曲段受拉性能试件弯曲段受拉强度试 验值和预测值的比较

    Figure  5.  Comparison of experimental and predicted bend strength for specimens of bend capacity

    图  6  基于本文模型的不同截面面积下截面宽厚比和弯 曲段受拉强度与直线段受拉强度比的关系

    Figure  6.  The relationship between width-to-thickness ratio and the ratio of bend strength to tensile strength for differ- ent cross-sectional areas based on the paper model

    图  7  基于本文模型的弯曲半径 r 与截面最优宽厚比的 关系

    Figure  7.  The relationship between the bend radius and the optimal width-to-thickness ratio based on the paper model

    表  1  箍筋弯曲段受拉性能试件工况与试验结果

    Table  1.   Specimen design and test results of the bend test

    Group Specimens Numbers N w/mm t/mm w/t Afv/mm2 ffb/MPa ffb,avg/MPa COV/% ffb/ffu υk/%
    Continuous fiber
    GFRP rectangular
    section stirrups
    C-9×3 1 8 9 3 3 27.0 824.8 892.2 5.09 0.81 0.15
    2 8 9 3 3 27.0 885.9
    3 8 9 3 3 27.0 878.5
    4 8 9 3 3 27.0 935.7
    C-18×1.5 1 4 18 1.5 12 27.0 870.6 933.3 8.14 0.85 0.15
    2 4 18 1.5 12 27.0 865.4
    3 4 18 1.5 12 27.0 1009.1
    4 4 18 1.5 12 27.0 988.3
    C-9×6 1 16 9 6 1.5 54.0 765.8 726.5 3.96 0.66 0.14
    2 16 9 6 1.5 54.0 700.5
    3 16 9 6 1.5 54.0 728.9
    4 16 9 6 1.5 54.0 710.5
    C-18×3 1 8 18 3 6 54.0 727.2 784.6 6.68 0.72 0.15
    2 8 18 3 6 54.0 796.4
    3 8 18 3 6 54.0 763.9
    4 8 18 3 6 54.0 850.8
    C-12×4.5 1 12 12 4.5 2.7 54.0 742.5 760.6 2.90 0.69 0.15
    2 12 12 4.5 2.7 54.0 763.2
    3 12 12 4.5 2.7 54.0 790.6
    4 12 12 4.5 2.7 54.0 745.8
    C-14×3.75 1 10 14 3.75 3.7 52.5 778.3 773.3 2.92 0.71 0.15
    2 10 14 3.75 3.7 52.5 800.5
    3 10 14 3.75 3.7 52.5 768.2
    4 10 14 3.75 3.7 52.5 746.1
    C-14×4 1 10 14 4 3.5 56.0 787.5 768. 7 5.84 0.70 0.15
    2 10 14 4 3.5 56.0 804.7
    3 10 14 4 3.5 56.0 691.7
    4 10 14 4 3.5 56.0 790.9
    C-14×5 1 10 14 5 2.8 70.0 649.3 722.4 8.41 0.66 0.19
    2 10 14 5 2.8 70.0 702.4
    3 10 14 5 2.8 70.0 817.4
    4 10 14 5 2.8 70.0 720.5
    C-14×6 1 10 14 6 2.3 84.0 686.2 696.2 3.01 0.63 0.23
    2 10 14 6 2.3 84.0 728.3
    3 10 14 6 2.3 84.0 684.4
    4 10 14 6 2.3 84.0 686.1
    Pultruded stirrups P-8 1 d=8 50.2 423.8 415.2 3.39 0.39 2.5
    2 d=8 50.2 398.6
    3 d=8 50.2 406.4
    4 d=8 50.2 392.0
    Notes: N is the number of fiber winding layers of stirrups; w is the width of stirrups; t is the thickness of stirrups; d is the diameter of pultruded stirrups; Afv is the cross-sectional area of stirrups; ffb is the bend strength of stirrups; ffb,avg is the average value of the bend strength; COV is the coefficient of variation of the bend strength; υk is the volume fraction of the curling fibers.
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    表  2  基于本文试验的弯曲段受拉强度预测模型的比较

    Table  2.   Comparison of all prediction models for bend strength based on the tests in this paper

    Paper ACI Lee Imjai Spada
    RMSE 63.38 255.92 123.59 91.98 163.78
    Mean 0.99 1.45 1.15 1.05 1.25
    SD 0.08 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.15
    COV/% 8.15 8.53 9.28 12.11 12.09
    Notes: RMSE is Root Mean Squared Error; SD is Standard Deviation; COV is Coefficient of Variation.
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