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但宇 梁莹 许瑞天 宁璠 陈宗平

但宇, 梁莹, 许瑞天, 等. NaHCO3碳化后再生骨料混凝土早期力学性能试验研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 但宇, 梁莹, 许瑞天, 等. NaHCO3碳化后再生骨料混凝土早期力学性能试验研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
DAN Yu, LIANG Ying, XU Ruitian, et al. Experimental Study on Early Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete after NaHCO3 Carbonation[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: DAN Yu, LIANG Ying, XU Ruitian, et al. Experimental Study on Early Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete after NaHCO3 Carbonation[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51578163)、中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(桂科ZY21195010)、八桂学者专项研究经费项目([2019]79号)、广西科技基地与人才专项(桂科AD21075031)、广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB21220012)、广西大学对口支援学科建设项目(2023N01)、广西研究生教育创新计划资助项目(YCBZ2024039)。

    陈宗平,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为再生混凝土材料及结构的力学性能 E-mail: zpchen@gxu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TU528.59;TB332

Experimental Study on Early Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete after NaHCO3 Carbonation

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51578163); Central guidance for local scientific and technological development funding projects (ZY21195010); Eight Gui Scholars Special Research Fund Project ([2019]79); Guangxi Science and Technology Base and Talent Special Project (AD21075031), Guangxi Key R&D Program Project (AB21220012); Counterpart Aid Project for Discipline Construction from Guangxi University (Grant No.2023N01); Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education (YCBZ2024039).
  • 摘要: 为提高再生骨料混凝土(Recycled Aggregate Concrete,RAC)的固碳效率和力学性能,采用碳酸氢钠(NaHCO3)溶液对RAC进行浸泡养护和加速碳化,进行了立方体、棱柱体抗压试验和四点抗折试验,研究了三种碳化环境(自然碳化、碳化箱碳化、NaHCO3溶液碳化)和碳化龄期(3~28 d)对RAC早期力学性能的影响。结果表明,相较于自然养护,NaHCO3溶液碳化环境最大可以提高RAC的8.4%的早期抗压强度和12.4%的抗折强度,但会提高脆性;在21 d之前,NaHCO3溶液碳化后的RAC的早期抗压强度和强度发展略低于碳化箱碳化环境,但在28d时显著提高;碳化龄期对RAC的抗折强度影响不大,但在相同龄期时,NaHCO3溶液碳化后的抗折强度最高。通过热重分析发现,NaHCO3溶液碳化后RAC的碳酸钙含量比碳化箱碳化后高10.3%,比自然碳化高16.5%。最后,提出了NaHCO3溶液碳化后RAC的早期力学性能指标计算方法和本构方程。


  • 图  1  试验所用再生粗骨料和机制砂

    Figure  1.  Recycled coarse aggregate and machine-made sand used in the experiment

    图  2  试块养护过程

    Figure  2.  Curing process of specimens

    图  3  碳酸氢钠溶液配制过程

    Figure  3.  Preparation process of sodium bicarbonate solution

    图  4  试验加载示意图

    Figure  4.  Experimental loading diagram

    图  5  试件受压和抗折破坏形态

    Figure  5.  Compression and flexural failure modes of specimens

    图  6  不同养护环境下RAC的轴压应力-应变曲线(σ为轴向应力,ε为轴向应变)

    Figure  6.  Axial compressive stress-strain curves of RAC under different maintenance environments (σ is axial stress, ε is axial strain)

    图  7  不同龄期下RAC的轴压应力-应变曲线(σ为轴向应力,ε为轴向应变)

    Figure  7.  Axial compressive stress-strain curves of RAC at different ages (σ is axial stress, ε is axial strain)

    图  8  RAC抗压强度变化图(fcu为立方体抗压强度,fck为轴心抗压强度)

    Figure  8.  Compression strength variation chart of RAC (fcu is the compressive strength of the cube, fck is the axial compressive strength)

    图  9  RAC抗压强度增长率(fcu,28为28 d立方体抗压强度,fck,28为28 d轴心抗压强度)

    Figure  9.  Growth rate of compressive strength of RAC (fcu,28 is the compressive strength of the cube at 28 d,fck,28 is the axial compressive strength at 28 d)

    图  10  RAC延性系数μ变化图

    Figure  10.  Ductility coefficient (μ) variation chart of RAC

    图  11  RAC抗折强度ft变化图

    Figure  11.  Diagram of changes in flexural strength ft of RAC

    图  12  RAC TG结果分析

    Figure  12.  TG result analysis of RAC

    图  13  RAC DTG结果分析

    Figure  13.  DTG result analysis of RAC

    图  14  不同养护条件下RAC的微观形貌

    Figure  14.  Microscopic morphology of RAC under different curing conditions

    图  15  RAC早期强度预测结果对比

    Figure  15.  Comparison of early strength prediction results of RAC

    图  16  NaHCO3溶液碳化后RAC的轴心抗压强度fck和立方体抗压强度fcu的关系

    Figure  16.  Relationship between axial compressive strength fck and fcuof cube strength RAC after carbonation of NaHCO3 solution

    图  17  NaHCO3溶液碳化后RAC的抗折强度ft和立方体抗压强度fcu的关系

    Figure  17.  Relationship between flexural strength ft and cube strength fcu of RAC after carbonation of NaHCO3 solution

    图  18  NaHCO3溶液碳化后RAC的峰值应变εc和立方体抗压强度fcu的关系

    Figure  18.  Relationship between peak strain ε and cube strength fcu of RAC after carbonation of NaHCO3 solution

    图  19  RAC本构方程计算结果对比

    Figure  19.  Comparison of constitutive equation calculation results of RAC

    表  1  试件设计参数

    Table  1.   Design parameters of specimens

    Specimen number Carbonation environment Environmental parameters Curing
    age T/d
    RAC-3d Natural carbonation Natural
    RAC-7d 7
    RAC-14d 14
    RAC-21d 21
    RAC-28d 28
    RAC-CB-3d Carbonation
    Carbon dioxide
    concentration of
    20%, temperature of
    20℃, humidity
    of 70%
    RAC-CB-7d 7
    RAC-CB-14d 14
    RAC-CB-21d 21
    RAC-CB-28d 28
    RAC-L10-3d NaHCO3
    10 g/L 3
    RAC-L10-7d 7
    RAC-L10-14d 14
    RAC-L10-21d 21
    RAC-L10-28d 28
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    表  2  再生混凝土(RAC)配合比(kg/m3)

    Table  2.   Mix ratio of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) (kg/m3)

    CementRecycled coarse aggregateMachine-made sandWaterMineral powderWater reducing agentLimestone
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    表  3  再生粗骨料和机制砂的基本性能

    Table  3.   Basic properties of recycled coarse aggregate and machine-made sand

    Types of aggregates Density/
    Bulk density/
    Loose packing
    Stone powder
    Total content of needle
    shaped particles/%
    Recycled coarse aggregate 2720 45 0.7 0.1 8 9
    Machine-made sand 2710 1610 41 5.5 0.8
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    表  4  力学性能指标

    Table  4.   Mechanical performance indicators

    Specimen number fcu/ MPa fck/ MPa ft/ MPa μ
    Average Measurement
    Average Measurement
    Average Measurement
    RAC-3d 50.1 51.3 27.9 26.5 4.96 5.11 1.21 1.42
    53.0 25.8 5.36 1.59
    50.7 25.7 5.02 1.46
    RAC-7d 62.4 60.7 31.6 32.2 4.41 5.05 1.56 1.45
    58.8 33.4 5.50 1.46
    60.9 31.6 5.26 1.33
    RAC-14d 64.9 64.9 31.8 34.8 5.05 5.10 1.44 1.41
    64.9 39.2 3.99 1.36
    54.2 33.5 5.21 1.43
    RAC-21d 64.9 67.9 36.2 37.5 5.10 5.21 1.38 1.34
    70.9 35.7 5.34 1.34
    37.8 40.7 5.18 1.31
    RAC-28d 71.4 72.1 38.6 39.0 5.22 5.18 1.33 1.26
    72.4 36.1 5.16 1.36
    72.7 42.3 4.96 1.10
    RAC-CB-3d 59.5 53.3 27.8 28.4 3.79 3.99 1.44 1.40
    49.7 27.8 2.64 1.46
    50.8 29.7 4.19 1.3
    RAC-CB-7d 61.6 62.8 34.6 31.6 3.99 4.22 1.28 1.39
    65.2 30.2 4.35 1.33
    61.7 30.1 4.33 1.56
    RAC-CB-14d 72.3 71.5 34.6 34.6 3.45 3.67 1.42 1.37
    60.7 35.7 3.89 1.31
    70.7 33.6 3.68 1.39
    RAC-CB-21d 69.5 71.8 38.9 37.0 4.29 4.44 1.18 1.27
    71.4 34.1 4.62 1.39
    74.6 37.9 4.43 1.25
    RAC-CB-28d 73.7 73.2 40.1 40.0 4.44 4.12 1.32 1.20
    74.5 37.7 3.86 1.33
    71.3 42.2 4.07 1.23
    RAC-L10-3d 52.8 52.0 26.3 26.6 4.63 4.33 1.47 1.29
    50.6 27.6 4.95 1.20
    52.6 25.9 3.43 1.42
    RAC-L10-7d 58.1 62.4 22.5 31.7 5.81 5.03 1.14 1.36
    66.4 31.7 4.84 1.46
    62.8 31.8 4.44 1.28
    RAC-L10-14d 64.1 66.0 38.8 35.3 4.88 4.80 1.26 1.29
    67.4 32.8 5.05 1.22
    66.4 34.2 4.48 1.28
    RAC-L10-21d 72.1 68.6 34.1 36.9 5.86 5.86 1.19 1.25
    63.9 38.7 5.94 1.18
    69.8 37.8 5.80 1.09
    RAC-L10-28d 79.5 78.2 38.4 40.8 4.94 5.26 1.32 1.15
    63.9 40.9 5.33 1.33
    76.9 43.0 5.54 1.23
    Notes: fcu, fck, and f represent the compressive strength of cubes, the compressive strength of prisms, and the flexural strength, respectively. μ is the ductility coefficient, which is calculated through the compressive stress-strain curve of a prism using the "equal energy" method[25]. The data in the table is taken as the average of the same operating conditions.
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