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千佳祥 郝刚领 杨院霞 许巧平 王幸福 王伟国

千佳祥, 郝刚领, 杨院霞, 等. Y元素及双步轧制对CuAlMn合金微观结构和力学特性的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-14.
引用本文: 千佳祥, 郝刚领, 杨院霞, 等. Y元素及双步轧制对CuAlMn合金微观结构和力学特性的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-14.
QIAN Jiaxiang, HAO Gangling, YANG Yuanxia, et al. Effects of Y element and dual-step rolling on microstructure and mechanical properties of CuAlMn alloy[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: QIAN Jiaxiang, HAO Gangling, YANG Yuanxia, et al. Effects of Y element and dual-step rolling on microstructure and mechanical properties of CuAlMn alloy[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (52061038;12064044;51661032;51301150);陕西省青年科技新星人才专项 (2013KJXX-11);陕西省“特支计划”区域发展人才专项 (2020-44)

    郝刚领,博士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为金属基高阻尼复合材料和形状记忆合金 E-mail: glhao@issp.ac.cn

    许巧平,高级实验师,研究方向为超轻泡沫金属材料和高阻尼金属材料 E-mail: xiaoppingxu@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TG146.1;TG115.5;TB331

Effects of Y element and dual-step rolling on microstructure and mechanical properties of CuAlMn alloy

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 52061038;12064044;51661032;51301150); Special Program of Youth New-star of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province, China (No. 2013KJXX-11); Special Support Plan for Regional Development of Talents Special Project of Shaanxi Province, China (No.2020-44)
  • 摘要: Cu基形状记忆合金由于晶粒粗大和弹性各向异性,呈现出较低的力学断裂强度和塑性形变能力。本文通过添加微量稀土Y元素制备了系列Cu-11.36Al-5Mn合金,并经热轧和双步轧制(热轧+冷轧)实现了对合金微观结构的调控。实验发现,CuAlMn合金由奥氏体和少量的18R马氏体组成。Y元素添加后,晶粒得到显著细化,基体中可见沿晶分布的含Y沉淀析出相以及伴生的富Al相,热轧形变后晶粒进一步细化,高密度位错和位错胞元结构出现。双步轧制退火后,位错密度持续增大并出现了高密度位错缠结,沿晶析出大量富铜 沉淀相,孪晶和马氏体条交替排列。拉伸力学性能测试表明,稀土Y元素可显著提升合金的力学性能,热轧和双步轧制后进一步提高,拉伸断裂强度从366.67 MPa (原始态)→546.99 MPa (0.4% Y )→879.25 MPa (80%热轧)→1025.25 MPa (60%热轧-60%冷轧)。断后伸长率与拉伸断裂强度具有相同的变化趋势,从原始态的3.05%提升至双步轧制形变后的8.38%。最大超弹性应变随Y元素的添加而增大,但相同应变下原始态CuAlMn具有更高的超弹性,且经历轧制形变后超弹性应变迅速下降。最后,通过微观结构的演变系统讨论了合金力学性能提升机制。


  • 图  1  拉伸试样

    Figure  1.  Tensile specimen

    图  2  Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-xY(x=0, 0.4)合金DSC曲线

    Figure  2.  DSC curves of Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-xY(x=0, 0.4) alloys

    图  3  Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-xY(x=0, 0.4)合金XRD谱图

    Figure  3.  XRD patterns of Cu-11.36 Al-xY(x=0, 0.4) alloys

    图  4  Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金TEM和SEM微观图像:(a) 明场图;(b) (a)中蓝色虚线框的选取电子衍射;(c) 析出相的明场图;(d) (c)的元素分布;(e) (c)中黄色虚线框的选取电子衍射;(f) 析出相的点扫结果

    Figure  4.  TEM and SEM microstructures of Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloy: (a) bright-field image; (b) corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of area in blue dashed box in (a); (c) bright-field image of precipitate phase; (d) elemental distribution of (c); (e) corresponding SAED pattern of area in yellow dashed box in (c); (f) result of EDS point scanning of precipitate phase

    图  5  Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-xY合金拉伸力学性能:(a) 应力-应变曲线;(b) 拉伸断裂强度和断后伸长率

    Figure  5.  Tensile mechanical properties of Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-xY alloys: (a) stress-strain curves; (b) tensile strength and elongation

    图  6  热轧Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金金相显微组织:(a) 未轧制;(b) 20%HR;(c) 40%HR;(d) 60%HR;(e) 80%HR;(f) 平均晶粒尺寸

    Figure  6.  Metallographic microstructures of hot rolled Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloys: (a) unrolled; (b) 20%HR; (c) 40%HR; (d) 60%HR; (e) 80%HR; (f) average grain size

    图  7  热轧Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金XRD谱图

    Figure  7.  XRD patterns of hot rolled Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloys

    图  8  60% HR Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y 合金TEM微观图像:(a) 高分辨图像,插图为黄色区域的放大图;(b) (a)图的FFT衍射图;(c) 低倍率明场图;(d) 位错明场图

    Figure  8.  TEM microstructures of 60% HR Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloy: (a) high-resolution image, the inset shows the high magnification image of area in yellow dashed box; (b) fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern of (a); (c) bright-field image; (d) bright-field image of dislocations

    图  9  双步轧制Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金XRD谱图:(a) 60%HR;(b) 80%HR;(1) 20%CR;(2) 40%CR;(3) 60%CR

    Figure  9.  XRD patterns of two-step rolled Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloys: (a) 60%HR; (b) 80%HR; (1) 20%CR; (2) 40%CR; (3) 60%CR

    图  10  双步轧制Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4金相显微组织:(a) 60%HR;(b) 80%HR; (1) 20%CR;(2) 40%CR;(3) 60%CR

    Figure  10.  Metallographic microstructure of two-step rolled Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4 alloy: (a) 60%HR; (b) 80%HR; (1) 20%CR; (2) 40%CR; (3) 60%CR

    图  11  双步轧制Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金SEM微观图像和EDS点扫结果:(a) 60%HR-60%CR;(b) 80%HR-60%CR

    Figure  11.  SEM microstructure and result of EDS point scanning of two-step rolled Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloy: (a) 60%HR-60%CR; (b) 80%HR-60%CR

    图  12  60%HR-60%CR Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金α相微观组织:(a/c) α相明场图;(b) (a)中黄色虚线区域选取电子衍射

    Figure  12.  α phase microstructures of 60% HR and 60% CR Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloy: (a/c) bright-field image of α phase; (b) SAED pattern of area in yellow dashed box in (a)

    图  13  60%HR-60%CR Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金TEM微观图像:(a) 明场图;(b) (a)中蓝色虚线框的分辨图像;(c) (b)的FFT衍射图;(d) (b)的IFFT图;(e/f) 位错的明场图;(g/h) 析出相的STEM图和元素分布,插图为A和B区域的选取电子衍射

    Figure  13.  TEM microstructures of 60% HR and 60% CR Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloy: (a) bright-field image; (b) high-resolution image of area in blue dashed box in (a); (c) FFT pattern of (b); (d) inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) pattern of (b); (e/f) bright-field image of dislocations; (g/h) STEM image and elemental distribution of precipitate phase, inset shows the SAED pattern of area A and B

    图  14  热轧Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y合金拉伸力学性能:(a)应力-应变曲线;(b) 拉伸断裂强度和断后伸长率

    Figure  14.  Tensile mechanical properties of Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-xY alloys: (a) stress-strain curves; (b) tensile strength and elongation

    图  15  双步轧制Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4合金拉伸力学性能:(a) 应力-应变曲线;(b) 拉伸断裂强度和断后伸长率

    Figure  15.  Tensile mechanical properties of two-step rolled Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y alloy: (a) stress-strain curves; (b) tensile strength and elongation

    图  16  合金拉伸断口形貌:(a) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn;(b) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y (1) unrolled;(2) 60%HR;(3) 60%HR-60%CR

    Figure  16.  Tensile fracture morphologies (a) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn; (b) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y; (1) unrolled; (2) 60%HR; (3) 60%HR-60%CR

    图  17  合金拉伸循环应力-应变曲线:(a) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn; (b) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y; (1) unrolled; (2) 60%HR; (3) 60%HR-60%CR

    Figure  17.  Cyclic stress-strain curves of alloys: (a) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn; (b) Cu-11.36Al-5Mn-0.4Y; (1) unrolled; (2) 60%HR; (3) 60%HR-60%CR

    图  18  合金超弹性应变(εSE)与外加应变(εt-εe)的关系

    Figure  18.  Relationship between superelastic strain εSE and applied strain εt-εe of alloys

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-06-17
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