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季文彬 吴润禾 戴士杰 郭延昭 李明洋

季文彬, 吴润禾, 戴士杰, 等. 激光增材制造WC-12Co硬质合金圆柱形内部结构及其微波后处理[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 季文彬, 吴润禾, 戴士杰, 等. 激光增材制造WC-12Co硬质合金圆柱形内部结构及其微波后处理[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
JI Wenbin, WU Runhe, DAI Shijie, et al. Forming process and microwave post-treatment of WC-12 Co cemented carbide cylindrical-shaped inner structure structure by selective laser melting[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: JI Wenbin, WU Runhe, DAI Shijie, et al. Forming process and microwave post-treatment of WC-12 Co cemented carbide cylindrical-shaped inner structure structure by selective laser melting[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52005154);科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目(2021ZD0113100)

    季文彬,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为硬质合金增材制造 E-mail: 2017082@hebut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB331

Forming process and microwave post-treatment of WC-12 Co cemented carbide cylindrical-shaped inner structure structure by selective laser melting

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52005154); Science and Technological Innovation 2030 - “New Generation Artificial Intelligence” Major Project of China (Grant No. 2021ZD0113100)
  • 摘要: 首先采用了SLM不同扫描策略制备了WC-12Co硬质合金试样,研究了扫描策略对成形试样的影响规律,优化出最佳成形工艺。使用优化后的参数成形了圆柱形内部结构试样并进行微波后处理,分析微波后处理工艺对试样相对密度、维氏硬度和形状精度的影响规律。结果表明,最适用于打印WC-12Co硬质合金是棋盘格扫描策略,在成形能力、相对密度、维氏硬度和组织均匀性方面均优于其他扫描策略,调整扫描间距为30 μm后,试样相对密度达到最高91.6%,维氏硬度则达到1324 HV,且棋盘格扫描策略成形圆柱形内部结构的精度也更佳;当微波热处理升温速率为40 ℃/min、温度为1300℃、保温时间为20 min时,试样微观缺陷数量与热处理前相比大幅减少,材料相对密度与维氏硬度显著提高,但热处理会导致部分WC晶粒尺寸增大,此时试样相对密度达到96.1%,维氏硬度达到1435 HV,且热处理后圆柱形内部结构试样的精度没有被破坏。


  • 图  1  WC-12 Co粉末:(a) 原始形貌;(b) 粒度分布

    Figure  1.  WC-12 Co powder: (a) original morphology; (b) particle size distribution

    图  2  扫描策略:(a) S形;(b) 回形;(c) 棋盘格

    Figure  2.  scanning strategies: (a) S-shape scanning; (b) spiral scanning;(c) checkerboard scanning.

    图  3  预实验成形结果

    Figure  3.  Pre-experimental molding results

    图  4  不同扫描策略WC-12 Co硬质合金试样相对密度对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison of relative density of WC-12 Co cemented carbide specimens under different scanning strategies

    图  5  不同扫描策略下WC-12 Co硬质合金试样表面微观组织和WC晶粒尺寸分布图:(a) 棋盘格;(b) S形;(c) 棋盘格晶粒尺寸分布图;(d) S形晶粒尺寸分布图

    Figure  5.  Microstructure and WC grain size distribution of the surface of the WC-12 Co cemented carbide specimens under different scanning strategies: (a) checkerboard scanning; (b) S-shape scanning; (c) grain size distribution of checkerboard; (d) grain size distribution of S-shape

    图  6  SLM成形过程中能量传递示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of energy transfer in SLM molding process

    图  7  不同扫描间距下WC-12 Co硬质合金试样相对密度与维氏硬度

    Figure  7.  Relative density and Vickers hardness of WC-12 Co cemented carbide specimens at different scanning spacing

    图  8  圆柱形内部结构成形结果

    Figure  8.  Cylindrical-shaped inner structure molding results

    图  9  竖直圆孔圆度测量结果

    Figure  9.  Vertical hole roundness measurement results

    图  10  悬垂圆孔与竖直圆孔形貌对比:(a) 悬垂圆孔;(b) 竖直圆孔

    Figure  10.  Comparison of morphology of overhanging and vertical circular holes: (a) overhanging circular holes; (b) vertical circular holes

    图  11  阶梯效应示意图

    Figure  11.  Schematic diagram of the ladder effect

    图  12  不同扫描策略成形圆柱形内部结构对比:(a) 棋盘格扫描策略成形的Φ6悬垂圆孔;(b) S形扫描策略成形的Φ6悬垂圆孔;(c) 棋盘格扫描策略成形的Φ6竖直圆孔;(d) S形扫描策略成形的Φ6竖直圆孔

    Figure  12.  Comparison of the structure of holes formed by different scanning strategies: (a) Φ6 overhanging circular hole shaped by checkerboard scanning strategy; (b) Φ6 overhanging circular hole shaped by S scanning strategy;(c) Φ6 vertical hole shaped by the checkerboard scanning strategy; (d) Φ6 vertical hole shaped by the S-shape scanning strategy

    图  13  不同扫描策略成形悬垂圆孔最大塌陷量与圆度测量结果:(a) 最大塌陷量;(b) 圆度

    Figure  13.  Maximum collapse and roundness measurements of overhanging circular holes formed by different scanning strategies: (a) maximum collapse volume; (b) roundness

    图  14  热处理后WC-12 Co硬质合金试样的相对密度与维氏硬度:(a) 不同温度;(b) 不同保温时间

    Figure  14.  Relative density and Vickers hardness of WC-12 Co cemented carbide specimens after heat treatment: (a) different temperatures;(b) different holding time

    图  15  不同温度热处理后WC-12 Co硬质合金试样表面微观组织和WC晶粒尺寸分布图:(a) 1300℃热处理后微观组织;(b) 1400℃热处理后微观组织;(c) 1300℃热处理后晶粒分布;(d) 1400℃热处理后晶粒分布

    Figure  15.  Microstructure and WC grain size distribution on the surface of the WC-12 Co cemented carbide specimens after heat treatment at different temperatures: (a) microstructure after heat treatment at 1300°C; (b) microstructure after heat treatment at 1400°C; (c) grain size distribution after heat treatment at 1300°C; (d) grain size distribution after heat treatment at 1400°C

    图  16  热处理前后WC-12 Co硬质合金试样表面微观组织和Co元素分布:(a)热处理前微观组织;(b)热处理前Co元素分布;(c)热处理后微观组织;(d)热处理后Co元素分布

    Figure  16.  Microstructure and Co element distribution on the WC-12 Co cemented carbide specimens surface before and after heat treatment: (a) microstructure before heat treatment; (b) Co element distribution before heat treatment; (c) microstructure after heat treatment; (d) Co element distribution after heat treatment

    图  17  热处理前后圆柱形内部结构对比:(a) 热处理前Φ6悬垂圆孔;(b) 热处理后Φ6悬垂圆孔;(c) 热处理前Φ6竖直圆孔;(d) 热处理后Φ6竖直圆孔

    Figure  17.  Comparison of the structure of round holes before and after heat treatment:(a) Φ6 overhanging round hole before heat treatment; (b) Φ6 overhanging round hole after heat treatment; (c) Φ6 vertical round hole before heat treatment; (d) Φ6 vertical round hole after heat treatment

    表  1  WC-12 Co粉末化学成分

    Table  1.   WC-12 Co powder chemical composition

    Mass fraction/%0.015%11.92%5.38%0.06%0.03%Bal.
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    表  2  WC-12 Co粉末物理性能

    Table  2.   WC-12 Co powder physical properties

    Testing Program Test results
    Particle size distribution/μm D10 23.68
    D50 35.39
    D90 49.42
    Bulk density/(g·cm-3) 4.64
    Flowability(s/50 g) 13.6
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    表  3  预实验工艺参数

    Table  3.   Pre-experimentation process parameters

    Laser power p/W Scanning speed v/(mm·s−1) Thickness h/mm Scanning spacing l/mm
    100 390 0.04 0.03~0.07
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    表  4  圆柱形内部结构成形参数

    Table  4.   Forming parameters for cylindrical-shaped inner structures

    Scanning StrategyScanning spacing
    l /mm
    Diameter of the
    round hole /mm
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    表  5  热处理实验参数表

    Table  5.   Heat treatment experiment parameter table

    Heating rate/
    Heat treatment
    40 1250 10
    40 1300 10
    40 1350 10
    40 1400 10
    40 1300 20
    40 1300 30
    40 1300 40
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