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郑城 王迎豪 张逸舟 苏俊儒 张惠一 胡兵兵 袁小亚

郑城, 王迎豪, 张逸舟, 等. 磁场诱导对磁性石墨烯改性水泥净浆抗压强度的影响研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
引用本文: 郑城, 王迎豪, 张逸舟, 等. 磁场诱导对磁性石墨烯改性水泥净浆抗压强度的影响研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
ZHENG Cheng, WANG Yinghao, ZHANG Yizhou, et al. Study on the effect of magnetic field induction on the compressive strength of magnetic graphene-modified cement paste[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHENG Cheng, WANG Yinghao, ZHANG Yizhou, et al. Study on the effect of magnetic field induction on the compressive strength of magnetic graphene-modified cement paste[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51402030);重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目(CSTB2022TIAD-KPX0031);重庆市级引导区县科技发展专项资金(JSYY2023010);重庆市研究生导师团队建设项目(JDDSTD2022006);重庆交通大学校企合作项目(cqjt-2022-036);重庆诺奖二维材料研究院科技项目(C2DMI-RD-230616-01)

    袁小亚,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为纳米复合材料、建筑功能材料、高性能水泥混凝土等领域 E-mail: yanxy@cqjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB333;TU528

Study on the effect of magnetic field induction on the compressive strength of magnetic graphene-modified cement paste

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51402030); Chongqing Municipal Technology Innovation and Application Development Special Key Projects (CSTB2022TIAD-KPX0031); Special Funds for Guiding Science and Technology Development of Districts and Counties in Chongqing Municipality (JSYY2023010); Chongqing Postgraduate Tutor Team Building Project (JDDSTD2022006); Chongqing Jiaotong University School-Enterprise Co-operation Project (cqjt-2022-036); Chongqing Nobel Prize 2D Materials Research Institute Science and Technology Project (C2DMI-RD-230616-01)
  • 摘要: 二维石墨烯(G)纳米片对水泥基材料有显著的增强效果,但通常情况下G是杂乱无章地分布在水泥基材料中。为了更好地发挥G的强化作用,本研究通过一步共沉淀法将Fe3O4纳米颗粒附着热还原氧化石墨烯(RGO)纳米片上制备了磁性纳米复合材料 Fe3O4@ RGO(MGO),通过施加外磁场(MF)使不同掺量的MGO纳米片在水泥净浆(CP)中沿一定方向排列,分别通过测试垂直和平行于磁场方向上的硬化水泥净浆的抗压强度。研究结果表明经磁场诱导后掺入不同量MGO的水泥净浆平行于磁场方向的截面抗压强度均大于垂直于磁场方向的截面抗压强度;当MGO掺量为0.1%时,在平行于磁场方向的截面抗压强度比垂直于磁场方向的截面抗压强度高12.20%。说明MGO纳米片经磁场诱导后发生了定向排列,水泥水化产物更多的在平行于磁场方向上规整排列生长。本研究通过外部磁场诱导调控石墨烯纳米片定向排布,为特定用途下实现更高强度的水泥基材料提供了一种有效途径。


  • 图  1  磁场诱导的MGO水泥净浆制备流程

    Figure  1.  Magnetic field induced preparation process of MGO-cement paste

    图  2  GO和MGO的拉曼光谱图

    Figure  2.  Raman spectra of GO and MGO

    图  3  (a) GO、MGO的XPS全谱图 (b) GO、MGO的XPS C 1s谱图 (c) MGO的XPS Fe 2p轨道分峰图和 (d) MGO的XPS O 1s 谱图

    Figure  3.  (a)XPS survey spectra of GO and MGO(b)XPS C 1s spectra of GO and MGO (c) XPS Fe 2p spectrum of MGO and (d) XPS O 1s spectrum of MGO

    图  4  MGO在不同倍率下的SEM图像

    Figure  4.  SEM images of MGO at different magnification

    图  5  (a),(b),(c) MGO在不同倍率下的TEM图像;(d) MGO的EDS分布图

    Figure  5.  (a), (b), (c) TEM images of MGO at different magnification; (d) elemental mappings of MGO

    图  6  MGO分散液的(a、b)稳定性、(c)磁响应

    Figure  6.  (a、b) stability and (c) magnetic response of MGO aqueous dispersion

    图  7  不同 MGO掺量对水泥净浆流动度的影响

    Figure  7.  Effect of different MGO contents on cement paste fluidity

    图  8  同一掺量MGO在平行于磁场方向截面较垂直于磁场方向截面的抗压强度增长率

    Figure  8.  Growth rate of compressive strength of the same contents of MGO in the cross section parallel compared to perpendicular to the magnetic field direction

    图  9  不同 MGO掺量下28 d水泥净浆XRD 图谱

    Figure  9.  XRD pattern of cement paste at 28 days with different MGO content

    图  10  MGO调控水泥水化产物的机制分析图

    Figure  10.  Schematic diagram of the functional role of MGO in cement paste

    表  1  水泥的化学成分

    Table  1.   Chemical composition of cement

    Content / wt%4.4721.503.3765.843.180.300.490.78
    Note: f-CaO−Free calcium oxide.
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    表  2  不同MGO掺量的水泥净浆配合比

    Table  2.   Mix ratios of cement paste with different contents of MGO

    Sample Cement/g PCE/g water/g MGO/wt%
    0 wt%MGO/CP
    0.05 wt%MGO/CPab
    0.07 wt%MGO/CPab
    0.09 wt%MGO/CPab
    0.10 wt%MGO/CPab
    0.30 wt%MGO/CPab
    0.50 wt%MGO/CPab
    Notes:①X wt% MGO/CP denotes a cement paste specimen with a content of X% MGO;CP stands for cement paste; The subscript a indicates parallel to the direction of the magnetic field, and b indicates perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field.②PCE is polycarboxylic acid water reducing agent;MGO is Fe3O4@ RGO.③Content of MGO is its mass ratio to Cement.
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    表  3  不同掺量的MGO对水泥净浆抗压强度的影响

    Table  3.   Effect of different MGO contents on compressive strength of cement paste

    Compressive strength(MPa)/growth rate(%)
    Perpendicular to the magnetic field
    Compressive strength(MPa)/growth rate(%)
    Parallel to the magnetic field
    7 d 28 d 7 d 28 d
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