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鲍官军 俞鸣越 祝颖丹 虞筱琛 陈刚 杨树军

鲍官军, 俞鸣越, 祝颖丹, 等. 考虑温度影响的Ⅳ型储氢瓶多尺度爆破失效仿真[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
引用本文: 鲍官军, 俞鸣越, 祝颖丹, 等. 考虑温度影响的Ⅳ型储氢瓶多尺度爆破失效仿真[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
BAO Guanjun, YU Mingyue, ZHU Yingdan, et al. Multiscale burst failure of type IV hydrogen storage vessels considering the influence of temperature[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: BAO Guanjun, YU Mingyue, ZHU Yingdan, et al. Multiscale burst failure of type IV hydrogen storage vessels considering the influence of temperature[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: “科创甬江2035”关键技术突破计划项目(2024Z241);宁波市科技创新2025重大专项(2020Z030)

    祝颖丹, 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 研究方向为复合材料设计、制造和装备技术等基础研究与应用 E-mail: y.zhu@nimte.ac.cn

    虞筱琛, 硕士, 研究方向为复合材料结构设计与仿真 E-mail: yuxiaochen@nimte.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Multiscale burst failure of type IV hydrogen storage vessels considering the influence of temperature

Funds: The “Innovation Yongjiang 2035” Key R&D Program (2024Z241); Ningbo Key Projects of Science and Technology Innovation 2025 Plan (2020Z030)
  • 摘要: Ⅳ型储氢瓶已成为最具潜力的车载储能装备之一,在快速充装及服役过程中储氢瓶会产生显著温升效应或面临环境温度变化,深入研究该工况下储氢瓶的爆破失效行为对提高其安全使用具有重要意义。本文基于微观失效理论,建立了稳态传热模型、微观力学模型和热力耦合模型,发展了一种考虑温度影响的多尺度爆破失效仿真分析方法,研究了25~85℃范围内温度上升对Ⅳ型储氢瓶爆破失效行为的影响。结果表明,纤维损伤是导致IV型储氢瓶爆破失效的主要原因,预测得到室温下储氢瓶的爆破压力和爆破失效发生位置与试验结果吻合;随着温度的上升,不均匀的温度分布和热膨胀产生了热压应力,与压力载荷产生的拉应力部分抵消,降低了储氢瓶组分的损伤扩展速度,同时复合材料缠绕层的强度下降,储氢瓶的爆破压力降低。其中,外壁面或内壁面温度从室温上升至85℃时,纤维初始损伤发生时载荷分别下降了27.5%和12.1%,最终爆破压力分别下降了12.5%和4.6%。


  • 图  1  基于能量的线性软化准则

    Figure  1.  Energy based linear softening law

    图  2  Ⅳ型储氢瓶几何尺寸

    Figure  2.  Geometric dimensions of the type Ⅳ hydrogen storage vessel

    图  3  T700碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料热膨胀系数及基体强度随温度变化曲线

    Figure  3.  Temperature dependent curve of thermal expansion coefficient of the T700 carbon fiber/epoxy composite and tensile of matrix

    图  4  储氢瓶多尺度爆破失效分析计算流程图

    Figure  4.  Flow chart for multiscale burst failure analysis of the hydrogen storage vessel

    图  5  微观力学模型关键点分布以及单位载荷下应力分布

    Figure  5.  Key points distribution and stress distribution under unit load in micromechanics model

    图  6  70 MPa压力载荷下储氢瓶应力分布:(a)接头;(b)内衬;(c)缠绕层

    Figure  6.  Stress distribution of the hydrogen storage vessel under 70 MPa pressure: (a) Boss; (b) Liner; (c) Winding layers

    图  7  基体损伤扩展

    Figure  7.  Progressive failure of matrix

    图  8  纤维损伤扩展

    Figure  8.  Progressive failure of fiber

    图  9  储氢瓶轴向载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  9.  Axial load-displacement curve of the hydrogen storage vessel

    图  10  爆破试验进水压力曲线

    Figure  10.  Water inlet pressure curve of the burst test

    图  11  爆破后的储氢瓶

    Figure  11.  Hydrogen storage vessel after burst

    图  12  储氢瓶稳态温度分布:(a)内壁面85℃;(b)外壁面85℃

    Figure  12.  Steady-state temperature distribution of the hydrogen storage vessel: (a) Inner wall surface 85℃; (b) Outer wall surface 85℃

    图  13  不同温度下储氢瓶各部分热应力

    Figure  13.  Thermal stress in each part of the hydrogen storage vessel under different temperatures

    图  14  复合材料缠绕层热应力分布:(a)S11;(b)S22

    Figure  14.  Thermal stress distribution of composite layers: (a) S11; (b) S22

    图  15  不同温度下储氢瓶轴向载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  15.  Axial load-displacement curve of the hydrogen storage vessel under different temperature

    图  16  不同温度下储氢瓶纤维初始损伤

    Figure  16.  Fiber damage initiation of the hydrogen storage vessel under different temperature

    图  17  不同温度下储氢瓶的爆破压力

    Figure  17.  The burst pressure of the vessel under different temperature

    表  1  铝合金6061和PA6材料参数

    Table  1.   Materials properties of alloy 6061 and PA6

    Properties 6061-T6 PA6
    Modulus /GPa 68.90 1.88
    Poisson’s ratio 0.33 0.38
    Yield Strength /MPa 284.89 39.78
    Break Elongation /% 20 104
    Density /(g·cm−3) 2.75 1.08
    Conductivity /(W·(m·K)−1) 180.00 3.01
    Specific heat /(J·(kg·K) -1) 896.00 1750.00
    Expansion /(10−6·K−1) 23.60 106.00
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    表  2  常温下T700碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料参数

    Table  2.   Materials properties of the T700 carbon fiber/epoxy composite at room temperature

    Properties Ply (T700-Epoxy) Fiber
    Longitudinal modulus E1/GPa 142.00 232.00 3.50
    Transverse moduli E2=E3/GPa 10.30 18.00 3.50
    Shear modulus G12=G13/GPa 7.10 8.70 1.25
    Shear modulus G23/GPa 3.80 5.80 1.25
    Poisson’s ratio υ1213 0.25 0.20 0.35
    Poisson’s ratio υ23 0.42 0.49 0.35
    Tensile strength /GPa XT =2.50,
    YT =0.06
    Tf =4.90 Tm =0.11
    Compressive strength /GPa XC =1.25,
    YC =0.19
    Cf =2.50 Cm =0.24
    Toughness /(N·mm−1) - Gfc =106.00 Gnc =0.28,
    Gsc =0.79
    Density /(g·cm−3) 1.53 2.75 1.17
    Conductivity /(W·(m·K)−1) 14.61 180.00 1.84
    Specific heat /(J·(kg·K)−1) 972.20 896.00 1330.00
    Expansion/(10−6·K−1) $ {\alpha }_{1} $ =5.78,
    $ {\alpha }_{2} $ =0.19
    $ {\alpha }_{1\mathrm{f}} $ =2.50,
    $ {\alpha }_{2\mathrm{f}} $ =0.00
    Notes: 1−Direction of fiber; 2−In-plane direction of the matrix; 3−Out-plane direction of the matrix.
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