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张强飞 陈勇吉 王水莲 赵科良 刘振国

张强飞, 陈勇吉, 王水莲, 等. 湿法纺制PEDOT:PSS基纤维及其在柔性电子器件中的应用进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 张强飞, 陈勇吉, 王水莲, 等. 湿法纺制PEDOT:PSS基纤维及其在柔性电子器件中的应用进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
ZHANG Qiangfei, CHEN Yongji, WANG Shuilian, et al. Advances in the preparation of wet-spun PEDOT:PSS-based fibers and its application in flexible electronic devices[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHANG Qiangfei, CHEN Yongji, WANG Shuilian, et al. Advances in the preparation of wet-spun PEDOT:PSS-based fibers and its application in flexible electronic devices[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 工业和信息化部高质量发展专项(TC220A04A-206);河南省重点研发专项(231111232500);浙江省“尖兵领雁+X”研发攻关计划(2024C01251SD)

    刘振国,博士,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向是柔性电子材料与器件 E-mail:liuzg9981@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TQ342+.83,TB332

Advances in the preparation of wet-spun PEDOT:PSS-based fibers and its application in flexible electronic devices

Funds: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology High-Quality Development Special Project (TC220A04A-206); Henan Province Key R&D Special Project (231111232500); Zhejiang Province, "Leading Goose + X" R & D research and development program (2024C01251SD)
  • 摘要: 近年来,导电聚合物材料在柔性可穿戴电子领域的应用越来越瞩目。与薄膜材料相比,纤维材料在柔性、可织造等方面有着先天的优势,湿法纺丝技术是连续制备导电纤维的主要手段,PEDOT:PSS基纤维具有柔性、高导电性、比表面积大、可纺性等优势。然而,PEDOT主链的刚性使纤维的拉伸性和导电性无法同时满足,使其在柔性可穿戴电子领域的应用受到限制。因此,经湿法纺丝制备高性能导电纤维的研究成为了时下的热点和难点。通过对湿法纺丝过程中的关键步骤进行优化,可以有效提高纤维的综合性能,从而为导电纤维在未来柔性电子领域的应用提供新的可能性。本文总结了当前湿法纺丝PEDOT:PSS基纤维的制备策略,包括纺丝液设计、凝固浴调控及后处理优化三个关键步骤,分析了PEDOT:PSS基纤维在柔性电子器件领域中的应用和存在的问题,展望了PEDOT:PSS基纤维在新一代纤维基柔性电子器件中的性能表现和发展方向。


  • 图  1  (a) 湿法纺丝连续制备PEDOT:PSS基纤维的工艺示意图,(b) PEDOT:PSS分子结构式

    Figure  1.  (a) The technical diagram for the continuous preparation of PEDOT:PSS-based fibers by wet spinning, (b)The molecular structure of PEDOT:PSS

    图  2  不同组分纺丝液的设计:(a) SA/PEDOT:PSS[32],(b) ANF/MXene/PEDOT:PSS[33],(c) TeNWs/PEDOT:PSS[34],(d) PVA/EG/PEDOT:PSS[31]

    Figure  2.  Design of spinning solutions with different components:(a) SA/PEDOT:PSS[32],(b) ANF/MXene/PEDOT:PSS[33],(c) TeNWs/PEDOT:PSS[34],(d) PVA/EG/PEDOT:PSS[31]

    图  3  不同组分凝固浴的调控:(a) DMAc / H2O / MSA[44],(b) H2SO4[42],(c) H2O-Fe3+[43],(d) EtOH-H2O-Cu2+[40]

    Figure  3.  Regulation of coagulation baths with different components:(a) DMAc / H2O / MSA[44],(b) H2SO4[42],(c) H2O-Fe3+[43],(d) EtOH-H2O-Cu2+[40]

    图  4  H2SO4处理PEDOT:PSS纤维增强的机制[45]

    (a) 湿法纺丝PEDOT:PSS纤维硫酸后处理工艺 (b)纤维经H2SO4处理前后的应力应变曲线 (c) H2SO4处理前后PEDOT:PSS纤维的S2 p XPS谱图 (d) 在900-1700 cm−1和(e) 1380-1480 cm−1波数范围内,H2SO4处理前后PEDOT:PSS纤维的拉曼光谱 (f) 未处理和 (g) H2SO4处理的PEDOT:PSS纤维的广角X射线散射(WAXS)图谱 (h) PEDOT:PSS纤维中PEDOT链堆积排列示意图

    Figure  4.  Mechanism of performance enhancement of PEDOT:PSS fiber after H2SO4 post-treatment[45]

    (a) the post-treatment of wet-spun PEDOT:PSS fibers with H2SO4 (b) stress-strain curves of fibers before and after treatment with H2SO4 (c) S2 p XPS spectra of the PEDOT:PSS fiber before and after H2SO4 treatment. Raman spectra of the PEDOT:PSS fiber before and after H2SO4 treatment in the wavenumber ranges of (d) 900-1700 cm−1 and (e) 1380-1480 cm−1. WAXS patterns of (f) untreated and (g) H2SO4-treated PEDOT:PSS fibers. (h) schematic diagram of the chain packing alignment of PEDOT in the PEDOT:PSS fiber.

    图  5  拉伸对湿纺PEDOT:PSS纤维性能的影响[48]

    (a)PEDOT:PSS膜 (b) 对PEDOT:PSS纤维进行拉伸 (c) 进一步拉伸的WAXS分析,(d) 归一化强度(相对于PSS宽峰)与2 θ的关系,(e) PEDOT:PSS晶体结构的示意图,(f)(100)反射和(g)(020)反射的方位角的函数,(h)电导率(i)杨氏模量与聚合物链取向的关系,(j) 电导率与杨氏模量的关系

    Figure  5.  Effect of drawing on the properties of wet-spun PEDOT:PSS fibers [48]

    2 D WAXS pattern of (a) PEDOT:PSS film, (b) drawing on PEDOT:PSS fibers (c) further drawing (d) normalized intensity (concerning the PSS broad hump) versus 2θ (e) scheme of the PEDOT:PSS crystal structure Intensity as a function of azimuthal angle for (f) (100) reflections and (g) (020) reflections correlation between (h) electrical conductivity and (i) Young’s modulus versus polymer chain orientation (j) correlation between electrical conductivity versus Young’s modulus.

    图  6  (a) 红外灯照射PEDOT:PSS基纤维图示,(b) 纤维在不同距离下的电阻变化,(c)纤维电阻变化的响应时间( D = 20 cm , T = 50℃),(d) 纤维在相同距离( D = 20 cm , T = 50℃)红外灯的100次周期性开/关下的传感性能,(e) 纤维用于仿生手臂感知压力和温度的概念应用[49]

    Figure  6.  (a) Demonstration of PEDOT:PSS-based fibers irradiated by infrared lamp (b) resistance changes of fibers at different distances (c) response time of fibers resistance change (D = 20 cm, T = 50℃) (d) the sensing performance of composite fibers during 100 lamp on-off cycles at the same distance (D = 20 cm, T = 50℃) (e) fibers are used for concept application of bionic arms sensing pressure and temperature[49]

    表  1  后处理策略提升湿法纺丝纤维性能的方法和机制

    Table  1.   Approaches and mechanisms of post-treatment to enhance the performance of wet-spun fibers

    Post-treatment strategyCommon methodsPrinciples of Performance Enhancement
    Solution treatmentEG(Ethylene glycol)、H2SO4(Sulfuric acid)、EtOH(ethanol)/H2O、DMF(N,N-Dimethylformamide)、DMSO(Dimethyl sulfoxide)Removal of residual polymers, organic solvents, and non-conductive components of PSS(Polystyrene sulfonate)to improve fiber crystallinity and surface flatness
    Tensile treatmentPhysical tensileAlign the main chains of PEDOT(Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)) and PSS in the direction of the fiber axis, reduce defects, and improve the conductivity and thermal stability of the fibers
    Heat treatmentHeating or insulation treatmentHeating promotes the orderly arrangement of fiber molecular chains, improves the intermolecular packing density, and increases the crystallinity of fibers, changing the structure and morphology of fibers
    Light treatmentUV or infrared light exposureImprovement of fiber conformation and fiber surface morphology to promote charge transport and carrier generation, further improving fiber conductivity and stability
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