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张盼盼 刘国建 佘伟 刘志勇 张宇 张云升

张盼盼, 刘国建, 佘伟, 等. 不同pH值模拟混凝土孔隙液中钢筋钝化电化学响应与机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 43(0): 1-9.
引用本文: 张盼盼, 刘国建, 佘伟, 等. 不同pH值模拟混凝土孔隙液中钢筋钝化电化学响应与机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 43(0): 1-9.
ZHANG Panpan, LIU Guojian, SHE Wei, et al. Electrochemical response and mechanism of steel rebar passivation in simulated concrete pore solutions with different pH values[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHANG Panpan, LIU Guojian, SHE Wei, et al. Electrochemical response and mechanism of steel rebar passivation in simulated concrete pore solutions with different pH values[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52008284)


  • 中图分类号: TB333

Electrochemical response and mechanism of steel rebar passivation in simulated concrete pore solutions with different pH values

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52008284)
  • 摘要: 本研究旨在探讨普通低碳钢在不同pH值的混凝土孔隙溶液中的钝化行为及其机制。通过开路电位、线性极化电阻、电化学阻抗谱以及ToF-SIMS分析,深入探究了pH值对低碳钢钝化行为的影响。结果表明,在pH值较低的CH溶液中,极化电阻(Rp)缓慢增加最终稳定在120 kΩ·cm²,腐蚀电流密度(Icorr)保持在较高水平0.15 μA/cm²。表明CH溶液对低碳钢钝化效果不明显;而在pH值较高的ST溶液中,电容电抗弧一天内发生明显变化,表明其在一天内即发生钝化。且无论混凝土模拟液的pH值如何,低碳钢均能自发形成钝化膜,其表面钝化膜都经历了从快速初始生长到后期逐渐稳定的过程。pH值是促进低碳钢钝化的关键因素且与钝化膜性能存在正相关性,CH溶液中,钝化膜厚度从最初的1.930 nm上升至3.733 nm。而在ST溶液中一天内从4.786 nm增至9.187 nm,说明随着模拟液pH值的升高,钝化膜厚度为增加的趋势,形成更加稳定的钝化膜,从而使其钝化性能得到增强。


  • 图  1  钢试样在 CH、LC 和 ST 溶液钝化阶段的腐蚀电位曲线

    Figure  1.  Corrosion potential curves of steel specimens in the passivation stage of CH, LC and ST solutions.

    The y-axis shows the corrosion potential (Ecorr) in volts (V), indicating the material’s tendency to corrode. More negative values of Ecorr suggest a higher corrosion tendency

    图  2  钢试样在CH、LC和ST溶液钝化阶段的RpIcorr曲线:(a)Rp;(b)Icorr

    Figure  2.  Rp and Icorr curves of steel specimens in the passivation stage of CH, LC and ST solutions: (a) Rp; (b) Icorr

    (a) Polarization resistance (Rp) in ohms (Ω), indicating the material’s resistance to corrosion. Higher Rp suggests better corrosion resistance. (b) Corrosion current density (Icorr) in µA/cm², reflecting the rate of corrosion. Higher Icorr indicates a faster corrosion rate.

    图  3  钢试样钝化阶段的Nyquist图、Bode图和Phase图及其在CH、LC和ST溶液中的等效电路拟合结果

    Figure  3.  Nyquist, Bode and Phase plots of steel specimens in passivation phase and their equivalent circuit fitting results in CH, LC and ST solutions

    Zi: The negative imaginary part of the impedance, representing the capacitive behavior of the system. A larger value indicates higher capacitive reactance. Zr: The real part of the impedance, representing the resistive component of the system. Higher values suggest greater resistance to current flow. |Z|: The absolute value of the impedance, which combines both the real and imaginary components. It reflects the overall opposition to the flow of current in the system

    图  4  等效电路图

    Figure  4.  Equivalent circuit diagram

    图  5  CH,ST模拟液中的普通低碳钢试样钝化7天的 ToF-SIMS 结果,(a):CH,(b):ST

    Figure  5.  ToF-SIMS results of normal mild steel specimens passivated for 7 days in CH and ST simulation solution. (a): CH, (b): ST

    图  6  碱溶液中钢筋的钝化过程示意图:(a)初始状态;(b)Fe(OH)2的形成;(c)继续氧化及钝化膜的双层结构

    Figure  6.  Schematic representation of the passivation process of steel bars in alkali solution: (a) initial state; (b) formation of Fe(OH)2; (c) continued oxidation and bilayer structure of passivation film

    表  1  钢筋成分表

    Table  1.   Chemical composition of steel bars

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    表  2  EIS数据拟合结果

    Table  2.   Fitting results of EIS data of steel specimens

    $ {R}_{S} $(Ω·cm2) CPE1,$ Q $
    CPE1,$ a $
    $ {R}_{1} $
    CPE2,$ Q $
    CPE2,$ a $
    $ {R}_{ct} $
    CH 0 d 30.99 0.000181 0.8801 3524 0.00007947 0.6681 37950 1. 62E-03
    1 d 34.79 0.0006243 1 4439 0.0001044 0.6391 79980 4.18E-03
    2 d 30.94 0.0001127 0.8815 5494 0.00004949 0.6548 117700 4.44E-04
    3 d 33.37 0.0001092 0.8853 4838 0.00004493 0.6353 155900 6.45E-04
    4 d 32.86 0.0002026 0.8861 5367 0.00004023 0.6493 186520 5.36E-04
    5 d 29.14 0.0009702 0.8869 6947 0.00003695 0.6698 225400 4.11E-04
    6 d 31.38 0.0001019 0.8840 7993 0.00003565 0.6095 218800 7.27E-04
    7 d 29.54 0.0009796 0.8898 7881 0.00003274 0.6943 284900 5.77E-04
    8 d 30.53 0.0009453 0.8914 7976 0.00002633 0.6764 316300 1.07E-04
    9 d 33.21 0.0008241 0.9017 7023 0.00002888 0.6980 367900 1.69E-03
    10 d 31 0.0008867 0.8954 8369 0.0000271 0.6853 338700 1.67E-03
    LC 0 d 26.88 0.00007963 0.9061 68810 0.0001285 0.8469 55570 1.76E-03
    1 d 29.81 0.00008169 0.9162 49580 0.00003099 0.8537 80470 3.31E-03
    2 d 27.02 0.00008597 0.9147 34970 0.00003930 0.8694 96460 1.57E-03
    3 d 27.35 0.00007808 0.9202 35500 0.00001436 0.9261 71310 8.15E-04
    4 d 28.73 0.00007633 0.9234 25330 0.00001419 0.8907 78030 1.06E-04
    5 d 29.51 0.00003119 1 13280 0.00005319 0.8801 1417000 1.18E-03
    6 d 26.56 0.00007546 0.9189 29240 0.00001400 0.8347 1114000 1.39E-03
    7 d 26.03 0.00007776 0.9115 37020 0.00002071 0.8937 704000 1.58E-03
    8 d 29.48 0.00007773 0.9123 31290 0.00001734 0.8714 2148000 4.01E-03
    9 d 30.64 0.00007588 0.9165 21900 0.00001732 0.9250 4468000 1.22E-03
    10 d 30.25 0.00007609 0.9173 23960 0.000018 0.8852 7130000 6.82E-04
    ST 0 d 38.06 0.00007504 0.9183 54850 0.0000255 0.2326 686100 9.78E-04
    1 d 33.09 0.00003052 1 15580 0.00005107 0.8384 619000 1.38E-03
    2 d 30.92 0.00003169 1 25560 0.00004324 0.8214 656700 1.84E-03
    3 d 29.45 0.00002717 1 12940 0.00005259 0.8538 741300 5.99E-04
    4 d 33.62 0.00002766 1 13730 0.00004696 0.8482 846000 9.22E-04
    5 d 34.40 0.00007253 0.9229 14380 0.00001506 0.8328 562500 1.20E-04
    6 d 35.79 0.00002826 1 14090 0.00004813 0.8487 988800 4.91E-04
    7 d 38.06 0.00007504 0.9183 14850 0.00003524 0.8326 6861000 9.78E-04
    8 d 38.24 0.00002682 1 12490 0.00005017 0.8504 0.85 1237000 7.70E-04
    9 d 31.27 0.00007871 0.9116 13360 0.00005955 0.7915 1256000 7.13E-04
    10 d 34.21 0.00004021 1 18620 0.00001925 0.7912 1145000 6.35E-03
    Notes: Rs: Solution resistance. CPE1, Q1: Constant phase element 1 (CPE), describing the non-ideal capacitance behavior. CPE1, n1: Exponent of CPE1, indicating deviation from ideal capacitive behavior. R1: Charge transfer resistance. CPE2, Q2: Constant phase element 2 (CPE), associated with surface processes. CPE2, n2: Exponent of CPE2, indicating deviation from ideal capacitive behavior. Rct: Corrosion resistance. Chi-squared: Indicator of the goodness-of-fit for the model.)
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    表  3  钝化阶段钝化膜厚度计算(nm)

    Table  3.   Calculation of passivation film thickness (nm) at passivation stage

    0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d
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