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何成龙 杨可谞 刘亚青 霍子怡 毛翔 蒲彦蓉 贾松 黄治镡

何成龙, 杨可谞, 刘亚青, 等. 碳纤维背板厚度对铝复合板抗侵彻性能的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 何成龙, 杨可谞, 刘亚青, 等. 碳纤维背板厚度对铝复合板抗侵彻性能的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
HE Chenglong, YANG Kexu, LIU Yaqing, et al. Effect of thickness of carbon fiber backplane on penetration resistance of aluminum composite plate[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: HE Chenglong, YANG Kexu, LIU Yaqing, et al. Effect of thickness of carbon fiber backplane on penetration resistance of aluminum composite plate[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 山西省基础研究计划资助项目(20210302124197);博士后科学基金(2021M702981)

    何成龙,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为爆炸冲击动力学 E-mail:hechenglong@nuc.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385;TJ04;TB333

Effect of thickness of carbon fiber backplane on penetration resistance of aluminum composite plate

Funds: Fundamental Research Program of Shanxi Province (20210302124197); China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2021M702981)
  • 摘要: 碳纤维(Carbon Fiber CF)复合材料以其高强度,低密度而广泛应用于航空航天防护领域。为研究CF背板厚度对Al/CF复合板抗冲击效果与纤维层损伤性质的影响,开展滑膛枪发射8 mm钨合金球形破片正侵彻冲击Al/CF复合板实验,利用DIC与CT得到复合板在不同冲击条件下的动态响应及内部破坏。基于破片侵彻Al/CF复合板的有限元模型,以研究CF板厚度(0.7~12.6 mm)对Al/CF复合板吸能性能的影响。结果表明:Al板在冲击作用下发生剪切破坏,贴近Al板的内层纤维受到压剪破坏,而外层纤维产生拉伸变形,破坏裂纹沿着纤维方向延伸且分层现象显著;CF板厚度对Al板机械支撑的影响呈非线性增大,CF板增加到一定厚度后(4.2 mm、5.6 mm、5.6 mm),破片(1000 m/s、1250 m/s、1500 m/s)穿透Al板阶段的能量吸收没有明显增强,Al板吸收冲击动能分别为1008.02 J、2061.84 J、2868.61 J;纤维层位置影响纤维损伤面积和纤维损伤形状的变化,纤维损伤面积沿纤维厚度方向先减小后增大,纤维损伤形状沿厚度方向由椭圆形变为细长形;随着CF板纤维厚度的增加,碳纤维变形程度减小,复合板的比吸能随面密度增加而线性下降。


  • 图  1  Al/碳纤维(CF)靶板制作流程

    Figure  1.  Al/carbon fiber (CF) target fabrication process

    图  2  实验场地布置

    Figure  2.  Experimental site layout

    图  3  靶板固定方式与高速相机拍摄示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of target plate fixing method and high-speed camera shooting

    图  4  复合材料靶板仿真模型示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of a composite target simulation model

    图  5  破片末速与数值模拟破片末速的对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of projectile velocity and Numerical Simulation of projectile velocity

    图  6  Al/CF 复合板弹孔破坏图

    Figure  6.  Bullet hole failure diagram of Al/CF composite pane

    图  7  纤维板背面破坏动态响应

    Figure  7.  Dynamic response of fiber plate back surface failure

    图  8  纤维板背面破坏

    Figure  8.  Fiber plate back surface failure

    图  9  1250 m/s冲击速度下的FSP侵彻Al/18CF复合板应力云图

    Figure  9.  Cross-sectional view of FSP penetrating Al/18CF composite panel with muzzle velocity of 1250 m/s

    图  10  侵彻Al板消耗动能随CF背板厚度增加变化曲线

    Figure  10.  Variation of kinetic energy consumed by penetrating aluminum plate with the increase of CF backplate thickness

    图  11  Al/16CF复合板纤维失效

    Figure  11.  Fiber failure of Al/16CF composite plate

    图  12  Al/16CF复合板纤维层纤维失效面积沿厚度方向变化趋势

    Figure  12.  Variation trend of fiber failure area along the thickness direction in Al/16CF composite laminates

    图  13  Al/6CF复合板受到1000 m/s初速破片冲击下的纤维破坏形状

    Figure  13.  Fiber damage shape of Al/6CF composite plate under the impact of 1000 m/s initial velocity projectile

    图  14  纤维失效形状沿厚度方向变化趋势

    Figure  14.  Fiber failure shape changes along the thickness direction

    图  15  Al/4CF与Al/8CF复合板DIC分析及应力传播

    Figure  15.  DIC analysis and stress propagation of Al/4CF and Al/8CF composite plate

    图  16  Fig. 16 比吸能随面密度变化趋势

    Figure  16.  Specific energy absorption trend with areal density

    表  1  碳布和环氧树脂的材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of carbon cloth and epoxy resin

    Material Model σb/MPa E/GPa λ/% σf/MPa σbc/MPa ρA/(m·s−2)
    Carbon fiber UT70-30 3961 240 1.8 917 --- 300
    Epoxy resin WB-674 T 50 2.62 2.8 67 76 ---
    Notes:σb is the tensile strength; E is the elastic modulus; σf is the flexural strength; σbc is the compressive strength; ρA is the areal density.
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    表  2  CF 力学参数

    Table  2.   CF mechanical parameters

    ρ/(kg·m−3) E11/GPa E22/GPa E22/GPa ν12 ν13 ν23
    1796.4 253.338 4.814 4.814 0.3 0.3 0.3
    Xt/MPa Xc/MPa Yt/MPa Yc/MPa Zt Zc S12/MPa
    3621 2624 26.25 56.50 26.25 56.50 69.70
    Notes:ρ is the density; E11, E22, E33 are the moduli of elasticity in the axial, tangential and normal directions; ν12ν13ν23 are the poisson's ratio, Xt, Yt, Zt are ultimate tensile strength, Xc, Yc, Zc are ultimate compressive strength, S12, S13, S23 are ultimate shear stress.
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    表  5  侵彻靶板数值模拟与实验数据对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of penetration target simulation and experimental data

    Thickness/mm Structure Initial velocity/(m·s−1) Terminal velocity/(m·s−1) Error/%
    Simulation Experience
    10.02 Al 1027.49 823.83 844.88 2.5
    10.01 Al 861.67 682.44 658.75 3.6
    10.01 Al 1020.48 822.30 835.62 1.6
    10.01 Al 1283.26 1043.31 1093.19 4.6
    10.00 Al 1091.24 879.88 856.74 2.7
    12.72 Al/4CF 1010.14 784.35 794.27 1.3
    12.70 Al/4CF 1378.16 1065.34 1193.97 1.1
    14.20 Al/6CF 1048.13 798.47 777.00 2.8
    15.50 Al/8CF 1006.73 670.38 679.29 1.3
    17.20 Al/10CF 975.60 621.53 610.66 1.8
    18.40 Al/12CF 954.95 577.39 574.30 0.5
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