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李翰 魏鹏 冯振宇

李翰, 魏鹏, 冯振宇. 基于热化学反应的聚碳酸酯热解模型构建及火灾响应预报方法[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
引用本文: 李翰, 魏鹏, 冯振宇. 基于热化学反应的聚碳酸酯热解模型构建及火灾响应预报方法[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
LI Han, WEI Peng, FENG Zhenyu. Pyrolysis model construction and fire response prediction method of polycarbonate materials based on thermochemical reaction[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: LI Han, WEI Peng, FENG Zhenyu. Pyrolysis model construction and fire response prediction method of polycarbonate materials based on thermochemical reaction[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 民航热灾害防控与应急重点实验室开放基金项目(RZH2023-KF-03)

    李翰,博士,助理研究员,硕士生导师,研究方向为复合材料结构防火 E-mail: cauc_lihan@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TQ323.41;TB332

Pyrolysis model construction and fire response prediction method of polycarbonate materials based on thermochemical reaction

Funds: Key Laboratory of Civil Aviation Thermal Hazards Prevention and Emergency Response (RZH2023-KF-03)
  • 摘要: 为研究火灾环境下的聚合物火灾响应,考虑瞬态热能传递和热解气体传输过程,根据热化学反应机制,从能量和质量两个方面描述聚合物热解和燃烧过程,建立聚合物热解模型,提出了火灾响应预报方法。以聚碳酸酯为研究对象,预测其质量损失和热释放速率,并探究了50 kW/m2单侧热流作用下材料在不同深度位置的热解和炭化规律。结果表明:该模型能够有效预测聚碳酸酯的质量损失和热释放特性;不同温升速率和热流密度条件下,模型计算得到的质量损失率峰值和平均热释放速率数值与实验结果吻合较好,误差分别低于6.0%和5.0%;三种热流密度下预测的点火时间与实验的误差分别为1.2%、8.6%和16%;相较于50 kW/m2热流密度下的平均热释放速率,在75 kW/m2和92 kW/m2条件下所预测的平均热释放速率分别提高14.6%和27.4%。


  • 图  1  热解模型构建与火灾响应计算流程图

    Figure  1.  Pyrolysis model construction and fire response calculation flow chart

    图  2  PC材料在不同升温速率条件下模型预测结果与TGA实验结果的对比曲线

    Figure  2.  Comparison curve between model prediction results and TGA test results of PC material at different heating rate

    图  3  PC材料在不同热流密度下热释放速率曲线的计算与实验对比

    Figure  3.  Calculation and experimental comparison of heat release rate curves of PC materials at different heat flux densities

    图  4  50 kW/m2热流密度条件下PC浓度随加热时间及深度的变化规律

    Figure  4.  Variation of PC concentration with heating time and depth under 50 kW/m2 heat flux

    图  5  50 kW/m2热流密度条件下PC炭化物浓度随加热时间及深度的变化规律

    Figure  5.  Variation of PC carbonized concentration with heating time and depth under 50 kW/m2 heat flux

    图  6  不同热流密度条件下100 s和150 s时各输入参数对PC热释放速率的全局灵敏度分析

    Figure  6.  Global sensitivity analysis of each input parameter to PC heat release rate at 100 s and 150 s under different heat flux conditions

    表  1  热解反应参数[29]

    Table  1.   Pyrolysis reaction parameter[29]

    Pre-exponential factor/s−1(1.9±1.1)×1018
    Activation energy/(J·mol−1)(2.95±0.06)×105
    Heat of reaction/(J·kg−1)-(8.3±1.4)×105
    Stoichiometric coefficients0.21±0.01
    Heat of combustion/(J·kg−1)(2.56±0.13)×107
    Notes: * is the kinetic parameter obtained by fitting 30 K min−1 experiment
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    表  2  材料组分性能参数[29]

    Table  2.   Material component performance parameters[29]

    Property PC value PCchar value PCgas value
    Density/(kg·m−3) 1180±60 - -
    Specific heat/((J·(kg·K)−1) 1900±300 1720±170 1000
    Thermal conductivity(W·(m·K)−1) 0.22±0.03 - -
    Reflectivity 0.10±0.05 0.15±0.05 -
    Radiation absorption coefficients/(m2·kg−1) 1.5±0.5 100 1.5
    Notes:PC —Undecomposed polycarbonate;PCchar—Char produced by pyrolysis of polycarbonate;PCgas—Gaseous product of polycarbonate pyrolysis.
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-06-06
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