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牟星 刘浩 范玉辉 祖磊 张骞 贾晓龙 何景轩 丁文辉 郑鹏 刘添英 周立川

牟星, 刘浩, 范玉辉, 等. 锥柱一体化复合材料壳体结构设计与损伤失效分析[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
引用本文: 牟星, 刘浩, 范玉辉, 等. 锥柱一体化复合材料壳体结构设计与损伤失效分析[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
MOU Xing, LIU Hao, FAN Yuhui, et al. Structural design and damage failure analysis of cone-cylinder integrated composite case[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: MOU Xing, LIU Hao, FAN Yuhui, et al. Structural design and damage failure analysis of cone-cylinder integrated composite case[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (52175311;52175133;12102115);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(PA2023GDSK0054)

    祖磊,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为复合材料力学与结构设计 E-mail: zulei@hfut.edu.cn

    周立川,博士,讲师,研究方向为复合材料力学与结构设计 E-mail: zhoulc@hfut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Structural design and damage failure analysis of cone-cylinder integrated composite case

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation (52175311; 52175133; 12102115); Fundamental research funds for the central universities (PA2023GDSK0054)
  • 摘要: 锥柱一体化复合材料壳体作为新兴固体火箭发动机主体承载结构形式,相较于直筒结构固体火箭发动机壳体纤维缠绕结构形式复杂,且其在承受内压载荷下的损伤失效过程及失效模式不明晰。为此,本文构建了锥柱一体化复合材料壳体分析模型,开展了锥柱一体化缠绕异型结构件线型规划,失效模式、爆破位置、以及爆破压强预测方面研究。结果表明锥柱一体化复合材料壳体交接处存在应力突变现象,削弱了该处纤维缠绕层的承载能力,且主要呈现为环向纤维断裂失效模式。本文研究成果可以为锥柱一体化复合材料壳体的结构铺层设计与失效分析提供理论依据。


  • 图  1  锥柱一体化纤维缠绕壳体结构(单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Fiber wound structure of the cone-cylinder integrated composite case (Unit: mm)

    图  2  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体缠绕线型、铺层结构设计、补强及损伤失效分析流程

    Figure  2.  Analysis flow of the trajectory patterns design, laminate design, reinforcement structure design, and damage and failure of the cone-cylinder integrated composite case

    图  3  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体锥段缠绕角与缠绕层厚度分布:(a)缠绕角度分布;(b)缠绕厚度分布

    Figure  3.  Winding angle and layer thickness distribution of the cone-cylinder integrated composite case: (a) Fiber wound angle distribution; (b) Thickness distribution

    图  4  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体结构缠绕线型仿真结果示意图:(a)螺旋层;(b)环向层

    Figure  4.  Trajectories simulation results of the cone-cylinder integrated structure: (a) Telical layer; (b) Hoop layer

    图  5  本文轴对称四边形单元:(a)位移模式;(b)沙漏模式

    Figure  5.  Axisymmetric quadrilateral element: (a) Displacement mode; (b) Hourglass mode

    图  6  螺旋和环向缠绕层、补强层结构收尾过渡形式

    Figure  6.  Structure form at transition area of the helical, hoop and reinforcement layer

    图  7  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体螺旋和环向缠绕层纤维方向应力:(a)螺旋层;(b)环向层

    Figure  7.  Stress in the fiber orientation of the cone-cylinder integrated composite case: (a) Stress distribution of the helical layer; (b) Stress distribution of the hoop layer

    图  8  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体不同载荷下纤维方向应变和垂直纤维方向应变结果(横坐标表示从左极孔到右极孔的轴向坐标,纵坐标LE11和LE22分别表示沿纤维方向和垂直纤维方向应变)

    Figure  8.  Fiber directional and perpendicular fiber directional strain results of the cone-cylinder integrated composite case under different pressure loads (The horizontal axis represents the axis-directional coordinate from the left polar hole to the right polar hole, the vertical axis represents the fiber orientation and transverse fiber orientation strain)

    图  9  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体不同载荷下渐进损伤演化结果(横坐标表示从左极孔到右极孔的轴向坐标,纵坐标SDV1和SDV3分别表示沿纤维方向和垂直纤维方向损伤因子)

    Figure  9.  Progressive damage results of the cone-cylinder integrated composite case under different pressure loads (The horizontal axis represents the axis-directional coordinate from the left polar hole to the right polar hole, the vertical axis SDV1 and SDV3 represents the fiber orientation and transverse fiber orientation damage factor)

    图  10  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体爆破试验过程及实验结果

    Figure  10.  Experiment test result of the cone-cylinder integrated composite case

    图  11  锥柱一体化复合材料壳体径向位移与载荷的关系

    Figure  11.  Radial displacement versus pressure load of cone-cylinder integrated composite case

    表  1  不同k/m对应的线型切点数及实际转角

    Table  1.   Count of tangent points and actual rotation angle of the trajectories corresponding to different k/m

    No. k/m Tangent point count/series Rotation angle of meridian/(°) Error/(°)
    1 37/59 8/4 494.24 5.39
    2 38/59 14/4 488.14 −0.71
    3 39/59 3/3 482.03 −6.82
    4 37/60 13/6 498.00 9.15
    5 37/61 28/6 501.64 12.79
    6 38/61 8/5 495.74 6.89
    7 39/61 25/5 489.84 0.99
    8 37/62 5/3 505.16 16.31
    9 39/62 27/5 493.55 4.7
    Notes:k is the distance between two adjacent points at the equator circle; m is the integer of equator circle splitting count by bandwidth.
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    表  2  复合材料力学性能参数

    Table  2.   Mechanical property parameters of composite materials

    Type Parameters Value
    XT (0° tension) hoop layer 3556.00
    XT (0° tension) helical layer 2600
    XC (0° compression) 1354.00
    YT (90° tension) 84.31
    YC (90°compression) 190.00
    S(shear) 60.67
    Ext (0°Tension) 170.00
    Exc (0°compression) 140.00
    Eyt (90° tension) 8
    Eyc (90° compression) 7.61
    µxy 0.33
    µyz 0.35
    µxz 0.33
    Gxy 4
    Gyz 2.5
    Gzx 4
    EPDM E 0.9
    μ 0.47
    30 CrMnSiA E 196
    μ 0.3
    Notes:E is the modulus, μ is the Poisson's ratio, G is the shear modulus.
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    表  3  碳布补强层材料参数

    Table  3.   Material parameters of carbon cloth reinforcement layer

    Modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Shear modulus/GPa Strength/MPa
    Ex Ey Ez µxy µyz µxz Gxy Gyz Gzx 1250
    50 50 8 0.055 0.35 0.35 4.3 3.5 3.5
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