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丛龙宇 张方 钱永久

丛龙宇, 张方, 钱永久. 外部粘贴CFRP-ECC粘结性能的影响因素试验[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-17.
引用本文: 丛龙宇, 张方, 钱永久. 外部粘贴CFRP-ECC粘结性能的影响因素试验[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-17.
CONG Longyu, ZHANG Fang, QIAN Yongjiu. Test of factors affecting bonding performance of externally bonded CFRP-ECC[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: CONG Longyu, ZHANG Fang, QIAN Yongjiu. Test of factors affecting bonding performance of externally bonded CFRP-ECC[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51778532);中国工程院重点咨询项目(2015-05-ZD-002)

    张方,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为应用工程水泥基复合材料的混凝土桥梁结构性能提升技术 E-mail: fangzhang@home.swjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: U445.6; TB332

Test of factors affecting bonding performance of externally bonded CFRP-ECC

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51778532); Key Consultancy Projects of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (2015-05-ZD-002)
  • 摘要: 外部粘贴碳纤维增强聚合物(Carbon fiber reinforced polymer,CFRP)的加固方法常常由于CFRP的过早脱粘而造成加固效果不佳。在CFRP与混凝土之间设置一层工程水泥基复合材料(Engineered cementitious composite,ECC)能够改善这一状况。为研究外部粘贴CFRP-ECC粘结性能的影响因素,对二十个试件进行双剪试验,考虑的因素包括ECC表面是否打磨、ECC拉伸强度、CFRP宽度、厚度、粘贴长度、粘结层剪切模量等。结果表明,ECC表面打磨对粘结关系有显著影响,打磨组试件的极限载荷提高了58.34%至101.44%。增加CFRP的厚度是提高ECC-CFRP粘结性能的一项非常有效的方法,将CFRP的厚度从0.127 mm增加到0.217 mm后,极限载荷提高了54.34%。将ECC的抗拉强度从0.8 MPa提高到2.8 MPa后,极限载荷增加了25.40%。当抗拉强度超过2.8 MPa时,由于ECC的强度较高,ECC中持力长度变短,导致有效粘结长度减少,最终导致极限载荷降低。此外,粘结层剪切模量对粘结关系的影响较小。


  • 图  1  典型梁试件的细节(单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Details of a typical beam specimen (Unit: mm)

    图  2  ECC2材料应力-应变曲线

    Figure  2.  Stress-strain curve of ECC2 material

    图  3  测试设备

    Figure  3.  Test setup

    图  4  CFRP 应变片布置(单位:mm)

    Figure  4.  CFRP strain gauge arrangement (Unit: mm)

    图  5  CFRP-ECC界面破坏模式

    Figure  5.  CFRP-ECC interface destruction model

    图  6  系列I试件CFRP-混凝土的荷载-滑移曲线

    Figure  6.  CFRP-concrete load-slip curves for series I specimens

    图  7  系列II试件CFRP-ECC的荷载-滑移曲线

    Figure  7.  CFRP-ECC load-slip curves for series II specimens

    图  8  系列III试件CFRP-ECC的荷载-滑移曲线

    Figure  8.  CFRP-ECC load-slip curves for series III specimens

    图  9  CFRP-ECC试件和CFRP-混凝土的极限荷载

    Figure  9.  Ultimate load of CFRP-ECC specimens and CFRP-concrete specimens

    图  10  坐标系示意图(单位:mm)

    Figure  10.  Coordinate system schematic (Unit: mm)

    图  11  典型试件的CFRP-ECC界面滑移分布

    Figure  11.  Slip distribution at the CFRP-ECC interface of typical specimens

    图  12  典型试件的CFRP-ECC粘结-滑移曲线

    Figure  12.  CFRP-ECC bond-slip curves for typical specimens

    图  13  ECC、CFRP、钢筋的本构关系

    Figure  13.  Constitutive relationships of ECC, CFRP, and steel reinforcement

    $\sigma _{{\text{tc}}}^{\text{E}}$= ECC tensile cracking strength; $\varepsilon _{{\text{tc}}}^{\text{E}}$= ECC cracking strain; $\varepsilon _{{\text{tu}}}^{\text{E}}$= ECC ultimate tensile strength; $E_{\text{t}}^{\text{S}}$= Young’s modulus of steel; $f_{{\text{ty}}}^{\text{S}}$= yield strength of steel; $\varepsilon _{{\text{ty}}}^{\text{S}}$= yield strain of steel; $\varepsilon _{{\text{tu}}}^{\text{S}}$= ultimate strain of steel; $E_{\text{t}}^{\text{F}}$ = Young’s modulus of CFRP; $\varepsilon _{{\text{tu}}}^{\text{F}}$ = ultimate strain of CFRP. ${t_{\text{n}}}$,${t_{\text{s}}}$,${t_{\text{t}}}$= representing pure type I (open), pure type II (slip-open) and pure type III (tear-open) stresses, respectively; $ \text{ }{t}_{\text{n}}^{\text{A}} $,$t_{\text{s}}^{\text{A}}$,$t_{\text{t}}^{\text{A}}$ = representing pure type I (open), pure type II (slip-open) and pure type III (tear-open) ultimate stresses, respectively

    图  14  CFRP-ECC模型构成和接触定义

    Figure  14.  CFRP-ECC model composition and contact definition

    图  15  CFRP-ECC有限元模型破坏过程

    Figure  15.  CFRP-ECC finite element model destruction process

    图  16  CFRP-ECC模型测试数据与模拟数据的比较

    Figure  16.  Comparison of CFRP-ECC model test data with simulated data

    图  17  单变量的CFRP-ECC荷载-滑移曲线

    Figure  17.  Single variable CFRP-ECC load-slip curve

    图  18  单变量的CFRP-ECC极限载荷和极限滑移

    Figure  18.  Single variable CFRP-ECC ultimate load and ultimate slip

    图  19  单变量下的CFRP有效粘结长度

    Figure  19.  Effective bond length of CFRP in single variable

    图  20  单变量下的CFRP峰值剪应力

    Figure  20.  Peak CFRP shear stress in single variable

    图  21  31~105 双变量模型的CFRP-ECC极限载荷

    Figure  21.  CFRP-ECC ultimate load of 31-105 two variables models

    表  1  试件设计

    Table  1.   Specimens design

    Series Number Specimen ID Material Adhesive
    CFRP layers CFRP
    I 1 C30-1 C30 1 350 1 50
    2 C30-2 C30 1 350 2 50
    3 C60-1 C60 1 350 1 50
    4 C60-2 C60 1 350 2 50
    II 5 E1-1 ECC1 1 280 1 50
    6 E1-2 ECC1 1 280 2 50
    7 E2-1 ECC2 1 280 1 50
    8 E2-2 ECC2 1 280 2 50
    9 E2-3 ECC2 1 280 3 50
    10 E2-4 ECC2 1 280 1 75
    11 E2-5 ECC2 1 280 1 100
    12 E2-6 ECC2 1 350 1 50
    13 E2-7 ECC2 2 350 1 50
    14 E3-1 ECC3 1 280 1 50
    III 15 E1-1 m ECC1 1 280 1 50
    16 E1-2 m ECC1 1 280 2 50
    17 E2-1 m ECC2 1 280 1 50
    18 E2-2 m ECC2 1 280 2 50
    19 E2-4 m ECC2 1 280 1 75
    20 E3-1 m ECC3 1 280 1 50
    Note: In specimen ID, Series I uses C30 and C60 grade concrete, while Series II and III use three different ECC materials as E1, E2, E3; The specimens of the harmonized materials are differentiated by numbers; Series III specimen ID ‘m’ stands for polished. In material, ECC1, ECC2, and ECC3 represent the use of ECC materials with different PVA fiber mixing ratios, 19.5, 26, 21.5 kg/m3 respectively.
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    表  2  ECC配合比(kg/m3)

    Table  2.   Mix proportion of ECC (kg/m3)

    IDWaterCementFly ashFine sandMiddle sandGrit sandPVA fiberWater reducer
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    表  3  ECC 拉伸性能参数

    Table  3.   Tensile property parameters of ECC

    IDCracking strength/MPaUltimate strength/MPaUltimate strain/%
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    表  4  CFRP 和粘合剂的性能参数

    Table  4.   Performance parameters of CFRP and adhesive

    Material Tensile
    modulus of
    CFRP 3525 249 1.7 744
    Epoxy resin
    31 2.535 1.55 53
    Normal tensile bond strength of fiber-reinforced composites to concrete under external bonding conditions 3.3 MPa
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    表  5  Cohesive单元参数设置(单位:MPa)

    Table  5.   Cohesive unit parameter settings (Unit: MPa)

    Notes: ${K_{{\text{nn}}}}$ = Axial stiffness;${K_{{\text{ss}}}}$,${K_{{\text{tt}}}}$=normal stiffness; $t_{\text{n}}^{\text{A}}$, $t_{\text{s}}^{\text{A}}$, $t_{\text{t}}^{\text{A}}$ = representing pure type I (open), pure type II (slip-open) and pure type III (tear-open) ultimate stresses, respectively.
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    表  6  CFRP-ECC参数分析试件信息

    Table  6.   Parametric analysis specimens information of CFRP-ECC

    Variant ID ECC tensile strength /MPa Adhesive layer shear modulus /MPa CFRP thickness /mm
    Single variable 1-10 3.8 560 0.127-0.217
    11-20 3.8 360-810 0.167
    21-30 0.8-9.8 560 0.167
    Two variables 31-55 7 360-810 0.127-0.227
    56-80 3-12 360-810 0.167
    81-105 3-12 560 0.127-0.227
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-04-17
  • 修回日期:  2024-05-21
  • 录用日期:  2024-06-11
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-06-26


