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孟波 孙小巍 刘凯 刘振东 王鹏

孟波, 孙小巍, 刘凯, 等. 复合材料固化残余应变应变片原位检测方法[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-10.
引用本文: 孟波, 孙小巍, 刘凯, 等. 复合材料固化残余应变应变片原位检测方法[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-10.
MENG Bo, SUN Xiaowei, LIU Kai, et al. In-situ testing method for residual strain of cured composite materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: MENG Bo, SUN Xiaowei, LIU Kai, et al. In-situ testing method for residual strain of cured composite materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 重点实验室基金一般项目 (6142906220101);国防基础科研计划资助(JCKY2021206A045);国防基础科研计划资助 (JCKY2022206A010).

    刘 凯,博士,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为复合材料工艺力学 E-mail: liukai0704@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

In-situ testing method for residual strain of cured composite materials

Funds: Key Laboratory Fund General Projects (6142906220101); Defense Industrial Technology Development Program (JCKY2021206A045); Defense Industrial Technology Development Program (JCKY2022206A010)
  • 摘要: 复合材料固化残余应变是导致复合材料固化变形的主要原因,残余应变也会导致复合材料产生裂纹、分层等缺陷,影响复合材料构件装配与构件性能,因此,复合材料固化残余应变原位检测方法研究具有重要意义。本文建立了一种复合材料固化残余应变应变片原位检测方法,根据复合材料凝胶点将复合材料固化分橡胶态和玻璃态两个阶段,针对这两个阶段分段式处理应变片原位检测复合材料固化残余应变数据,对应变片原位检测数据分别采取去除应变片热膨胀和不去除热膨胀的处理方法。基于分段式处理方法,测试了碳纤维热固性复合材料真空袋固化成型0°和90°方向上的应变变化,并与光纤光栅(FBG)原位检测结果进行对比分析,揭示了复合材料固化残余应变的形成机理。研究结果表明,应变片原位检测数据分段式处理结果与FBG结果基本吻合,可以有效分析复合材料固化过程残余应变的演化规律。


  • 图  1  应变片温度热输出曲线

    Figure  1.  Temperature thermal output curve of strain gauge

    图  2  预浸料粘度-温度曲线

    Figure  2.  Viscosity and temperature curve of prep-reg

    图  3  固化系统、复合材料及烘箱温度

    Figure  3.  Curing system, composite material and oven temperature

    图  4  传感器的铺设位置

    Figure  4.  Laying position of the sensor

    图  5  FBG检测复合材料固化过程中应变结果

    Figure  5.  The strain results of the composite during solidification were measured by FBG in-situ

    图  6  去除温度影响前应变片检测结果

    Figure  6.  The influence of temperature on the strain gauge was removed

    图  7  去除温度影响后应变片检测不分阶段处理结果

    Figure  7.  After removing the influence of temperature, the measured data of strain gauge are processed regardless of stage

    图  8  去除温度影响后应变片检测数据分阶段处理结果

    Figure  8.  After removing the influence of temperature, the measured data of strain gauge are processed in stages

    表  1  应变片参数

    Table  1.   Resistance strain gauge parameters

    Type Maximum
    sensitivity coefficient
    BA120-3AA 250 2.1±0.01 3×2 120
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    表  2  FBG传感器参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of FBG sensor

    Grating length Ls10 mm
    Initial Bragg grating period λB1540 nm~1552 nm
    Coefficient of axial strain Sensitivity Sε1.174 pm/με
    Coefficient of temperature Sensitivity ST11.033 pm/℃
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    表  3  应变片及FBG检测结果100℃~45℃降温段应变变化比较

    Table  3.   Comparison of strain change results measured by strain gauge and FBG in 100℃~45℃ cooling section

    Checking angle FBG-Experiment-1 FBG-Experiment-2 Average Strain gage-Experiment-1 Strain gage-Experiment-2 Average
    32.4 33.2 32.8 36.7 37.3 37
    90° −1903.1 −2030 −1966.5 −1900 −2172.2 −2036.1
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