Preparation and performance of smart high strength and high ductile concrete
摘要: 研究通过混杂碳纤维(Carbon Fiber,CF)和聚乙烯纤维(Polyethylene Fiber,PE)制备出高强高韧性混凝土(High strength and high ductility concrete,HSHDC),并对其力学性能及机敏性特性进行了分析。研究表明0.25vol%CF掺量HSHDC的抗压强度较对照组提升7%、抗折强度增加13%、拉伸应变提高15.2%。HSHDC的电阻率值随CF掺量增加而显著降低,1.0vol%CF掺量HSHDC的电阻率值下降至10 Ω·m,较对照组降低三个数量级。在不同温度与相对含水率下,掺有CF的HSHDC电阻率表现出较好的稳定性,循环荷载作用下0.25vol%CF掺量HSHDC电阻率变化率与应力之间表现出良好的对应关系,压应力和压应变灵敏系数分别达到0.75%/MPa和136.5。0.25vol%CF掺量的HSHDC在加载幅度为15 MPa时的最大电阻率变化率为9.2%,加载速度为0.4 mm/min时峰值电阻率变化率达到7.9%。Abstract: In this study, high strength and high ductility concrete (HSHDC) was developed by mixing carbon fiber (CF) and polyethylene fiber (PE). The mechanical properties and agility of HSHDC were analyzed. The results show that the compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strain of HSHDC with 0.25vol% CF content were 7% higher than those of control group. The resistivity of HSHDC decreases significantly with the increase of CF content, and the resistivity of HSHDC with 1.0vol%CF content was as low as 10 Ω·m, which was three orders of magnitude lower than that of the control group. With different temperature and relatively humidity conditions, the resistivity of HSHDC mixed with CF showed good stability. Under cyclic loading, the resistivity change rate of HSHDC with 0.25vol%CF content showed a good correspondence with the stress, and the compressive stress and compressive strain sensitivity coefficients reached 0.75%/MPa and 136.5, respectively. For HSHDC with 0.25vol%CF content, the maximum resistivity change rate was 9.2% when the loading amplitude was 15MPa, and the peak resistivity change rate was 7.87% when the loading speed was 0.4 mm/min.
表 1 PⅡ 52.5水泥的基本性能
Table 1. PⅡ 52.5 Basic properties of cement
Ion/%Specific surface
area/(m2·kg−1)Initial setting
time/minFinal setting
Strength/MPa3 d 28 d 3 d 28 d 2.73 2.18 0.031 344 128 175 6.5 34.7 9.1 59.1 表 2 纤维的基本性能
Table 2. Basic properties of fibers
strength/MPaTensile modulus
of elasticity/GPaResistivity/
(Ω·cm)PE 0.97 12 24 3000 116 103-105 CF 1.75 12 7 3530 228 1.0-1.6 Notes: PE—Polyethylene fiber; CF—Carbon fiber. 表 3 高强高韧性混凝土(HSHDC)配合比设计及其流动性
Table 3. Mix ratio design and fluidity of high strength and high ductility concrete (HSHDC)
Group Cement/g Fly ash/g Silica fume/g Sand/g Water reducing
Agent/gWater/g PE/vol% CF/vol% Fluidity/mm R 700 500 200 400 6.0 364 2.00 0 181 C1 700 500 200 400 6.0 364 1.75 0.25 173 C2 700 500 200 400 6.0 364 1.50 0.50 169 C3 700 500 200 400 6.0 364 1.25 0.75 168 C4 700 500 200 400 6.0 364 1.00 1.00 165 -
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