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张德民 王开 宋濮 马博 马佳楠

张德民, 王开, 宋濮, 等. 多刺激响应的三层结构致动器的制备与应用[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-8.
引用本文: 张德民, 王开, 宋濮, 等. 多刺激响应的三层结构致动器的制备与应用[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-8.
ZHANG Demin, WANG Kai, SONG Pu, et al. Fabrication and application of multi-responsive tri-layer actuator[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHANG Demin, WANG Kai, SONG Pu, et al. Fabrication and application of multi-responsive tri-layer actuator[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (52205599);山西省基础研究计划青年科学研究项目(202203021212203)

    马佳楠,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,研究方向为复合材料致动器 E-mail: majianan@tyut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB381;TB34;TB332

Fabrication and application of multi-responsive tri-layer actuator

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52205599); Youth Science Fund Program of Shanxi Province (No. 202203021212203)
  • 摘要: 近年来,软体致动器因其能够响应外界条件的刺激而发生形变,在生物医疗、航空航天、智能仿生等领域备受关注。然而,外界环境的刺激往往复杂多变,多数致动器只能对单一刺激进行响应,这无疑增加了软体致动器的使用局限性。因此,有必要开发能响应多种外部条件变化的致动器。本文通过先后真空抽滤氧化石墨烯(GO)和MXene形成双层复合膜,再将聚丙烯(BOPP)胶带通过切割、粘贴和组装,开发了一种基于GO-MXene-BOPP胶带的三层结构致动器。该致动器能够在湿度和光照的刺激下快速发生形变,有效的将其他形式的能量转化为机械能。响应方式的灵活性使得该致动器在仿生机器人、可穿戴设备、微机电系统等领域具有广泛的应用前景。


  • 图  1  (a)氧化石墨烯(GO)-MXene-聚丙烯(BOPP)三层薄膜的制备流程简图;(b) GO-MXene-BOPP三层薄膜的实物正反面照片;(c) GO-MXene-BOPP三层薄膜的横截面SEM图像

    Figure  1.  (a) Schematic illustration of the fabrication process for the graphene oxide (GO)-MXene-polypropylene (BOPP) tri-layer film; (b) Front and back photographs of the GO-MXene-BOPP tri-layer film; (c) Cross-section SEM image of the GO-MXene-BOPP tri-layer film

    图  2  (a)GO的XPS宽谱;(b)GO的C1s光谱;(c)GO的XRD谱图;(d)MXene的XPS宽谱;(e)MXene的O1s光谱;(f)MXene的XRD谱图

    Figure  2.  (a) Survey XPS spectrum of GO; (b) C1s spectra of GO; (c) XRD spectrum of GO; (d) Survey XPS spectrum of MXene; (e) O1s spectra of MXene; (f) XRD spectra of MXene

    图  3  GO(a)和BOPP胶带(b)的水接触角

    Figure  3.  Water contact angle of GO (a) and BOPP tape (b)

    图  4  GO-MXene-BOPP三层致动器在光照(左)和湿度(右)条件下的驱动原理示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of the driving principle of GO-MXene-BOPP tri-layer actuator under light (left) and humidity (right) conditions

    图  5  (a)GO-MXene-BOPP三层致动器的弯曲角度在不同湿度下的变化情况;(b)致动器在RH=15%和RH=100%切换时的响应与恢复曲线;(c)致动器在RH=100%的湿度条件下重复响应500次的稳定性;(d)致动器的弯曲角度和温度在不同光照强度下的变化情况;(e)致动器在0和200 mW/cm²的光照强度切换时的响应与恢复曲线;(f)致动器在200 mW/cm2的光照条件下重复响应500次的稳定性

    Figure  5.  (a) Variation of bending angle of GO-MXene-BOPP triple actuator under different humidity; (b) Response and recovery curves of the actuator when switching between RH=15% and RH=100%; (c) Stability of the actuator when repeating the response for 500 times under the condition of RH=100% humidity; (d) Variation of the bending angle and temperature of the actuator under different light intensity; (e) Response and recovery curves of the actuator when switching between light intensity of 0 and 200 mW/cm²; (f) Stability of the actuator for 500 repetitions of response under light condition of 200 mW/cm²

    图  6  (a)多刺激响应智能开关的示意简图;(b)智能开关初始状态的数码照片;(c)在湿度条件下智能开关的行为照片;(d)在光照条件下智能开关的行为照片

    Figure  6.  (a) Schematic representation of the multi-responsive smart switch; (b) Digital photograph of the initial state of the smart switch;(c) Photograph of the behavior of the smart switch under humidity conditions; (d) Photograph of the behavior of the smart switch under light conditions

    图  7  (a)仿生含羞草初始状态的照片;在光照(b)和湿度(c)下仿生含羞草的表现;(d)外界条件消失后含羞草的恢复情况

    Figure  7.  (a) Photographs of the initial state of the bionic mimosa; Performance of the bionic mimosa under light (b) and humidity (c) actuation; (d) Recovery of the mimosa after the disappearance of external conditions

    表  1  不同执行器性能比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of the performance of different actuators

    Actuator MaterialsDriving methodMaximum bending angle
    MXene/NIPAm Hydrogel Nanocomposite [30]Light20°
    Bacterial Cellulose/MXene/Graphene Oxide Film [31]Humidity120°
    MXene-LCE soft tubular actuator [32]Light110°
    MXene/TA/PU/CNF actuator [33]Light105°
    Graphene Monolayer paper [34]Light / Humidity98°/132°
    TPU-GO composite membrane actuator [35]Light / Humidity60°/108°
    ★This WorkLight / Humidity132°/130°
    Notes:LCE is liquid crystal elastomer;TA is tannic acid;PU is poly urethane;CNF is carbon nanofiber;TPU is thermoplastic polyurethane;GO is graphene oxide.
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