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谭志勇 宁蕙 孙前杨 孙京阳 黄建栋 龚晓冬 张宏宇

谭志勇, 宁蕙, 孙前杨, 等. C/SiC壁板的制备层间缺陷特点及性能分析[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
引用本文: 谭志勇, 宁蕙, 孙前杨, 等. C/SiC壁板的制备层间缺陷特点及性能分析[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
TAN Zhiyong, NING Hui, SUN Qianyang, et al. Characteristics and Performance Analysis of Interlayer Defects in the Preparation of C/SiC Panel[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: TAN Zhiyong, NING Hui, SUN Qianyang, et al. Characteristics and Performance Analysis of Interlayer Defects in the Preparation of C/SiC Panel[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(U20B2002, 52005100);江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(BK20220861)

    孙前杨,博士研究生,研究方向为固体力学和结构动力学 E-mail: 220210390@seu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332;V414.8

Characteristics and Performance Analysis of Interlayer Defects in the Preparation of C/SiC Panel

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (U20B2002, 52005100); Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20220861)
  • 摘要: 针对C/SiC复合材料壁板制备环节常见的分层开裂情况,选择树脂转移浸渍裂解(RTIP)成型/致密化工艺的产品为对象进行了特征和性能分析。对分层形貌进行观测认为,制备前期和复合后期的层间缺陷分别具有碳纤维束之间分层和碳纤维束内部开裂的两种不同特征。切割制备出C/SiC的无缺陷试验件、以及不同特征下具有不同层间缺陷尺度的试验件,开展强度性能测试。Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型层间断裂韧性试验均未产生层间裂纹尖端扩展的现象和数据特征,推断这种层间缺陷的裂纹尖端扩展阻力要明显大于标准试验采用的机加制备开缝情况。进一步进行了面内拉伸、面内压缩性能测试,分析了材料性能衰减的机制并由试验数据拟合得出与层间缺陷尺度之间的规律。为了在体现试验件整体损伤形貌的同时表征到层间缺陷区域的材料细节特征,采用了在缺陷近场细观形貌构造、远场宏观等效并在两者之间区域逐级过渡连接的宏/细观一体化多尺度数值建模和分析方法。计算的应力场特点进一步验证了试验判断的合理性。


  • 图  1  C/SiC壁板的层间缺陷情况

    Figure  1.  Interlayer defects of C/SiC panel

    图  2  C/SiC壁板的树脂转移浸渍裂解(RTIP)制备工艺流程

    Figure  2.  Resintransfer infiltration pyrolysis (RTIP) preparation process of C/SiC panel

    图  3  C/SiC壁板在碳纤维束内开裂的截面细观形貌

    Figure  3.  Cross-sectional micro-morphology of C/SiC panel cracked in carbon fiber bundles

    图  4  C/SiC壁板的纤维束(碳布)间分层缺陷细观形貌

    Figure  4.  Micro-morphology of delamination defects between carbon fiber bundles (fiber cloth)of C/SiC panel

    图  5  由C/SiC壁板切割制备的部分试验件及试验现场Fig.5 Partial test pieces prepared by cutting of C/SiC panel and testing ground

    图  6  C/SiC不同状态下试验件的拉伸强度数据及拟合Fig.6 Tensile strength data and fitting of C/SiC specimens under different states

    图  7  C/SiC拉伸试样的位移-应变曲线Fig.7 Displacement-strain curve of C/SiC tensile specimen

    图  8  C/SiC不同状态下试验件的压缩强度数据及拟合

    Figure  8.  Compressive strength data and fitting of C/SiC specimens under different states

    图  9  压缩试样的位移-应变曲线

    Figure  9.  Displacement-strain curve of compressive specimen

    图  10  测试的Ⅰ型层间断裂韧性载荷-位移曲线及试验件局部破坏形貌Fig.10 Load-displacement curve and failure morphology of modeⅠinterlaminar fracture toughness of C/SiC sample

    图  11  测试的Ⅱ型层间断裂韧性载荷-位移曲线及试验件局部破坏形貌

    Figure  11.  Load-displacement curve and failure morphology of modeⅡinterlaminar fracture toughness of C/SiC sample

    图  12  C/SiC无缺陷拉伸试样的破坏断口形貌

    Figure  12.  Fracture morphology of C/SiC tensile sample without defect

    图  13  C/SiC分层拉伸试样的破坏形貌及断口特征Fig.13 Failure morphology and fracture characteristics of C/SiC tensile specimen with interlayer defect

    图  14  C/SiC完整压缩试样的破坏形貌和断口特征

    Figure  14.  Failure morphology and fracture characteristics of C/SiC compressive specimen without defect

    图  15  C/SiC分层压缩试样的不同破坏形貌和断口特征

    Figure  15.  Different failure morphology and fracture characteristics of C/SiC compressive specimen with interlayer defect

    图  16  C/SiC含分层缺陷的宏/细观一体化多尺度数值模型

    Figure  16.  Macro/meso integrated multi-scale numerical model of C/SiC specimen with interlayer defects

    图  17  含分层缺陷宏细观一体化数值模型的应力云图

    Figure  17.  Stress contour for macro/meso integrated numerical model with interlayer defect

    表  1  宏/细观数值模型的材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of macro/meso numerical model

    Property Value
    Elastic modulus E1f of carbon fiber bundles /GPa 200.15
    Elastic modulusE2fE3f of carbon fiber bundles /GPa 45.86
    Shear modulus G12fG13f of carbon fiber bundles /GPa 25.96
    Shear modulus G23f of carbon fiber bundles /GPa 16.87
    Poisson's ratioν12fν13f of carbon fiber bundles 0.23
    Poisson's ratioν23f of carbon fiber bundles 0.36
    Elastic modulusEm ofSiC matrix/GPa 81.00
    Poisson's ratioνm ofSiC matrix 0.15
    Macro model Elastic modulusE1E2/GPa 118.36
    Elastic modulusE3/GPa 59.18
    Shear modulus G12/GPa 35.87
    Shear modulus G13G23/GPa 19.37
    Poisson's ratioν12 0.25
    Poisson's ratioν13ν23 0.35
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