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徐靖凯 高倩 肖伟 张登华 张辉 张柳杰

徐靖凯, 高倩, 肖伟, 等. 高渗透支撑SBS膜制备与CH4/N2分离性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
引用本文: 徐靖凯, 高倩, 肖伟, 等. 高渗透支撑SBS膜制备与CH4/N2分离性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
XU Jingkai, GAO Qian, XIAO Wei, et al. Preparation and CH4/N2 separation performance of high permeability supported SBS membrane[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: XU Jingkai, GAO Qian, XIAO Wei, et al. Preparation and CH4/N2 separation performance of high permeability supported SBS membrane[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 辽宁省自然科学基金(2022-KF-13-05)

    肖伟,博士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为电池隔膜材料、分离纯化用膜材料 E-mail:nuaaxiaowei@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TQ028.8;TD712.67;TB332

Preparation and CH4/N2 separation performance of high permeability supported SBS membrane

Funds: Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province (2022-KF-13-05)
  • 摘要: SBS嵌段树脂具有软硬段互相结合的独特结构,可通过挤压实现对气体分子的分离。本研究以多孔α-Al2O3陶瓷管为载体,利用一系列x-SBS/四氢呋喃(THF)树脂溶液制备了相应的SMS-x分离膜。FT-IR、XRD、SEM等表征测试结果表明,SBS树脂与载体之间可较好结合,分离膜厚度均小于50 μm。气体测试表明,在0.05 - 0.3 MPa压力范围内,SMS-20分离膜CH4/N2气体选择性最优,在0.1 MPa时,α(CH4/N2) =3.81,CH4的摩尔通量为1.41×10−6 mol·m−2·s−1·Pa−1。在0.3 MPa,SMS-10的CH4摩尔通量最大,可达3.47×10−6 mol·m−2·s−1·Pa−1。此外,通过不同比例混合气体的测试验证了本文制备的分离膜同样可胜任相应的分离工作。本文制备的所有分离膜在0.1 MPa压差下可稳定分离气体长达7 d,具有良好的性能稳定性。因此,多孔α-Al2O3支撑型SBS分离膜可兼备优异的渗透通量及气体选择性,在煤层气CH4的富集方面提供有利选择。


  • 图  1  SBS树脂分子链段结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of molecular chain segment structure of SBS resin

    图  2  α-Al2O3支撑体SBS膜制备工艺示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of preparation process of SBS membrane on α-Al2O3 substrate

    图  3  气体渗透性测试装置示意图

    Figure  3.  Gas permeability test device schematic diagram

    图  4  (a) 5-SBS/(四氢呋喃)THF (b) 10-SBS/THF (c) 15-SBS/THF (d) 20-SBS/THF的SBS粒径尺寸分布图

    Figure  4.  The SBS particle size distribution of (a) 5-SBS/Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (b) 10-SBS/THF (c) 15-SBS/THF (d) 20-SBS/THF

    图  5  α-Al2O3支撑体SBS膜的(a) FT-IR与(b) XRD谱图

    Figure  5.  (a) FT-IR and (b) XRD patterns of α-Al2O3 substrate SBS membrane

    图  6  不同分离膜(a,e) Al2O3载体 (b,f) SMS-10 (c,g) SMS-15 (d,h) SMS-20的表面SEM图像

    Figure  6.  (a,e) blank α-Al2O3 substrate (b,f) SMS-10 (c,g) SMS-15 (d,h) SMS-20 SEM images of the surface of different separation membranes

    图  7  不同分离膜(a) Al2O3载体 (b) SMS-10 (c) SMS-15 (d) SMS-20的截面SEM图像

    Figure  7.  (a) blank Al2O3 substrate (b) SMS-10 (c)SMS-15 (d) SMS-20 SEM images of cross-section of different separation membranes

    图  8  载体表面成膜 (a)示意图 (b)SEM照片

    Figure  8.  The membrane-forming schematic on the substrate surface (a)Schema (b)SEM

    图  9  不同分离膜在25℃不同压差下单组份气体(a)N2渗透性 (b)CH4渗透性 (c)CH4/N2选择性

    Figure  9.  The single component gas separation performance curves of different separation membranes at 25℃ and different pressure differences (a)N2 permeability (b)CH4 permeability (c)CH4/N2 selectivity

    图  10  不同分离膜在25℃,0.1 MPa压差下(a) CH4∶N2=50∶50 vol% (b) CH4∶N2=15∶85 vol%混合气体分离性能

    Figure  10.  The Data change trend diagram of (a) CH4∶N2=50∶50 vol% (b) CH4∶N2=15∶85 vol% mixed gas separation performance of different separation membranes at 25℃ and 0.1 MPa pressure difference

    图  11  不同分离膜在25℃,0.1 MPa压差下(a) N2 (b) CH4的4 h性能稳定性曲线

    Figure  11.  Performance stability curves of different separation membranes at 25℃ and 0.1 MPa pressure difference for 4 h (a) N2 permeability stability (b) CH4 permeability stability

    图  12  不同分离膜在25℃,0.1 MPa压差下(a) N2 (b)CH4的7 d性能稳定性曲线

    Figure  12.  Performance stability curves of different separation membranes at 25℃ and 0.1 MPa pressure difference for 7 d (a)N2 permeability stability (b) CH4 permeability stability

    表  1  不同分离膜的溶解系数与渗透系数

    Table  1.   Dissolution coefficient and permeability coefficient of different separation membranes

    Notes: a:Diffusivity coefficient 108 (cm2 ·s−1); b:Solubility coefficient [cm3(STP)/cm3·atm]
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    表  2  本研究与相关文献报道性能对比

    Table  2.   Performance comparison between this study and related literature reports

    Membrane material P(CH4) a P(N2) b α(CH4/N2) Operational condition c Ref.
    Pebax® 31 9.8 3.16 25℃,pure gas [4]
    37 13 2.85 35℃,pure gas
    SBS/Pebax® 43.5 15.8 2.75 25℃,pure gas [4]
    61.4 26.8 2.29 35℃,pure gas
    SBS 37 12.5 2.96 25℃,pure gas,1 atm [9]
    50 16 3.13 35℃,pure gas,1 atm
    SBS/PDMS-co-PHMS 440 140 3.14 25℃,pure gas [19]
    510 170 3.00 35℃,pure gas
    Matrimid® 310 180 1.72 25℃,pure gas [24]
    PI 0.0042d 0.0087d 0.48 25℃,pure gas [25]
    PIM-1 310 180 1.70 25℃,pure gas [26]
    SBS/α-Al2O3 14.1e 3.71e 3.81 25℃,pure gas,0.1 MPa This work
    34.7e 11..21e 2.87 25℃,pure gas,0.3 MPa
    Notes: a ,b:1 Barrer = 10−10 cm3 (STP) ·cm·cm−2 ·s−1·cmHg−1 ; c:1 atm=0.1 MPa; d:GPU [10−6 m3 ·cm−2 ·s−1·cmHg−1]; e:Permeation flux [10−6 mol·m−2·s−1·Pa−1] SBS is the Poly (styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene); Pebax® is the trade name of poly(ether-block-amide); PDMS-co-PHMS is the Trimethylsilyl terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-methylhydrosiloxane); Matrimid® is the trade name of PI (polyimide); PIM-1 is a novel polymer of intrinsic microporosity.
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