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付豪 尧军平 梁超群 李步炜 陈国鑫

付豪, 尧军平, 梁超群, 等. 基于Archard磨损模型研究SiC/AZ91D复合材料干摩擦磨损特性[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(11): 6065-6073.
引用本文: 付豪, 尧军平, 梁超群, 等. 基于Archard磨损模型研究SiC/AZ91D复合材料干摩擦磨损特性[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(11): 6065-6073.
FU Hao, YAO Junping, LIANG Chaoqun, et al. Research on dry friction and wear characteristics of SiC/AZ91D composites based on Archard wear mode[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(11): 6065-6073.
Citation: FU Hao, YAO Junping, LIANG Chaoqun, et al. Research on dry friction and wear characteristics of SiC/AZ91D composites based on Archard wear mode[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(11): 6065-6073.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助(52065046;51661024);江西省科技重点研发计划(20202BBEL53024);研究生创新专项资金项目(2030009101050)

    尧军平,博士研究生,教授,研究方向为金属基复合材料 E-mail:yyyjpsz@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TB333

Research on dry friction and wear characteristics of SiC/AZ91D composites based on Archard wear mode

Funds: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52065046; 51661024); Jiangxi key research and development plan (20202BBEL53024); Graduate student innovation special fund project (2030009101050)
  • 摘要: 颗粒增强镁基复合材料在活塞制造中具有重要意义,活塞使用寿命与其材料的摩擦磨损性能关系密切,为预测镁基复合材料活塞耐磨性。基于Archard磨损模型结合自适应网格技术,建立SiC/AZ91D镁基复合材料及其基体有限元模型,探究其在不同载荷下的磨损行为,考察其应力场分布、磨损深度,进行了试验验证,揭示磨损机理。结果表明:在不同载荷下,盘销的接触面均表现出距盘轴心最近与最远处应力值较大,其它径向区域较小。随着载荷增加,盘销接触区域各处均表现出应力值增大。在不同载荷下,盘销接触面均表现出距盘轴心最近处磨损深度较小,离盘轴心径向距离增加,磨损深度越来越大。随着载荷增加,盘销接触区域各处均表现出磨损深度数值增大。但复合材料的磨损深度小于基体,表现出较好的耐磨性能。磨粒磨损和剥层磨损为复合材料主要磨损机制,粘着磨损为基体合金的主要磨损机理,模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好。


  • 图  1  摩擦实验机(a)与试样图(b)

    Figure  1.  Friction testing machine and samples drawing

    图  2  SiC/AZ91D光学显微组织图

    Figure  2.  Optical microstructure of Sic/AZ91D

    图  3  模型边界条件及其网格划分

    Figure  3.  Model boundary conditions and mesh division

    图  4  不同载荷下SiC/AZ91D试样Von Mises应力分布:(a) 10 N;(b)6 N;(c)3 N

    Figure  4.  Von Mises stress distribution of SiC/AZ91D samples under different loads: (a) 10 N; (b)6 N; (c)3 N

    图  5  不同载荷下AZ91D试样Von Mises应力分布:(a) 10 N;(b) 6 N;(c) 3 N

    Figure  5.  Von Mises stress distribution of AZ91D samples under different loads: (a) 10 N; (b)6 N; (c)3 N

    图  6  不同载荷下SiC/AZ91D(a)与AZ91D(b)试样的磨损深度与径向距离关系

    Figure  6.  Relationship between wear depth and radial distance of SiC/AZ91D (a) and AZ91D (b) samples under different loads

    图  7  不同载荷下SiC/AZ91D(a)与AZ91D(b)试样的摩擦系数与磨损时间关系

    Figure  7.  Relationship between friction coefficient and wear time of SiC/AZ91D (a) andAZ91D (b) samples under different loads

    图  8  SiC/AZ91D复合材料与AZ91D基体平均摩擦系数与载荷关系

    Figure  8.  Average friction coefficient and load relationship between SiC/AZ91D composite material and AZ91D matrix

    图  9  10 N载荷下SiC/AZ91D复合材料(a)与AZ91D基体(b)摩擦磨损面SEM图像

    Figure  9.  SEM image of friction and wear surface between SiC/AZ91D composite and AZ91D matrix under 10 N load

    图  10  SiC/AZ91D复合材料与AZ91D基体磨损轮廓三维效果图

    Figure  10.  3 D rendering of wear profile between SiC/AZ91D composite and AZ91D matrix

    图  11  相同载荷下SiC/AZ91D复合材料与AZ91D基体磨损深度模拟与实验对比

    Figure  11.  Comparison of simulated and experimental wear depth between SiC/AZ91D composite and AZ91D matrix under the same load

    表  1  材料的基本参数

    Table  1.   Basic parameters of the materials

    Material $ \rho $/(kg·m−3) $ \sigma_{\mathrm{S}} $/MPa $ \mu $ E/MPa HB
    GCr15 7.18 518.5 0.3 20800 248
    SiC/AZ91D 1.84 204 0.35 62000 65
    AZ91D 1.82 160 0.3 44800 58
    Notes: $ \rho $ is the material density; E is the modulus of elasticity; $ \mu $ is Poisson's ratio; $ \sigma_{\mathrm{S}} $ is the yield strength; HB is Brinell hardness number.
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    表  2  实验条件

    Table  2.   Experiment condition

    No. Load/N Rtation speed/
    Time/min Material
    1 3 200 20 SiC/AZ91D
    2 6 200 20 SiC/AZ91D
    3 10 200 20 SiC/AZ91D
    4 3 200 20 AZ91D
    5 6 200 20 AZ91D
    6 10 200 20 AZ91D
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