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侯鹏飞 赵璧 胡胜利 王俊胜

侯鹏飞, 赵璧, 胡胜利, 等. 酚醛树脂浸渍石英纤维复合材料烧蚀过程数值模拟[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
引用本文: 侯鹏飞, 赵璧, 胡胜利, 等. 酚醛树脂浸渍石英纤维复合材料烧蚀过程数值模拟[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
HOU Pengfei, ZHAO Bi, HU Shengli, et al. Numerical simulation of the ablation process in phenolic resin impregnated quartz fiber composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: HOU Pengfei, ZHAO Bi, HU Shengli, et al. Numerical simulation of the ablation process in phenolic resin impregnated quartz fiber composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (U2037206)

    王俊胜,博士,研究员,研究方向为防火阻燃材料和消防员个人防护装备 E-mail: wangjunsheng@tfri.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Numerical simulation of the ablation process in phenolic resin impregnated quartz fiber composites

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2037206)
  • 摘要: 针对酚醛树脂浸渍石英纤维复合材料(PISF)烧蚀热响应过程受热边界难处理的问题,建立了PISF的三维流-热-烧蚀多场耦合模型,预测了高温环境下材料受热过程和散热过程的瞬态温度分布,模拟了体积烧蚀和表面烧蚀过程,分析了各项参数对PISF传热的影响。结果表明:随着受热时间的增长,材料表面温度逐渐升高,流入表面的热流迅速减少。受热面中心点处受到的热流最大,约3.6 s后开始发生烧蚀,烧蚀最为明显。材料表面受热后迅速分解,产气速率迅速达到峰值,后期由于表面热阻效应,产气速率逐渐降低。一定条件下,提高导热系数会降低烧蚀后退速率和提高产气速率,背温升高,不利于材料隔热;提高热容会降低烧蚀后退速率和产气速率,背温降低,有利于材料隔热;显著提高渗透率会增强流体流动传热,提高烧蚀后退速率和产气速率,背温升高,不利于材料隔热。研究结果可以提高对PISF烧蚀热响应过程的认识,并为热防护材料的优化设计提供参考。


  • 图  1  热解机制图

    Figure  1.  Pyrolysis mechanism diagram

    图  2  边界分布图

    Figure  2.  Boundary distribution

    图  3  耦合方案示意图

    Figure  3.  Diagram of coupling scheme

    图  4  系统的流速(a)、压力(b)和温度分布(c)

    Figure  4.  Velocity(a), pressure(b), and temperature(c) distribution of the system

    图  5  PISF不同时刻的温度场云图

    Figure  5.  Temperature contours at various times of PISF

    图  6  PISF受热面及不同深度的温度变化

    Figure  6.  Temperature variation of heated surface and different depths for PISF

    图  7  PISF受热面平均热流密度(a)和不同位置的热流分布(b)

    Figure  7.  Average heat flux density on the heated surface (a) and heat flux distribution at different positions (b) for PISF

    图  8  PISF不同位置的后退距离(a)和受热面中心烧蚀后退速率变化(b)

    Figure  8.  Retreat distance at different positions and erosion backward rate history at the center of the heated surface for PISF

    图  9  PISF不同时刻的密度云图

    Figure  9.  Density contours at various times for PISF

    图  10  PISF产气速率变化

    Figure  10.  Gas production rate history of PISF

    图  11  不同烧蚀后退速率下10 s和100 s时PISF材料中轴线上的温度分布

    Figure  11.  Temperature distribution along the axis of the PISF material at t=10 s and t=100 s under different erosion backward rates

    图  12  不同产气速率下10 s和100 s时PISF材料中轴线上的温度分布

    Figure  12.  Temperature distribution along the axis of the material at t=10 s and t=100 s under different gas production rate for PISF

    图  13  不同导热系数下10 s和100 s时PISF中轴线温度分布(a)和总后退量和产气量(b)

    Figure  13.  Temperature distribution along the axis at t=10 s and t=100 s (a) and total retreat and gas production (b) at different thermal conductivity for PISF

    图  14  不同热容下10 s和100 s时PISF中轴线温度分布(a)和总后退量和产气量(b)

    Figure  14.  Temperature distribution along the axis at t=10 s and t=100 s (a) and total retreat and gas production (b) at different heat capacities for PISF

    图  15  不同渗透率下10 s和100 s时PISF中轴线温度分布(a)和总后退量、产气量和监测点流速(b)

    Figure  15.  Temperature distribution along the axis at t=10 s and t=100 s (a) and total retreat, gas production and velocity of monitor point (b) at different permeability for PISF

    表  1  酚醛树脂浸渍石英纤维复合材料参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of phenolic resin impregnated quartz fiber composites

    Property Value Ref.
    Density of virgin material $ {\rho }_{\mathrm{s}} $/(kg·m−3) 1553 *
    Density of product $ {\rho }_{\mathrm{c}} $/(kg·m−3) 1920 *
    Porosity of virgin material $ \mathrm{ \varepsilon } $ 0.68 *
    Porosity of product $ \varepsilon $ 0.8 *
    Activation energy $ {E}_{\mathrm{a}} $/(J·mol−1) 7.88×104 [8]
    Reaction rate constant $ {A}_{0} $/(kg·m−3·s−1) 1.94×105 [8]
    Order of reaction n 1 [8]
    Permeability of virgin material $ {K}_{\mathrm{s}} $/m2 6.18×10−18 [8]
    Permeability of product $ {K}_{\mathrm{c}} $/m2 4.85×10−15 [8]
    Specific heat of virgin material $ {c}_{\mathrm{p}\mathrm{s}} $/(J·(kg·K)−1) 783.55+0.976T [21]
    Specific heat of product $ {c}_{\mathrm{p}\mathrm{c}} $/(J·(kg·K)−1) 672.52+0.76T [21]
    Thermal conductivity of virgin material $ {k}_{\mathrm{v}} $/(W·(m·K)−1) 0.72+2.76×10−4T [21]
    Thermal conductivity of product $ {k}_{\mathrm{c}} $/(W·(m·K)−1) 0.32+4.25×10−3T−8.43×10−6T2+5.32×
    Heat of decomposition $ \Delta {h}_{\mathrm{t}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}} $/(kJ·kg−1) −418.7 [21]
    reaction enthalpy $ \Delta {H}_{\mathrm{P}} $/(kJ·kg−1) 615 [21]
    Enthalpy of ablation Hv/(kJ·kg−1) −12686 [9]
    Note: *—Measured value.
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