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谢启芳 韩永刚 张利朋 王莹锦 吴亚杰

谢启芳, 韩永刚, 张利朋, 等. 落叶松材顺纹拉/压-横向剪切复合受力性能研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
引用本文: 谢启芳, 韩永刚, 张利朋, 等. 落叶松材顺纹拉/压-横向剪切复合受力性能研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
XIE Qifang, HAN Yonggang, ZHANG Lipeng, et al. Research on composite mechanical properties of larch under perpendicular-to-grain tension/compression and transversal shear[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: XIE Qifang, HAN Yonggang, ZHANG Lipeng, et al. Research on composite mechanical properties of larch under perpendicular-to-grain tension/compression and transversal shear[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (52408347, 52178303);陕西省重点研发计划项目(2023-GHZD-03)

    张利朋,博士,助理教授,研究方向为木材强度准则与本构、古建筑木结构抗震保护 E-mail: lpgzhang@xauat.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TU366.2;TB332

Research on composite mechanical properties of larch under perpendicular-to-grain tension/compression and transversal shear

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52408347, 52178303); Shaanxi Province key research and development plan project (2023-GHZD-03)
  • 摘要: 实际木结构中木材大多同时受到顺纹正应力与横向剪应力复合作用,掌握其复合受力性能是木结构受力分析的重要基础。研发并制作了一种用于测试木材拉/压-剪切复合受力性能的杠杆加载装置与试件,基于此开展了木材顺纹拉/压、横纹剪切以及顺纹正应力与横向剪应力复合加载试验,其中,剪切荷载由单轴试验机提供、拉/压加载由杠杆装置实现。考察了不同拉/压-剪切应力复合作用下木材试件的破坏形态、应力-应变曲线、拉/压-剪切复合强度特性,进一步考察了经典正交各向异性强度准则对落叶松材拉/压-剪切复合受力强度的表征效果,结果表明,Hill准则、Hasebe准则的适用性最好。研究结果可为木结构的精细化受力分析提供重要借鉴。


  • 图  1  试件尺寸 (单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Dimensions of wood specimens (unit: mm)

    图  2  试验装置

    Figure  2.  Test set-up

    图  3  数据测量

    Figure  3.  Data measurement

    图  4  LR试件破坏形态

    Figure  4.  Failure modes of LR specimens

    ft,R—Tensile strength of the specimen; fc,R—Compressive strength of the specimen.

    图  5  LR试件应变分布

    Figure  5.  Strain contour of LR specimens

    图  6  LT试件破坏形态

    Figure  6.  Failure modes of LT specimens

    图  7  LT试件应变分布

    Figure  7.  Strain contour of LT specimens

    图  8  落叶松试件应变分布

    Figure  8.  Strain distribution of larch wood

    "T" is the time it takes to load

    图  9  落叶松试件应力-应变曲线

    Figure  9.  Stress-strain curves of specimens of larch wood

    "DL" means uniaxial tensile loading, "DY" means uniaxial compressive loading, and "J" means shear loading.

    图  10  落叶松试件应力-应变曲线

    Figure  10.  Stress-strain curves of specimens of larch wood

    "LJ" indicates stretch-shear combined loading, and "LY" indicates compression-shear combined loading.

    图  11  落叶松试件抗剪强度、峰值应变和剪切模量的变化

    Figure  11.  Variation of shear strengths, peak strains, and shear moduli of larch wood

    图  12  落叶松试件强度准则的比较

    Figure  12.  Comparison of strength criterion of larch wood

    表  1  试件分组

    Table  1.   Grouping of specimens

    Stress Numbers of normal
    stress levels
    Specimen type
    LR LT
    Uniaxial tension / 3 3
    Uniaxial compression / 3 3
    Shear / 3 3
    4 12 12
    compression -shear
    3 9 9
    Notes: In LR and LT specimens, "L" is the longitudinal direction of wood, "R" is the radial direction of wood, and "T" is the chord direction of wood, where "L" represents the tensile/compressive loading direction, and "R" and "R" represent the shear loading direction.
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    表  2  LR试件材性 (单位:mm)

    Table  2.   Mechanical properties of LR specimens (unit: mm)

    Mean value60.2444.6710.7248481.337809.291322.89
    Coefficient of variation7.71%2.72%2.85%27.22%21.52%9.08%
    Notes: “ft,R” is tensile strength, “fc,R” is compressive strength, “fv,R” is shear strength, “Et” is tensile modulus, “Ec” is compression modulus, and “G” is shear modulus.
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    表  3  LT试件材性(单位:mm)

    Table  3.   Mechanical properties of LT specimens (unit: mm)

    Mean value47.1750.1612.2019333.015121.601279.15
    Coefficient of variation8.34%1.83%5.91%12.83%18.71%4.92%
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    表  4  木材强度准则强度预测能力评估指标

    Table  4.   Evaluation index of strength prediction ability of wood strength criteria

    strength criteria k
    First quadrant Second quadrant Total
    Hill-t 3.10 12.50 15.59
    Hill-c 2.40 9.03 11.43
    Van der put 8.72 9.22 17.94
    Hasebe 3.19 3.93 7.12
    SIA 265 6.44 10.20 16.64
    Note: "k" is the sum of the ratio of the absolute residual value of each data point to the test value.
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