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徐玥 武鲜艳 洪兴华

徐玥, 武鲜艳, 洪兴华. 低温环境下三维五向玻璃纤维/环氧树脂编织复合材料圆管冲击压缩性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
引用本文: 徐玥, 武鲜艳, 洪兴华. 低温环境下三维五向玻璃纤维/环氧树脂编织复合材料圆管冲击压缩性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
XU Yue, WU Xianyan, HONG Xinghua. Impact compression performance of three-dimensional five directional glass fiber/epoxy resin braided composite circular tubes in low-temperature environment[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: XU Yue, WU Xianyan, HONG Xinghua. Impact compression performance of three-dimensional five directional glass fiber/epoxy resin braided composite circular tubes in low-temperature environment[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 嘉兴市公益性研究计划项目(2022AY10022);国家自然科学基金 (51805210);中国博士后科学基金(2022M712731)

    武鲜艳,副教授,博士。主要研究方向为纺织结构复合材料冲击动力学。 E-mail: xywu@zjxu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Impact compression performance of three-dimensional five directional glass fiber/epoxy resin braided composite circular tubes in low-temperature environment

Funds: Jiaxing Public Welfare Research Project (No. 2022AY10022); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51805210); China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.2022M712731)
  • 摘要: 通过三维编织成型技术与树脂传递模塑(RTM)工艺制备了三维五向玻璃纤维/环氧树脂编织复合材料圆管,分别在低温(−100℃、−50℃)和室温(20℃)条件下使用分离式Hopkinson压杆(SHPB)对三维五向编织复合材料圆管进行轴向冲击压缩性能测试,使用体式显微镜和SEM研究了温度和应变率对三维五向编织复合材料圆管轴向冲击压缩性能的影响。结果表明:温度和应变率对三维五向玻璃纤维/环氧树脂编织复合材料圆管轴向冲击压缩性能具有显著影响。低温度场下,三维五向编织复合材料圆管的轴向冲击压缩力学性能优于室温条件。随着应变率增加和温度降低,三维五向编织复合材料圆管的峰值应力、压缩模量与比吸收能均有不同程度的增加。低温度场下三维五向编织复合材料圆管轴向冲击压缩破坏特性为脆性断裂,纤维束断口较整齐,试样破坏及变形程度均随应变率的增加和温度的降低而更加严重,而在应变率较高和环境温度较低时试样仍保持较好的结构完整性。


  • 图  1  三维五向编织管状预成型体

    Figure  1.  Photograph of 3D5D braided tubular preform

    图  2  RTM成型装置示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of resin transfer molding process

    图  3  SHPB实验装置图

    Figure  3.  Photograph of SHPB experimental device

    图  4  低温装置搭载图

    Figure  4.  Photograph of low temperature device equipped

    图  5  应力波在各杆中传播的Lagrange X-T图

    Figure  5.  Lagrange X-T diagram of stress wave propagation in each bar

    图  6  体式显微镜(a)及SEM设备(b)

    Figure  6.  Stereomicroscope (a) and SEM equipment (b)

    图  7  相同冲击气压不同温度下SHPB试验信号差异:(a) 20℃;(b) −50℃;(c) −100℃

    Figure  7.  The differences of SHPB test signals at the same impact air pressure and different temperatures: (a) 20℃; (b) −50℃; (c) −100℃

    图  8  三维五向编织复合材料圆管不同温度不同冲击气压下轴向冲击压缩应变率-时间曲线:(a)-(c)

    Figure  8.  The axial impact compression strain rate-time curves of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes at different temperatures and different impact air pressures: (a)-(c)

    图  9  温度对三维五向编织复合材料圆管轴向冲击压缩平均应变率响应的影响

    Figure  9.  The influence of temperature on the average strain rate response of axial impact compression of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes

    图  10  不同环境温度中不同应变率下三维五向编织复合材料圆管轴向冲击压缩应力-应变曲线:(a) 300 s−1;(b) 550 s−1;(c) 750 s−1

    Figure  10.  The axial impact compression stress-strain curves of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes at different strain rates in different ambient temperatures: (a) 300 s−1; (b) 550 s−1; (c) 750 s−1

    图  11  三维五向编织复合材料圆管峰值应力温度效应和应变率效应

    Figure  11.  The temperature effect and strain rate effect of the peak stress of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes

    图  12  三维五向编织复合材料圆管压缩模量温度效应和应变率效应

    Figure  12.  The temperature effect and strain rate effect of the compression modulus of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes

    图  13  三维五向编织复合材料圆管比吸收能温度效应和应变率效应

    Figure  13.  The temperature effect and strain rate effect of the specific absorbed energy of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes

    图  14  室温和低温度场中不同应变率下三维五向编织复合材料圆管破坏形态对比图

    Figure  14.  Comparison of specimen failure patterns of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes under different strain rates in the room temperature and low-temperature field

    图  15  室温和低温度场中750 s−1应变率下三维五向编织复合材料圆管轴向冲击压缩典型失效形态SEM图。

    Figure  15.  SEM photographs of typical failure modes of axial impact compression of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes at a strain rate of 750 s−1 in the room temperature and low-temperature fields

    表  1  玻璃纤维性能参数

    Table  1.   Properties of glass fiber

    Notes: σ—Tensile strength; E—Tensile modulus; ρ—Density; d—Fiber diameter.
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  JC-02A型环氧树脂性能参数

    Table  2.   Properties of JC-02A epoxy resin

    Parameter Viscosity/
    Epoxy value/
    (mol·(100 g)−1)
    Value 1000-3000 0.50-0.53 1.12-1.14
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  三维五向编织复合材料圆管试样规格

    Table  3.   Sample specification of 3D5D braided composite circular tubes

    Braiding angle/(°)Outside diameter/mmWall thickness/mmFiber volume fraction/vol%
    下载: 导出CSV
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