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赵锦博 王炳涛 郭云馨 侯利红 李娟

赵锦博, 王炳涛, 郭云馨, 等. 苯基膦酸铈协效阻燃IFR/PP复合材料的制备[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-8.
引用本文: 赵锦博, 王炳涛, 郭云馨, 等. 苯基膦酸铈协效阻燃IFR/PP复合材料的制备[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-8.
ZHAO Jinbo, WANG Bingtao, GUO Yunxin, et al. Synergistic flame-retardant IFR/PP composites based on cerium phenylphosphonate[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHAO Jinbo, WANG Bingtao, GUO Yunxin, et al. Synergistic flame-retardant IFR/PP composites based on cerium phenylphosphonate[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 宁波市科技创新2025重大专项(2022Z113)

    王炳涛,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为阻燃高分子材料, E-mail: bing.wang@nbt.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TQ325.14; TB332

Synergistic flame-retardant IFR/PP composites based on cerium phenylphosphonate

Funds: Ningbo Science and Technology Innovation 2025 Major Project (2022Z113)
  • 摘要: 由焦磷酸哌嗪(PAPP)和三聚氰胺氰尿酸盐(MCA)组成的膨胀型阻燃剂(IFR)可以提高聚丙烯(PP)的防火安全性。然而,添加量高达28 wt%的PAPP-MCA (质量比为3∶1)极大地降低了PP的强度和韧性(分别降低了31%和62%)。本文采用具有二维层状结构的稀土化合物苯基膦酸铈(CeHPP)作为阻燃协效剂,用于提升PAPP-MCA含量相对较低的PP的防火安全。结果表明,在2wt%CeHPP存在的情况下,仅添加20 wt%的PAPP-MCA便可使PP的LOI达到30%且通过UL-94 V-0等级,同时PP复合材料的PHRR、THR和TSR分别大幅下降82%、85%和52%。此外,与同样达到V-0等级添加28wt%的IFR的PP复合材料相比,CeHPP-IFR协效阻燃PP复合材料的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率分别提高了22%和110%,表现出更为理想的力学应用潜力。


  • 图  1  苯基膦酸铈(CeHPP)的SEM图像

    Figure  1.  SEM images of Cerium phenylphosphonate (CeHPP)

    图  2  CeHPP、PP和PP复合材料在氮气(N2)中的TG曲线

    Figure  2.  TG curves of CeHPP, PP and PP composites in nitrogen

    图  3  (a) 锥形量热法中PP、PP-1和PP-3的HRR、(b) THR、(c) SPR和(d) TSR曲线

    Figure  3.  (a) HRR, (b)THR, (c) SPR and (d) TSR curves of PP, PP-1 and PP-3 from cone calorimetry

    PP—Polypropene; HRR—Heat release rate; THR—Total heat release; SPR—Smoke produce rate; TSR—Total smoke release.

    图  4  PP、PP-1、PP-3锥形量热试验后碳残留数码照片

    Figure  4.  Digital photos of carbon residues of PP, PP-1, and PP-3 after cone test

    图  5  (a) PP、(b) PP-1、(c) PP-3 锥体试验后碳残留物的SEM图像

    Figure  5.  SEM images of carbon residues of (a) PP, (b) PP-1, and (c) PP-3 after cone test

    图  6  CeHPP-IFR/PP阻燃机制示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic flame retardant mechanism of CeHPP-IFR/PP

    表  1  PP复合材料配方

    Table  1.   Formulations of PP composites

    Sample PP MCA PAPP CeHPP
    PP 100 0 0 0
    PP-1 80 5 15 0
    PP-2 80 5 15 1
    PP-3 80 5 15 2
    PP-4 72 7 21 0
    Notes: PP—Polypropene; MCA—Melamine cyanurate; PAPP—Piperazine pyrophosphate; CeHPP—Cerium phenylphosphonate.
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    表  2  CeHPP、PP和PP复合材料的热稳定性

    Table  2.   Thermal stability of CeHPP, PP and PP composites

    Sample T5%/℃ Tmax/℃ Carbon residue at 700℃ /%
    PP 412 467 2.2
    PP-1 348 473 7.6
    PP-2 354 473 10.5
    PP-3 359 479 10.3
    CeHPP 504 686 76.5
    Notes: T5%—5 wt% mass loss temperature; Tmax—Maximum mass loss temperature
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    表  3  PP和PP复合材料的LOI和UL-94数据

    Table  3.   LOI and UL-94 data of PP and PP composites

    Notes: LOI—Limiting oxygen index; UL-94—Vertical burn test; t1—First ignition time; t2—Second ignition time
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    表  4  锥形量热法中PP和PP复合材料的综合数据

    Table  4.   Comprehensive data of PP and PP composites from cone calorimetry

    Sample TCT/s EHC/(MJ·kg−1) PHRR/(kW·m−2) THR/(MJ·m−2) TSR/(mm−2)
    PP 384 39 800 98 1200
    PP-1 1400 33 207 82 120
    PP-3 628 21 87 12 58
    Notes: TCT—Total combustion time; EHC—Effective heat of combustion; PHRR—Peak heat release rate; THR—Total heat release; TSR—Total smoke release.
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    表  5  PP和PP复合材料的力学性能

    Table  5.   Mechanical properties of PP and PP composites

    Sample Tensile
    at break/%
    PP 28.3±0.9 550.4 120.6±17.0
    PP-1 21.4±1.4 807.0 105.8±20.2
    PP-2 22.6±0.5 659.4 100.7±17.9
    PP-3 23.8±0.4 773.5 95.6±15.2
    PP-4 19.5±0.7 900.0 45.5±18.7
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-06-05
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