Dynamic and static mechanical properties and energy dissipation of six polymer materials
摘要: 为探究不同高分子材料作为聚能管管材对于聚能爆破的影响,利用电液伺服压力机和直径50 mm的分离式霍普金森压杆分别开展不同高分子材料在准静态下的单轴抗压试验,以及在冲击荷载作用下的单轴压缩试验,对其动静态力学性能、纵波波速、变形特征及能量耗散进行了研究。结果表明,不同高分子材料之间的波阻抗及准静态单轴抗压强度之间最大差值分别达到了42.5%和312.3%;在冲击荷载作用下,不同高分子材料的应力-应变曲线均在曲线末端出现了回弹现象,PVC材料的峰值应力在不同冲击气压下均为6种高分子材料中相对较高的;从对能量的透射、耗散率和单位质量耗散能方面分析,PVC材料的能量透射率是6种高分子材料中最高的,能量耗散和单位质量耗散能是最低的;从岩石爆破角度,引入吸收阻抗比与入射能进行拟合分析,PVC和PC材料的拟合曲线的相关系数相对较高,更符合炸药爆炸时能量传递的描述。最后,综合所有分析认为PVC材料是试验所用的6种高分子材料中最适合作为聚能管管材。
- 高分子材料 /
- 聚能管 /
- 动态压缩 /
- 吸收阻抗比 /
- 分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)
Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of different polymer materials as energy gathering tube tubes on energy gathering blasting, Uniaxial compressive experiments on different polymer materials under quasi-static conditions were conducted using an electro-hydraulic servo press and a 50 mm diameter Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar. The static and dynamic mechanical properties, longitudinal wave velocity, energy dissipation and the deformation characteristics were studied. The results show that the maximum difference in wave impedance and quasi-static uniaxial compressive strength between different polymer materials reaches 42.5% and 312.3%, respectively. Under the impact load, the stress-strain curves of different polymer materials exhibit rebound phenomenon at the end of the curves, and the peak stress of PVC material is relatively higher among the six polymer materials under different impact pressures. From the analysis of energy transmission, dissipation rate and unit mass dissipation energy, PVC material has the highest energy transmittance among the six polymer materials, while energy dissipation and unit mass dissipation energy are the lowest. From the perspective of rock blasting, the absorption impedance ratio and incident energy are introduced for fitting analysis. The correlation coefficient between the fitting curves of PVC and PC materials is relatively high, which is more in line with the description of energy transfer during explosive explosion. Finally, based on all the analyses, it is believed that PVC material is the most suitable polymer material among the six types used in the experiment as a pipe material for energy gathering tubes. -
表 1 试件的密度和纵波波速测试结果
Table 1. Density and p-wave velocity test results of the specimens
velocity/(m·s−1)Wave impedance/
(g·cm−2·s−1)PC 1.186 2096 248586 PE 0.952 2421 230479 POM 1.416 2257 319591 PP 0.906 2488 225413 PVC 1.486 2162 321273 PA 0.903 2565 231620 表 2 不同试件加载后的尺寸变化
Table 2. Dimensional changes of different specimens after loading
Specimen name PC PE POM PP PVC PA Before the experiment Height/mm 100.12 99.92 100.02 99.92 99.90 99.4 Diameter/mm 49.92 50.02 49.92 50.06 49.98 50.12 After the experiment Height/mm 98.92 95.80 93.78 96.64 99.42 97.06 Diameter/mm 50.02 51.26 52.08 51.68 50.18 51.16 Height difference ΔΗ/mm 1.20 4.12 6.24 3.28 0.48 2.38 Diameter Difference Δd/mm −0.10 −1.24 −2.16 −1.62 −0.20 −1.04 表 3 不同高分子材料冲击试验结果
Table 3. Impact experiment results of different polymer materials
Specimen name Impact
rate/s−1Dynamic compressive
strength/MPaPlastic strain Incident energy/J Reflected energy/J Transmitted energy/J Absorbed energy/J PC 0.4 246.2 36.07 3.12 105.79 86.16 8.86 10.77 PC 0.6 274.9 57.39 3.61 168.61 122.24 22.86 23.51 PC 0.8 306.3 50.94 4.62 247.69 192.05 17.86 37.78 PE 0.4 202.5 32.14 2.94 95.60 73.59 8.04 13.97 PE 0.6 267.9 36.95 3.85 167.02 126.09 10.23 30.7 PE 0.8 325.2 40.34 4.74 219.87 182.33 11.92 25.62 POM 0.4 226.5 61.54 2.65 107.23 71.85 24.26 11.12 POM 0.6 284.2 72.12 3.58 175.08 126.13 31.42 17.53 POM 0.8 307.5 89.17 3.96 241.24 157.60 49.27 34.37 PP 0.4 216.9 41.59 2.96 100.23 77.73 9.21 13.29 PP 0.6 255.2 77.97 3.07 177.12 105.19 39.44 32.49 PP 0.8 292.7 83.93 3.79 218.56 141.44 42.69 34.43 PVC 0.4 219.0 57.06 2.76 108.25 77.07 18.59 12.59 PVC 0.6 260.7 85.00 3.17 185.88 111.02 44.26 30.6 PVC 0.8 293.2 98.63 3.82 236.58 143.30 58.43 34.85 PA 0.4 213.4 59.31 2.67 108.08 70.95 18.39 18.74 PA 0.6 253.1 70.46 3.32 161.49 105.63 31.67 24.19 PA 0.8 283.0 77.50 3.43 176.04 106.75 40.94 28.35 -
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