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江佳正 曹忠露 赵轩 杨鼎宜 苏忠纯

江佳正, 曹忠露, 赵轩, 等. 不同形态回收碳纤维混凝土弯曲性能及微观结构[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-14.
引用本文: 江佳正, 曹忠露, 赵轩, 等. 不同形态回收碳纤维混凝土弯曲性能及微观结构[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-14.
JIANG Jiazheng, CAO Zhonglu, ZHAO Xuan, et al. Flexural properties and microstructure of recycled carbon fiber concrete with different morphologies[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: JIANG Jiazheng, CAO Zhonglu, ZHAO Xuan, et al. Flexural properties and microstructure of recycled carbon fiber concrete with different morphologies[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 中交一航局揭榜挂帅项目(2022-YHJBGS-02);中交一航局科技研发项目(2022-7-19);交通运输行业重点科技项目清单(2022-MS1-065);中交集团青年创新项目(2023-ZJKJ-QNCX04)

    曹忠露,博士,正高级工程师,硕士生导师,研究方向为高性能混凝土材料与结构耐久性 E-mail: caozhonglu@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TU528.58

Flexural properties and microstructure of recycled carbon fiber concrete with different morphologies

Funds: Unveiling and Leading Projects of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. (2022-YHJBGS-02); Technology Research and Development Projects of Project of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. (2022-7-19); Key Technology Projects in the Transportation Industry (2022-MS1-065); Youth Innovation Project of CCCC (2023-ZJKJ-QNCX04)
  • 摘要: 将回收碳纤维(RCF)掺入混凝土制备绿色环保材料是实现碳纤维增强复合材料固废回收利用的有效方式。为探究RCF对混凝土材料弯曲性能的影响,将三种RCF按不同掺量与长度掺入混凝土中,通过四点弯曲试验,分析了回收碳纤维混凝土(RCFC)破坏形态、荷载-挠度曲线和弯曲强度的变化规律;提出了新的初裂点确定方法并进行了弯曲韧性评价,结合SEM从微观层面解释内在原因;基于MIP测得的孔隙率提出了新的弯曲强度预测公式。结果表明:RCF可改善试件破坏形式,提升RCFC弯曲强度和韧性,弯曲强度最高提升38.67%,弯曲韧性指标I20最高提升70.14%;不同形态的RCFC试件弯曲强度、弯曲韧性指数、等效弯曲强度及弯曲韧性比的影响规律并不相同,这主要和RCF表观形貌有关,从弯曲韧性角度来看掺入1.5%长度12mm的RCF-A时性能最佳。本文研究结论和提出的计算方法可为RCFC的性能提升及推广应用提供参考。


  • 图  1  回收碳纤维(RCF)外观

    Figure  1.  Appearance of recycled carbon fibers (RCF)

    图  2  三种RCF的形貌外观

    Figure  2.  Morphological appearance of three RCFs

    图  3  四点弯曲试件及装置示意图(单位:mm)

    Figure  3.  Four-point bending specimen and device diagram (Unit: mm)

    图  4  弯曲韧性指数计算示意图

    Figure  4.  Calculation diagram of toughness index

    图  5  RCF荷载-挠度曲线初裂点计算示意图

    Figure  5.  Determination diagram of initial crack point of RCF load-deflection curve

    Mmax—Point of peak load;M0.2M0.5M0.8—Point with 20%、50%、80% of peak load; A—Point of initial cracking load

    图  6  NC和回收碳纤维混凝土(RCFC)典型弯曲破坏形态

    Figure  6.  Typical flexural failure form of NC and recycled carbon fiber reinforced concrete (RCFC)

    图  7  不同RCFC平均荷载-挠度曲线

    Figure  7.  Average load-deflection curve of different RCFC

    图  8  RCFC弯曲强度

    Figure  8.  Flexural tensile strength of RCFC

    图  9  RCF掺量和弯曲韧性指数的关系

    Figure  9.  Relationship between RCF mass content and toughness index of RCFC

    图  10  RCF长度和弯曲韧性指数的关系

    Figure  10.  Relationship between RCF length and toughness index of RCFC

    图  11  RCFC等效弯曲强度和弯曲韧性比

    Figure  11.  Equivalent flexural strength and flexural toughness ratio of RCFC

    图  12  RCFC微观形态

    Figure  12.  Microstructure of RCFC

    图  13  RCF-A试件孔隙率

    Figure  13.  Porosity of part samples of RCF-A

    表  1  回收碳纤维性能参数

    Table  1.   Properties of RCFs

    Fiber Length/
    Yes or No
    Diameter/μm Density/
    RCF-A 6/12/18 Direct cutting Yes 5.83 1.78 3536 230 95.0
    RCF-B 6/12/18 Heat treatment No 7.28 1.80 3474 230 91.3
    RCF-C 6/12/18 Direct cutting Yes 7.28 1.79 2866 230 92.8
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  试件编号及配合比

    Table  2.   Number and mix proportion of specimens

    Sample No. RCF parameter Sample No. RCF parameter
    Type Content/wt% Length/mm Type Content/wt% Length/mm
    NC RCF-B0.5%-L12 B 0.5 12
    RCF-A0.5%-L6 A 0.5 6 RCF-B1.0%-L12 B 1 12
    RCF-A0.5%-L12 A 0.5 12 RCF-B1.5%-L12 B 1.5 12
    RCF-A0.5%-L18 A 0.5 18 RCF-B1.5%-L6 B 1.5 6
    RCF-A1.0%-L6 A 1.0 6 RCF-B1.5%-L18 B 1.5 18
    RCF-A1.0%-L12 A 1.0 12 RCF-D0.5%-L12 C 0.5 12
    RCF-A1.0%-L18 A 1.0 18 RCF-C1.0%-L12 C 1 12
    RCF-A1.5%-L6 A 1.5 6 RCF-C1.5%-L12 C 1.5 12
    RCF-A1.5%-L12 A 1.5 12 RCF-C1.5%-L6 C 1.5 6
    RCF-A1.5%-L18 A 1.5 18 RCF-C1.5%-L18 C 1.5 18
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    表  3  参数拟合结果及RCFC弯曲强度预测情况

    Table  3.   Parameter fitting results and flexural strength prediction of RCFC

    Parameter fitting results
    $ k $$ \alpha \tau $$ \beta $$ \gamma $
    Measured and predicted values of bending strength
    No.Porosity/%Measured value/MPaPredicted value /MPa
    RCF-A1.5%- L 612.676.306.27
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