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邹祺祺 陈建飞 付兵 滕锦光

邹祺祺, 陈建飞, 付兵, 等. 玻纤复材固废粗纤维增强混凝土的力学性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 43(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 邹祺祺, 陈建飞, 付兵, 等. 玻纤复材固废粗纤维增强混凝土的力学性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 43(0): 1-13.
ZOU Qiqi, CHEN Jianfei, FU Bing, et al. Mechanical properties of concrete reinforced with macro fibres recycled from waste GFRP[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZOU Qiqi, CHEN Jianfei, FU Bing, et al. Mechanical properties of concrete reinforced with macro fibres recycled from waste GFRP[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (52178218;52150710542;52178212);深圳市科技计划资助 (KCXST20221021111409023)

    陈建飞,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为土木及海洋工程 E-mail: chenjf3@sustech.edu.cn

    付兵,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为绿色高性能土木工程材料及其结构 E-mail: fubing@jnu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TU528.572;TB332

Mechanical properties of concrete reinforced with macro fibres recycled from waste GFRP

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52178218; 52150710542; 52178212); Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (KCXST20221021111409023)
  • 摘要: 树脂基纤维增强复合材料(简称“复材”)具有轻质、高强、耐腐蚀等突出优点,广泛应用于建筑、交通、能源、航空航天及体育等行业。复合材料生产过程和寿命终端产生了大量的复材固体废弃物,其中95%以上为玻璃纤维增强复合材料(简称“玻纤复材”)。玻璃纤维附加值较低且力学性能易在回收处理后显著降低,因此玻纤复材固废的回收经济性不强。本研究团队此前提出了通过机械切割将玻纤复材固废加工成粗纤维,并用于制备粗纤维混凝土(Macro fibre reinforced concrete, MFRC)。本文通过一系列轴压和劈拉试验,研究粗纤维体积掺量、厚度、长度对两种配比混凝土的力学性能的影响。试验结果表明,粗纤维的掺入能显著提升混凝土的劈拉强度,体积掺量为1.5%时,配比二混凝土的劈拉强度提高40%。评估了现有FRC劈拉强度预测公式对MFRC劈拉强度的预测效果,并基于试验结果提出了粗纤维混凝土劈拉强度预测公式。


  • 图  1  玻纤复材风机叶片的粗纤维化方法

    Figure  1.  Mechanical processing of a wind turbine blade into macro fibres

    图  2  粗纤维表面的粗糙纹理

    Figure  2.  Rough texture of macro fibre surface

    图  3  拉伸破坏后的粗纤维试件

    Figure  3.  Macro fibre specimens after tensile failure

    图  4  试验装置

    Figure  4.  Test setups

    图  5  粗纤维掺入对混凝土坍落度的影响

    Figure  5.  Effect of macro fibres on concrete slump value

    图  6  MFRC轴压试件典型破坏模态

    Figure  6.  Typical failure modes of MFRC cylinders under compression

    图  7  MFRC轴压强度

    Figure  7.  Compressive strength of MFRC

    图  8  MFRC轴压应力-应变曲线

    Figure  8.  Compressive stress-strain curves of MFRC

    图  9  MFRC劈拉试件典型破坏模态

    Figure  9.  Typical failure modes of MFRC splitting tensile test specimens

    图  10  MFRC劈拉强度

    Figure  10.  Splitting tensile strength of MFRC

    图  11  MFRC劈拉强度实验值和预测值的比较

    Figure  11.  Predicted vs test values of MFRC splitting tensile strength

    表  1  回收粗纤维统计参数

    Table  1.   Statistical properties of recycled macro fibres

    Designation MF-1 MF-2 MF-3 MF-4 MF-5
    Nominal dimensions/mm 90×4.5×0.5 90×4.5×1.2 90×4.5×2.2 60×4.5×0.5 30×4.5×0.5
    Length/mm Average 91.20 90.57 87.60 58.25 33.30
    Standard deviation 1.94 4.56 2.97 1.94 1.20
    Width/mm Average 4.49 4.57 4.57 4.63 4.81
    Standard deviation 0.43 0.36 0.75 0.80 0.48
    Thickness/mm Average 0.54 1.26 2.26 0.54 0.50
    Standard deviation 0.16 0.26 0.53 0.19 0.12
    Tensile strength/MPa Average 554
    Standard deviation 135
    Elastic modulus/GPa Average 37.7
    Standard deviation 7.3
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    表  2  试件设计

    Table  2.   Specimen design

    No. Mix Water/cement ratio Fibre length/mm Fibre thickness/mm Fibre volume fraction/% No. of specimens
    Compression Splitting
    1-1 S1 W0.32 L0 V0%T0 0.32 - - 0 3 3
    1-2 S1 W0.32 L90 V0.5%T0.5 0.32 90 0.5 0.5 3 3
    1-3 S1 W0.32 L90 V1%T0.5 0.32 90 0.5 1 3 3
    1-4 S1 W0.32 L90 V1.5%T0.5 0.32 90 0.5 1.5 3 3
    1-5 S1 W0.32 L90 V2%T0.5 0.32 90 0.5 2 3 3
    2-1 S2 W0.32 L90 V1.5%T1.2 0.32 90 1.2 1.5 3 3
    2-2 S2 W0.32 L90 V1.5%T2.2 0.32 90 2.2 1.5 3 3
    2-3 S2 W0.32 L60 V1.5%T0.5 0.32 60 0.5 1.5 3 3
    2-4 S2 W0.32 L30 V1.5%T0.5 0.32 30 0.5 1.5 3 3
    2-5 S2 W0.47 L90 V1.5%T0.5 0.47 90 0.5 1.5 3 3
    2-6 S2 W0.47 L0 V0%T0 0.47 - - 0 3 3
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    表  3  混凝土基体配合比

    Table  3.   Mix proportions of concrete matrix

    MixStrength gradeFresh water/
    Cement ratio
    Fresh water/
    Fine Aggregate/
    Coarse Aggregate/
    Water reducer/%
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    表  4  MFRC轴压实验结果

    Table  4.   Key results of MFRC compression tests

    No. Group fc,m/ MPa CoV/ % εco,m/ % CoV/ % Em/ GPa CoV/ % vm CoV/ %
    1-1 S1 W0.32 L0 V0%T0 51.7 2.1 0.223 13.7 35.5 5.9 0.18 6.2
    1-2 S1 W0.32 L90 V0.5%T0.5 46.0 6.4 0.175 10.6 36.2 0.7 0.19 0.0
    1-3 S1 W0.32 L90 V1%T0.5 49.1 4.7 0.183 3.8 35.4 3.6 0.20 5.0
    1-4 S1 W0.32 L90 V1.5%T0.5 37.4 5.3 0.167 9.0 32.7 6.8 0.19 11.2
    1-5 S1 W0.32 L90 V2%T0.5 38.0 7.3 0.194 6.2 28.6 6.7 0.17 3.5
    2-1 S2 W0.32 L90 V1.5%T1.2 74.5 1.6 0.264 4.7 39.7 1.2 0.17 0.0
    2-2 S2 W0.32 L90 V1.5%T2.2 65.5 1.2 0.245 11.9 39.5 1.9 0.21 4.8
    2-3 S2 W0.32 L60 V1.5%T0.5 57.4 1.0 0.236 16.2 37.1 5.4 0.19 6.0
    2-4 S2 W0.32 L30 V1.5%T0.5 60.2 2.7 0.208 1.7 40.2 2.5 0.19 5.3
    2-5 S2 W0.47 L90 V1.5%T0.5 50.9 2.9 0.272 0.7 32.4 4.6 0.19 16.6
    2-6 S2 W0.47 L0 V0%T0 50.1 2.4 0.218 7.2 36.0 2.9 0.22 16.2
    Note: fc,m = Average compressive strength; εco,m = Average value of strain at compressive strength; Em = Average value of modulus of elasticity in compression; vm = Average Poisson's ratio; CoV = Coefficient of variation.
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    表  5  纤维混凝土劈拉强度预测模型

    Table  5.   Models for predicting the splitting tensile strength of FRC

    Source Parameters Equation Note
    WAFA and ASHOUR [39] $ f_{\rm{c}}^{\prime},{V_{\rm{f}}} $ $ {f_{\rm{spf}}} = 0.58{(f_{\rm{c}}^{\prime})^{0.5}} + 3.02{V_{\rm{f}}} $ $ f_{\rm{c}}^{\prime} \leqslant 100\;{\text{MPa}} $
    BAE et al. [41] $ f_{\rm{c}}^{\prime},{V_{\rm{f}}},L,{d_{\rm{f}}} $ $ {f_{\rm{spf}}} = 0.83{(f_{\rm{c}}^{\prime})^{0.47}}\left(\dfrac{{ - 2}}{{1 + {{(0.125 Ri)}^{0.8}}}} + 3\right) $ $ \begin{gathered} Ri{\text{ = }}{V_{\rm{f}}}L/{d_{\rm{f}}} \\ f_{\rm{c}}^{\prime} \leqslant 150\;{\text{MPa}} \\ \end{gathered} $
    SONG et al. [40] $ f_{\rm{c}}^{},{V_{\rm{f}}} $ $ {f_{\rm{spf}}} = 0.63{({f_{c} })^{0.5}} + 3.01{V_{\rm{f}}} - 0.02{V_{\rm{f}} }^2 $ $ {f_{\rm{c}}} \leqslant 100\;{\text{MPa}} $
    AL AZZAWI and SARSAM [42] $ f_{\rm{c}}^{},{V_{\rm{f}}},L,{d_{\rm{f}}},{b_{\rm{f}} } $ $ {f_{\rm{spf}}} = 0.47{(f_{\rm{c}}^{})^{0.5}} + 4.2 F $ $ \begin{gathered} F{\text{ = }}{V_{\rm{f}}}{{\text{b}}_{\rm{f}}}L/{d_{\rm{f}}} \\ 41 \leqslant f_{\rm{c}}^{} \leqslant 115\;{\text{MPa}} \\ \end{gathered} $
    MUSMAR [43] $ f_{\rm{cf} }^{},{V_{\rm{f}} },L,{d_{\rm{f}} } $ $ {f_{{s} {pf} }} = {({f_{\rm{cf} }})^{0.5}}\left(0.6 + 0.4{V_{\rm{f}}}\dfrac{L}{{{d_{\rm{f}} }}}\right) $ $ 4 \leqslant {f_{\rm{cf} }} \leqslant 120\;{\text{MPa}} $
    EL DIN et al. [44] $ f_{\rm{cf} }^{},{V_{\rm{f}} },L,{d_{\rm{f}} },{b_{\rm{f}}} $ $ {f_{\rm{spf} }} = 0.095\left[{f_{\rm{cf} }} + 10\sqrt F \left(3 - \dfrac{{20}}{{{f_{\rm{cf} }}}}\right)\right] $ $ F{\text{ = }}{V_{\rm{f}} }{{\text{b}}_{\rm{f}}}L/{d_{\rm{f}}} $
    LE HOANG [45] $ f_{\rm{cf} }^{},{V_{\rm{f}}},L,{d_{\rm{f}}},{b_{\rm{f}}} $ $ {f_{\rm{spf}}} = {({f_{\rm{cf} }})^{0.5}}\left(0.94{V_{\rm{f}} }\dfrac{L}{{{d_{\rm{f}}}}}{b_{\rm{f}} } + 0.67\right) $ $ 120 \leqslant {f_{\rm{cf} }} \leqslant 200\;{\text{MPa}} $
    Notes: fc= Characteristic compressive strength of plain concrete; fc = Measured compressive strength of plain concrete; fcf = Measured compressive strength of FRC.
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    表  6  FRC模型对MFRC劈拉强度的预测效果

    Table  6.   Evaluation of FRC models for predicting the splitting tensile strength of MFRC

    Source Predicted/Test IAE/%
    Average SD CoV/%
    WAFA and ASHOUR [39] 0.83 0.14 16 19.8
    BAE et al. [41] 1.32 0.14 10 30.5
    SONG et al. [40] 0.98 0.16 16 12.6
    AL AZZAWI and SARSAM [42] 0.92 0.13 15 13.5
    MUSMAR [43] 1.19 0.12 10 18.5
    EL DIN et al. [44] 1.28 0.16 13 27.5
    LE HOANG [45] 1.34 0.13 10 33.5
    Equation (5) 1.00 0.08 8 6.0
    Equation (6) 1.02 0.15 15 7.4
    Notes: SD—Standard deviation; IAE—Integral absolute error.
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