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刘世 田建华 魏述超 戎晓健 李冬

刘世, 田建华, 魏述超, 等. 高吸水性树脂与纤维对自燃煤矸石混凝土干燥收缩的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-17.
引用本文: 刘世, 田建华, 魏述超, 等. 高吸水性树脂与纤维对自燃煤矸石混凝土干燥收缩的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-17.
LIU Shi, TIAN Jianhua, WEI Shuchao, et al. Effect of super absorbent polymers and fiber on drying shrinkage of spontaneous combustion coal gangue concrete[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: LIU Shi, TIAN Jianhua, WEI Shuchao, et al. Effect of super absorbent polymers and fiber on drying shrinkage of spontaneous combustion coal gangue concrete[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 辽宁省教育厅基本科研项目(LJKQZ20222268;JYTMS20230817);新疆煤炭资源绿色开采教育部重点实验室开放基金(KLXGY-KB2416)

    李冬, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 研究方向为纤维水泥基复合材料 E-mail: lidong8998@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TU528

Effect of super absorbent polymers and fiber on drying shrinkage of spontaneous combustion coal gangue concrete

Funds: Basic Research Project of Education Department of Liaoning Province (LJKQZ20222268; JYTMS20230817); Key Laboratory of Green Coal Mining of Xinjiang, Ministry of Education (KLXGY-KB2416)
  • 摘要: 为了探究有效降低自燃煤矸石混凝土收缩的方法,以高吸水性树脂(Super Absorbent Polymers,SAP)和聚丙烯(Polypropylene,PP)纤维掺量为变量,设计了7组自燃煤矸石混凝土试件,开展了自燃煤矸石混凝土干燥收缩试验和基体内部湿度测试试验。探究了SAP与PP纤维对基体收缩性能的影响规律,揭示了基体干燥收缩应变与内部相对湿度之间的变化规律,建立了自燃煤矸石混凝土收缩预测模型。结果表明:SAP和PP纤维的加入均能显著降低自燃煤矸石混凝土的干燥收缩,随着SAP掺量的增加,基体收缩应变先减小后增大;随着PP纤维掺量的增加,基体收缩应变逐渐减小。90d龄期时,SAP掺量为0.2%时对自燃煤矸石混凝土的减缩效果最好,与基准混凝土相比,其试件收缩应变降低了31.3%。SAP与PP纤维的加入可以抑制基体内部湿度的衰减,基体收缩应变与内部相对湿度呈线性变化;通过引入自燃煤矸石骨料影响系数对法国建筑行业规范AFREM中提出的收缩预测模型进行了修正,修正后模型的预测结果与试验结果吻合度较高,可用于自燃煤矸石骨料混凝土干燥收缩的计算。


  • 图  1  形状特征

    Figure  1.  Shape characteristics

    图  2  干燥收缩试验

    Figure  2.  Drying shrinkage test

    图  3  内部相对湿度试验

    Figure  3.  Internal relative humidity test

    图  4  不同类型自燃煤矸石混凝土抗压强度

    Figure  4.  Compressive strength of different types of spontaneous combustion coal gangue concrete

    图  5  不同高吸水性树脂(SAP)掺量的基体干燥收缩应变随龄期的发展规律

    Figure  5.  Development law of drying shrinkage strain of matrix with different super absorbent polymers(SAP) content

    图  6  SAP内养护作用机制[35]

    Figure  6.  Internal curing mechanism of SAP[35]

    图  7  掺入聚丙烯(PP)纤维的基体干燥收缩应变随龄期的变化规律

    Figure  7.  Variation of drying shrinkage of the polypropylene (PP) fibers reinforced matrix under different curing time

    图  8  归一化的基体干燥收缩应变曲线:(a) SAP;(b) PP

    Figure  8.  Normalized drying shrinkage strain curve of the matrix:(a) SAP; (b) PP

    图  9  SAP和PP纤维对基体干燥收缩应变的影响

    Figure  9.  Effect of SAP and PP fibers on drying shrinkage of the matrix

    图  10  不同掺量SAP和PP纤维的基体收缩应变变化率:(a) 28 d;(b) 90 d

    Figure  10.  Variation of drying shrinkage strain of the matrix with different SAP and PP fibers dosage: (a) 28 d; (b) 90 d

    图  11  不同SAP掺量对基体内部湿度的影响

    Figure  11.  Influence of SAP content on internal humidity of the matrix

    图  12  不同掺量PP纤维对基体内部湿度的影响

    Figure  12.  Effect of PP fibers dosage on internal humidity of the matrix

    图  13  自燃煤矸石混凝土内部湿度衰减率:(a)SAP;(b)PP

    Figure  13.  Decay rate of the internal humidity of different samples: (a)SAP; (b)PP

    图  14  基体干燥收缩应变与内部相对湿度的关系: (a) NC; (b) 0.1%SAP/NC; (c) 0.2%SAP/NC; (d) 0.3%SAP/NC; (e) 0.05%PP/NC;(f) 0.1%PP/NC; (g) 0.15%PP/NC

    Figure  14.  Relation between dry shrinkage strain and internal relative humidity of the matrix: (a) NC; (b) 0.1%SAP/NC; (c) 0.2%SAP/NC; (d) 0.3%SAP/NC;(e) 0.05%PP/NC; (f) 0.1%PP/NC; (g) 0.15%PP/NC

    图  15  干燥收缩试验结果与现有混凝土收缩预测模型的对比:(a) SAP;(b) PP

    Figure  15.  Comparison of drying shrinkage test results with existing predicted values: (a)SAP; (b)PP

    图  16  自燃煤矸石骨料影响系数GA与SAP掺量间的关系

    Figure  16.  Relationship between the influence coefficient GA and SAP content

    图  17  SAP内养护效果时间影响系数α、β和干燥收缩时间影响系数δ与龄期的关系:(a) α;(b) β;(c) δ

    Figure  17.  Relationship between influence coefficients α, β, δ and curing time with SAP: (a) α; (b) β; (c) δ

    图  18  自燃煤矸石混凝土干燥收缩试验值与修正后模型计算值的对比

    Figure  18.  Comparison of drying shrinkage of the matrix between the test values and predicted values

    图  19  自燃煤矸石骨料影响系数GB与PP纤维掺量间的关系

    Figure  19.  Relationship between the influence coefficient GB and the content of PP fibers

    图  20  PP纤维减缩效果时间影响系数ρ、干燥收缩时间影响系数Φ与干燥龄期的关系:(a) ρ;(b) Φ

    Figure  20.  Relationship between the time effect coefficient ρ, the drying shrinkage time effect coefficient Φ and the drying age influence of PP fibers: (a) ρ; (b) Φ

    图  21  自燃煤矸石混凝土干燥收缩试验值与修正后模型计算值比较

    Figure  21.  Comparison between the test value and the predicted value of drying shrinkage of the fiber reinforced matrix

    图  22  文献中煤矸石混凝土干燥收缩试验值与修正后模型计算值的对比

    Figure  22.  Comparison between the test value and the predicted value of drying shrinkage of the coal gangue concrete reinforced matrix

    表  1  自燃煤矸石基本物理性质

    Table  1.   Basic physical properties of spontaneous combustion coal gangue

    Type Apparent density/
    Packing density/
    Crush value/% Water content/% 24 hWater
    absorption rate/%
    Spontaneous combustion coal gangue 2.63 1.04 19.4 0.44 8.64
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    表  2  PP纤维基本物理性质

    Table  2.   Basic physical properties of PP fibers

    Type Density/(g·cm−3) Tensile strength/MPa Elastic modulus/GPa Length/mm
    PP fibers 0.91 568 4.35 19
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    表  3  混凝土试件组分配合比(kg/m−3)

    Table  3.   Mix proportions of concrete specimens (kg/m−3)

    ItemCementFly ashWaterSandCoarse aggregateWater reducerSAPPP fiberInternal conservation water
    Notes: In the specimens of spontaneous combustion coal gangue concrete with super absorbent polymers (SAP)or polypropylene (PP)fibers, a%SAP/NC—SAP volume fraction in the matrix is a%, b%PP/NC—PP fibers volume fraction in the matrix is b%. The dosage of SAP and PP of item NC is 0.
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    表  4  混凝土干燥收缩模型对比分析

    Table  4.   Comparative analysis of drying shrinkage models of concrete

    Model Drying shrinkage limit/εcd,0 Drying shrinkage development function/βds(t) Consideration factor
    Calculation formula Calculation formula
    AFREM $K\left( {{f_{{\text{cu}}}}} \right)A\left( {{f_{{\text{cu}}}},{R_{\text{H}}}} \right) \times {10^{ - 6}}$ $ \dfrac{{t - {t_{\text{s}}}}}{{{\beta _{\text{s}}}{{\left( {{{{A_{\text{c}}}} / u}} \right)}^2} + \left( {t - {t_{\text{s}}}} \right)}} $ Drying age, ambient humidity, specimen size, concrete strength, water cement ratio
    fib $160 + 10{\beta _{{\text{sc}}}}\left( {9 - {{{f_{{\text{cu}}}}}/ {{f_{{\text{cu0}}}}}}} \right) \times {10^{ - 6}}$ $ {\left( {\dfrac{{t - {t_{\text{s}}}}}{{350{{\left( {{h/ {{h_0}}}} \right)}^2} + \left( {t - {t_{\text{s}}}} \right)}}} \right)^{{1/ 2}}} $ Drying age, ambient humidity, cement type, strength, specimen size
    ACI209.2 R $ 780{{\gamma }_{\text{cp}}}{{\gamma }_{\text{ } \lambda \text{ }}}{{\gamma }_{\text{h}}}{{\gamma }_{\text{s}}}{{\gamma }_{\text{ } \psi \text{ }}}{{\gamma }_{\text{ } \alpha \text{ }}}{{\gamma }_{\text{c}}}\times {{10}^{-6}} $ $ \dfrac{{{{\left( {t - {t_{\text{s}}}} \right)}^\alpha }}}{{f + {{\left( {t - {t_{\text{s}}}} \right)}^\alpha }}} $ Drying age, curing conditions, ambient humidity, specimen size, gas content, slump, sand strain, cement dosage
    EC2 $ 0.85\left[ \begin{gathered} 220 + 110{\alpha _{{\text{ds1}}}} \\ \exp \left( { - {\alpha _{{\text{ds2}}}}{\raise0.7 ex\hbox{${{f_{{\text{cu}}}}}$} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{f_{{\text{cu}}}}} {{f_{{\text{cu0}}}}}}}\right.} \lower0.7 ex\hbox{${{f_{{\text{cu0}}}}}$}}} \right) \\ \end{gathered} \right]{\beta _{{\text{RH}}}} \times {10^{ - 6}} $ $\dfrac{{t - {t_{\text{s}}}}}{{\left( {t - {t_{\text{s}}}} \right) + 0.04\sqrt {{{\left( {{{2{A_{\text{c}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{2{A_{\text{c}}}} u}} \right. } u}} \right)}^3}} }}$ Concrete strength, cement type, environment, ambient humidity, drying age, specimen size
    Notes: K(fcu)−the strength of concrete related to the diffusion of internal moistureconstant; A(fcu,RH)—the shrinkage of concrete when the internal humidity decreases due to the self-drying and moisture diffusion process; βs—correlation coefficient of mineral admixtures; Ac—section area(mm2); u—section perimeter(mm); t—the considered age of the concrete (d); ts—the age of the concrete at the begineering of drying shrinkage(d); βsc—influence coefficient of cement variety; fcu—compressive strength of concrete at 28 d (MPa); fcu0—the average compressive strength of concrete(MPa); h—the effective dimensions of the cross-section(mm); h0—the constant value(mm); γcp—correction factor for maintenance conditions; γλ—correction factor for ambient relative humidity; γh—correction factor for component dimensions; γs—correction factor for collapse; γψ—correction factor for sand rate; γα—correction factor for gas content; γc—correction factor for cement content; α—a constant value depending on the shape and size of the specimen; f— a constant value about curing time(d); αds1, αds2—influence coefficients depending on the type of cement; βRH— influence coefficient depending on the relative humidity of the ambient atmosphere.
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