
Multistable characteristics of cruciform unsymmetric composite laminates with notch design

  • 摘要: 本文通过将两块非对称铺层的矩形层板交叉铺设同时引入切口设计,提出了一种新型十字形多稳态复合材料层板,通过该切口设计解决了共固化成型引起的层板结构胶接区域内刚度增强进而导致层板失去多稳态特性的问题。建立了含切口十字形多稳态复合材料层板的有限元模型,并通过热压罐成型工艺制备了试验件,仿真和试验结果验证了本文切口设计的可行性。最后研究了胶接面积、切口角度和矩形纵横比对十字形多稳态层板稳定构型的影响规律。结果表明:胶接面积与第一稳态的面外最大位移呈线性关系,切口角度对层板第二稳态构型具有显著影响,而层板纵横比也对第一稳态起重要作用。


    Abstract: This paper proposes a novel cruciform multistable composite laminate achieved by cross-laying two unsymmetric rectangular laminates and introducing a notch design. The notch design resolves the issue of large stiffness within the co-curing area of laminates resulting from co-curing process. A finite element model of the cruciform multistable composite laminate was established, and specimens were fabricated by autoclave process. The feasibility of the notch design was validated through simulation and experimental results. In addition, the effects of the co-curing area, notch angle and rectangular aspect ratio on the stable configurations of the cruciform multistable laminates were further investigated. The result shows that the co-curing area demonstrates a linear relationship with the maximum out-of-plane displacement of configuration I. The notch angle significantly impacts configuration II, whereas the aspect ratio of the laminate plays a crucial role in configuration I.


