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张巍. B4C-SiC复合陶瓷力学性能的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-16.
引用本文: 张巍. B4C-SiC复合陶瓷力学性能的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-16.
ZHANG Wei. Advance in investigation on mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHANG Wei. Advance in investigation on mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 辽宁省自然科学基金(2022-MS-013),中国科学院金属研究所自主部署项目(E255L401),沈阳材料科学国家研究中心青年人才项目(E21SL412)

    张巍,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,研究方向为无机非金属材料结构和物性 E-mail: cnzhangwei2008@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TB321; TB332

Advance in investigation on mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics

Funds: Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province of China (2022-MS-013), Starting Grants of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science (E255L401), Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science (E21SL412)
  • 摘要: B4C-SiC复合陶瓷结合了碳化硼(B4C)和碳化硅(SiC)的性能,具有良好的物理和力学性能。与单相B4C陶瓷相比,B4C-SiC复合陶瓷具有更高的断裂韧性;与单相SiC陶瓷相比,B4C-SiC复合陶瓷具有更大的硬度。B4C-SiC复合陶瓷有望替代单相B4C陶瓷和单相SiC陶瓷广泛应用于工程领域。B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的力学性能与B4C-SiC复合粉体的颗粒分散均匀性有关。同时,B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的力学性能还受微观结构和相组成的影响。为了降低B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的烧结温度,常在原料中添加烧结助剂,常用的烧结助剂主要有:碳、氧化物、硼化物、碳化物、金属单质、非金属单质(除碳外)。不同烧结助剂促进B4C-SiC复合陶瓷烧结的机制各不相同;同时,这些烧结助剂通过影响B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的微观结构进而影响其力学性能。本文根据B4C-SiC复合陶瓷力学性能的研究结果,从B4C-SiC复合粉体、微观结构、相组成和烧结助剂等方面详细阐述了B4C-SiC复合陶瓷力学性能的影响因素,以期为B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的设计和研究提供依据。


  • 图  1  B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的应用

    Figure  1.  Applications of B4C-SiC composite ceramics

    图  2  B4C-50wt%SiC复合陶瓷的微观结构:(a)以湿磨后的B4C-SiC复合粉体为原料,(b)以干磨后的B4C-SiC复合粉体为原料[42]

    Figure  2.  Microstructure of B4C-50wt%SiC composite ceramics produced from: (a) B4C-SiC composite powders after wet ball milling and (b) B4C-SiC composite powders after dry mixing[42]

    图  3  B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的力学性能:(a)以湿磨后的B4C-SiC复合粉体为原料,(b)以干磨后的B4C-SiC复合粉体为原料[42]

    Figure  3.  Mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics produced from: (a) B4C-SiC composite powders after wet ball milling and (b) B4C-SiC composite powders after dry mixing[42]

    图  4  B4C-50wt%SiC复合陶瓷断面的微观结构:(a)以高能球磨的B4C-SiC复合粉体为原料,(b)以普通球磨的B4C-SiC复合粉体为原料[47]

    Figure  4.  Microstructure of fracture surfaces of B4C-50wt%SiC composite ceramics produced from: (a) B4C-SiC composite powders prepared by high-energy ball milling and (b) B4C-SiC composite powders prepared by ball milling[47]

    图  5  固相烧结B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的相界特征、裂纹扩展及断面:(a)洁净且清晰的相界[50],(b)穿晶扩展[47],(c)断面处粗糙的SiC晶粒[54]

    Figure  5.  Phase boundary characteristics, crack propagation, and fracture surface of solid-state sintered B4C-SiC composite ceramics: (a) clean and clear phase boundary[50], (b) transgranular propagation mode[47], and (c) fracture surface exhibiting rougher SiC grains[54]

    图  6  不同B4C与SiC质量比的B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的抛光表面形貌:(a) 80∶20,(b) 60∶40,(c) 40∶60,(d) 20∶80[59]

    Figure  6.  Morphologies of polished surface of B4C-SiC composite ceramics with different mass ratios of B4C to SiC: (a) 80∶20, (b) 60∶40, (c) 40∶60, (d) 20∶80[59]

    图  7  含有5wt%氧化石墨烯烧结助剂的B4C-SiC复合陶瓷表面的裂纹扩展:(a)石墨烯桥联,(b)石墨烯拔出[74]

    Figure  7.  Crack propagation on surface of B4C-SiC composite ceramics with sintering additive of 5wt% graphene oxide: (a) graphene oxide bridging and (b) graphene oxide pull-out[74]

    图  8  含有5wt%CeO2烧结助剂的B4C-SiC复合陶瓷表面的裂纹扩展:(a)裂纹偏转,(b)裂纹桥联[78]

    Figure  8.  Crack propagation on surface of B4C-SiC composite ceramics with sintering additive of 5wt%CeO2: (a) crack deflection and (b) crack bridging[78]

    图  9  B4C-40wt%SiC复合陶瓷表面的裂纹扩展:(a)未添加TiB2,(b)添加5wt%TiB2[94]

    Figure  9.  Crack propagation on surface of B4C-40wt%SiC composite ceramics: (a) without addition of TiB2 and (b) with addition of 5wt%TiB2[94]

    表  1  含有不同碳烧结助剂的B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的力学性能

    Table  1.   Mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics with different carbon sintering additives

    Ceramics Sintering additive Content of
    GPa (9.8 N)
    B4C-9wt%SiC Carbon black 2 Hot-press 99.6 - 403 5.26 (SENB) - [70]
    B4C-15wt%SiC No No Spark plasma 96.6 30.3 - 6.00 (IF) - [32]
    Graphite 2 98.8 25.7 - 5.50 (IF) -
    B4C-15wt%SiC Graphene oxide 5 Spark plasma 99.2 34.2 545 5.72 (IF) 444 [74]
    Notes: The bending strength is measured according to three-point bending test method. ‘SENB’ and ‘IF’ represent that the fracture toughness is measured according to single edge notched beam method and indentation-fracture method, respectively.
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    表  2  含有不同氧化物烧结助剂的B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的力学性能

    Table  2.   Mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics with different oxide sintering additives

    Ceramics Sintering
    Content of
    B4C-10wt%SiC Al2O3 3wt% Spark plasma 99.5 35.1 (3 N) - 5.9 (IF) [76]
    Al2O3 6wt% 99.1 33.7 (3 N) - 6.5 (IF)
    B4C-15vol%SiC No No Spark plasma 97.8 31.1 (9.8 N) - - [77]
    Y2O3 5wt% 98.2 33.0 (9.8 N) - -
    B4C-15wt%SiC No No Pressureless 85.8 19.8 (9.8 N) 194 2.40 (SENB) [78]
    CeO2 1wt% 91.2 26.0 (9.8 N) 270 3.25 (SENB)
    CeO2 5wt% 96.4 32.2 (9.8 N) 380 4.32 (SENB)
    CeO2 9wt% 93.4 27.0 (9.8 N) 330 4.00 (SENB)
    B4C-9wt%SiC No No Pressureless 82.8 - 307 3.72 (SENB) [81]
    Al2O3-Y2O3 15wt% 98.8 - 496 4.57 (SENB)
    B4C-10wt%SiC Al2O3:Y2O3(5:3, molar ratio) 10vol% Pressureless 91.5 29.5 (9.8 N) - - [83]
    AlN:Y2O3(3:2, molar ratio) 10vol% 93.4 30.3 (9.8 N) - -
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    表  3  含有不同硼化物或碳化物烧结助剂的B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的力学性能

    Table  3.   Mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics with different boride or carbide sintering additives

    Ceramics Sintering
    Content of
    GPa (9.8 N)
    B4C-40wt%SiC No No Spark plasma 99.5 29.5 - 2.39 (IF) 436 [94]
    TiB2 10wt% 99.0 28.5 - 3.07 (IF) 427
    TiB2 20wt% 98.4 23.4 - 2.96 (IF) 415
    B4C-10vol%SiC TiB2 30vol% Hot-press 99.2 32.8 858 8.21 (SENB) - [95]
    B4C-10vol%SiC ZrB2 30vol% Hot-press 99.7 - 612 - - [96]
    B4C-20wt%SiC TiC 3wt% Pressureless 89.7 - 176 4.57 (SENB) - [98]
    TiC 12wt% 94.5 - 239 4.91 (SENB) -
    TiC 15wt% 92.1 - 230 4.75 (SENB) -
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    表  4  含有不同金属或非金属单质烧结助剂的B4C-SiC复合陶瓷的力学性能

    Table  4.   Mechanical properties of B4C-SiC composite ceramics with different metallic or non-metallic elemental sintering additives

    Ceramics Sintering
    Content of
    GPa (9.8 N)
    B4C-50wt%SiC No No Pressureless 97.5 - 290 - [99]
    Ti 3 97.6 - 204 -
    B4C-15wt%SiC No No Hot-press 95.4 24.0 265 4.96 [101]
    Si 4 95.8 26.4 260 5.06
    Si 15 98.3 31.0 350 5.40
    No No Pressureless 89.0 20.0 - - [103]
    Si 2 88.0 14.0 - -
    Si 5 89.0 16.2 - -
    Si 10 92.0 18.1 - -
    Si 20 90.0 15.0 - -
    B4C-60wt%SiC No No Spark plasma 94.0 28.0 - - [103]
    Si 2 94.6 22.0 - -
    Si 5 96.3 24.4 - -
    Si 10 98.0 27.8 - -
    Si 20 97.0 24.0 - -
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