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吕柏行 赵恒 刘博 咸贵军 肖海荣 郭志光 何俊

吕柏行, 赵恒, 刘博, 等. 法兰-套管组合连接的圆CFRP-钢管混凝土节点抗弯性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
引用本文: 吕柏行, 赵恒, 刘博, 等. 法兰-套管组合连接的圆CFRP-钢管混凝土节点抗弯性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
LV Baihang, ZHAO Heng, LIU Bo, et al. Flexural behavior of concrete-filled circular CFRP-steel tube with flange-sleeve joints[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: LV Baihang, ZHAO Heng, LIU Bo, et al. Flexural behavior of concrete-filled circular CFRP-steel tube with flange-sleeve joints[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (51808047);陕西省自然科学基础研究项目(2020JQ-388)

    何俊,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为纤维增强复合材料(FRP)增强结构 E-mail:hejun@chd.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Flexural behavior of concrete-filled circular CFRP-steel tube with flange-sleeve joints

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51808047); Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2020JQ-388)
  • 摘要: 在钢管混凝土外侧粘贴碳纤维增强复合材料(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer,CFRP)形成的CFRP-钢管混凝土拱架具有高承载力与刚度的优点,用于高应力、极软岩、强采动和断层破碎带等不良地质条件下的大断面隧道支护。本文提出了一种新型法兰-套管组合连接形式,用于CFRP-钢管混凝土拱架的节点。通过四点弯曲试验研究了法兰厚度(20 mm、30 mm、40 mm)对CFRP-钢管混凝土节点破坏模式、抗弯承载力、刚度等弯曲性能的影响。试验结果表明:试件的破坏模式均为CFRP沿轴向剥离破坏,法兰-套管节点完好,该连接方式有效;法兰厚度为20 mm时,抗弯承载力和刚度与无节点试件的基本一致,且抗弯承载力和刚度随着法兰厚度的增加而增大。通过有限元分析,研究法兰厚度、套管长度和套管壁厚对CFRP-钢混凝土节点弯曲性能影响规律。有限元结果表明:内聚力模型能较好地模拟CFRP剥离过程;法兰厚度对节点力学特性影响显著,套管长度和壁厚对节点力学特性影响较小;对于工程中常用的直径为140 mm的CFRP-钢管混凝土拱架节点,建议法兰厚度取20 mm,套管长度取200 mm,套管壁厚取5.5 mm。


  • 图  1  钢管混凝土常用连接形式

    Figure  1.  Common connection forms of concrete-filled steel tube

    图  2  法兰-套管组合连接CFRP-钢管混凝土

    Figure  2.  Flange-sleeve combination connection of concrete-filled CFRP-steel tube

    图  3  加载测试装置

    Figure  3.  Loading and Testing System

    图  4  测点布置(单位:mm)

    Figure  4.  Measuring point arrangement (Unit: mm)

    图  5  试件B-1~B-4破坏形态

    Figure  5.  Failure mode of specimens B-1~B-4

    图  6  试件B-1~B-4荷载-跨中挠度曲线

    Figure  6.  Load-mid span deflection curves of specimens B-1~B-4

    图  7  试件B-1~B-3截面高度轴向应变分布

    Figure  7.  Axial strain distribution with cross-section height of specimens B-1~B-3

    图  8  圆CFRP-钢管混凝土梁有限元模型

    Figure  8.  Finite element model of concrete-filled circular CFRP-steel tube beam

    图  9  试件B-1~B-4有限元模型和试验荷载-跨中挠度曲线

    Figure  9.  Load-mid span deflection curve of finite element model and experiment of specimens B-1~B-4

    图  10  试件B-1~B-4有限元模型和试验荷载-轴向应变曲线

    Figure  10.  Load-axial strain curve of finite element model and experiment of specimens B-1~B-4

    图  11  峰值荷载时试件B-1和B-2的有限元模型应力云图

    Figure  11.  Stress nephogram of finite element model of specimens B-1 and B-2 under maximum load

    图  12  B-2套管内胶层损伤云图

    Figure  12.  damage nephogram of adhesive inside sleeve

    图  13  不同法兰厚度下试件的荷载-跨中挠度曲线

    Figure  13.  Load-mid span deflection curves of specimens under different flange thicknesses

    图  14  套管长度和厚度对试件荷载-跨中挠度曲线的影响

    Figure  14.  Influence of the length and thickness of sleeve on the Load-mid span deflection curves of specimens

    表  1  法兰-套管节点的主要参数

    Table  1.   Main parameters of flange-sleeve joints

    Specimen Thickness of flange/mm Diameter of bolt/mm Length of flange-sleeve/mm Thickness of sleeve/mm
    B-1 - - - -
    B-2 20 33 300 8
    B-3 30 33 300 8
    B-4 40 33 300 8
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    表  2  碳纤维布力学性能

    Table  2.   Mechanical properties of CFRP sheet

    0.167 3400 240 1.6
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    表  3  钢材力学性能

    Table  3.   Mechanical properties of steel

    Yield strength/MPaTensile strength/MPaYoung’s modulus/GPaPoisson’s rate
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    表  4  环氧树脂胶力学性能

    Table  4.   Mechanical properties of epoxy resin adhesive

    Tensile strength/MPaYoung’s modulus/MPaElongation rate
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    表  5  试件B-1~B-4各阶段特征荷载与变形

    Table  5.   Characteristic loads and deformations at each stage of specimens B-1~B-4

    Specimen Eigenvalue Point A Point B Point C Point D Load ratio of point C to point D
    B-1 Load/kN 15.6 100.7 176.9 120.2 1.47
    Deflection/mm 0.9 7.1 23.0 28.1
    B-2 Load /kN 15.6 94.0 174.2 131.7 1.32
    Deflection/mm 0.7 6.3 22.2 29.3
    B-3 Load /kN 19.8 126.4 206.6 145.6 1.42
    Deflection/mm 1.3 9.7 26.4 34.0
    B-4 Load /kN 24.2 114.2 218.9 165.4 1.32
    Deflection/mm 0.7 6.7 24.0 33.1
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    表  6  有限元模型和试验极限荷载对比

    Table  6.   Comparison of ultimate load between finite element model and test

    SpecimenUltimate load of test PT/kNUltimate load of simulation PF/kNRatio of ultimate load PT/PF
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