Effect of graphene-oxide coated sand on the properties of cement mortar
摘要: 界面过渡区(ITZ)是水泥基材料中最为薄弱的部分,对水泥砂浆和混凝土的力学性能和耐久性有决定性的作用。本研究通过将氧化石墨烯(GO)附着在砂粒表面,探究GO包覆砂(GO@sand)对水泥砂浆性能的影响。结果表明,砂在GO悬浮液中搅拌12 h后,GO吸附量达到最大值0.093 mg/g;当GO掺量为0.024%时,可以显著改善水泥砂浆的力学性能和耐久性能,相比基准试件,3d抗压强度和抗折强度分别提高了31.12%、23.21%;28 d抗压强度和抗折强度也提高了11.76%、17.65%;砂浆抗渗压力提高了140%,抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能也有较大提升。通过对硬化后的水泥砂浆试块的XRD和SEM测试结果分析,表明吸附在砂表面的GO能加速ITZ区域的水泥水化进程、提高水化产物含量,增强ITZ的密实度,抑制微裂纹的扩展,从而增强水泥砂浆的力学性能和耐久性能。本文提供了一种GO@sand的方法来提升水泥砂浆的性能,凸显了GO@sand对ITZ纳米工程的有效性,可推广到其他水泥基材料。Abstract: The interface transition zone (ITZ) is the weakest part in cement-based materials and plays a decisive role in the mechanical properties and durability of cement mortar and concrete. This study explored the impact of graphene oxide coated sand (GO@sand) on the performance of cement mortar by attaching graphene oxide to the surface of sand particles. The results indicate that after stirring the sand in a GO suspension for 12 hours, the amount of GO adsorbed by the sand reaches the maximum value of 0.093 mg/g; When the dosage of GO is 0.024%, it significantly improves the mechanical and durability properties of the cement mortar, Compared to the control specimens, the 3-day compressive strength and flexural strength increase by 31.12% and 23.21%, respectively; the 28-day compressive strength and flexural strength also increase by 11.76% and 17.65%, respectively; the mortar's resistance to permeation is enhanced by 140%, and the resistance to sulfate erosion also shows a significant improvement. The analysis of the XRD and SEM test results from the hardened cement mortar specimens indicates that the GO adsorbed on the surface of the sand has accelerated the hydration process in the ITZ, increased the content of hydration products, enhanced the compactness of the ITZ, and inhibited the propagation of micro-cracks, thereby enhancing the mechanical properties and durability of the cement mortar. This paper provides a method for enhancing the performance of cement mortar using GO@sand, highlighting the effectiveness of GO@sand in ITZ nano-engineering, and indicating that this approach can be extended to other cement-based materials.
Key words:
- grapheme oxide /
- cement mortar /
- mechanical properties /
- durability /
- interface transition zone
表 1 水泥的物理性能
Table 1. Physical properties of cement
Stability/mm Fineness/% Density/(g·mm−3) Specific Surface
Consistency/%Coagulation Time /min Initial coagulation Final coagulation 0.50 0.60 3.15 350 25.60 132 198 表 2 水泥化学成分
Table 2. Chemical composition of cement
Mineral Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 NaO f-CaO C3S C2S C3A C4AF Content/wt% 4.47 21.5 3.37 65.84 3.18 0.3 0.49 0.78 58.92 20.19 8.12 8.21 Note: f-CaO−Free calcium oxide. 表 3 GO@sand改性水泥砂浆配合比
Table 3. Mix ratio of GO@sand modified cement mortar
Sample① Cement/g PCE/g Water/g Sand/g GO②/% Z1(0 h-GO@sand) 450 1.5 171 1350 g0 Z2(5 h-GO@sand) 450 1.5 171 1350 g0.015 Z3(10 h-GO@sand) 450 1.5 171 1350 g0.024 Z4(15 h-GO@sand) 450 1.5 171 1350 g0.028 Notes: ①—Cement mortar specimens prepared by substituting standard sand with xh-GO@sand(stirred for x hours of GO@sand); ②—Dosage of GO was calculated as the weight percentage of the cement. 表 4 GO@sand对水泥砂浆抗折抗压强度影响
Table 4. Effect of GO@sand on flexural and compressive strength of cement mortar
Sample Flexural strength (MPa)/growth rate (%) Compressive strength (MPa)/growth rate (%) 3 d 28 d 3 d 28 d Z1 5.6/0 6.8/0 34.7/0 42.5/0 Z2 6.7/19.64 7.8/14.71 41.7/20.21 43.7/2.82 Z3 6.9/23.21 8/17.65 45.5/31.12 47.5/11.76 Z4 6.6/17.86 7.3/7.35 45.4/30.84 46.2/8.71 表 5 GO改性砂浆28 d抗压抗折强度的文献比较分析
Table 5. Comparative literature analysis of 28 d compressive and flexural strength of GO modified mortar
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