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赵畅 周丽 邱涛

赵畅, 周丽, 邱涛. 柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构的面内拉伸性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-9.
引用本文: 赵畅, 周丽, 邱涛. 柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构的面内拉伸性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-9.
ZHAO Chang, ZHOU Li, QIU Tao. In-plane tensile property of deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHAO Chang, ZHOU Li, QIU Tao. In-plane tensile property of deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52075243)

    周丽,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为智能材料与结构 E-mail: lzhou@nuaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O342;V214.6;V257

In-plane tensile property of deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52075243)
  • 摘要: 提出了一种柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构,该结构由十字形蜂窝和内LET半铰(Half Inside Lamina Emergent Torsional Joint)组成,通过降低结构面内刚度提升变形能力,具有重量轻、面内模量低的特点。通过理论分析研究了柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构的面内等效弹性模量,并进行了仿真和实验验证,分析了几何参数对结构等效弹性模量的影响,最后通过仿真和实验比较了柔性铰可变形蜂窝与十字形蜂窝的面内刚度。结果表明:柔性铰可变形蜂窝的等效弹性模量与十字形蜂窝相比降低了80%以上,具有更优秀的面内变形能力,将可变形蜂窝结构与柔性铰链巧妙结合是一种提升蜂窝结构面内变形能力的有效方式。


  • 图  1  柔性铰可变形蜂窝几何模型

    Figure  1.  Geometry model of the deformable honeycomb with compliant hinge

    图  2  柔性铰可变形蜂窝单元的几何参数

    Figure  2.  Geometric parameters of deformable honeycomb with compliant hinge unit cell

    l1—Length of the inclined beam; t1—Thickness of the inclined beam; l2—Length of the vertical beam; t2 —Thickness of the vertical beam; θ—Honeycomb angle; d1—Width of connecting element in the inclined beam; h1 —Length of connecting element in the inclined beam; d2—Width of the connecting element in the vertical beam; h2—Length of the connecting element in the vertical beam; d3—Width of torsional hinge

    图  3  x方向加载时柔性铰可变形蜂窝受力分析

    Figure  3.  Force analysis of deformable honeycomb with compliant hinge loaded in x direction

    σx—Equivalent stress along the x-direction; F—Tensile load along the x-direction; M—Bending moment of the cross section; δ—Deflection of the inclined beam; α—Rotation angle of the inclined beam; u—Deflection of the vertical beam

    图  4  内LET半铰伪刚体模型

    Figure  4.  Pseudo-rigid-body model of half inside Lamina Emergent Torsional (LET) joint

    kB1 and kB2—Spring constant of connecting elements in the inclined beam and vertical beam, respectively; kT—Spring constant of torsional hinge

    图  5  柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构的有限元模型

    Figure  5.  Finite element model of deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge

    图  6  不同d1值下柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构等效弹性模量E*h1的变化规律

    Figure  6.  Variation law of equivalent elastic modulus E* of the deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge with h1 for different d1 values

    图  7  不同d3值下柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构等效弹性模量E*h1的变化规律

    Figure  7.  Variation law of equivalent elastic modulus E* of the deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge with h1 for different d3 values

    图  8  不同h2值下柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构等效弹性模量E*h1的变化规律

    Figure  8.  Variation law of equivalent elastic modulus E* of the deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge with h1 for different h2 values

    图  9  不同d2值下柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构等效弹性模量E*h1的变化规律

    Figure  9.  Variation law of equivalent elastic modulus E* of the deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge with h1 for different d2 values

    图  10  柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构实验件模型和单轴拉伸实验

    Figure  10.  Test specimen model and uniaxial tensile experiment for the deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge

    图  11  4×8构型的柔性铰可变形蜂窝和十字形蜂窝结构模型

    Figure  11.  Deformable honeycomb with compliant hinge and the cruciform honeycomb structure models with 4×8 configuration

    图  12  柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构的变形效果

    Figure  12.  Deformed deformable honeycomb with compliant hinge

    图  13  十字形蜂窝结构实验件模型和单轴拉伸实验

    Figure  13.  Test specimen model and uniaxial tensile experiment for the cruciform honeycomb structure

    图  14  柔性铰可变形蜂窝和十字形蜂窝的应力-应变关系

    Figure  14.  Stress-strain relationship of deformable honeycomb with compliant hinge and cruciform honeycomb

    L, W and H—Length of the test specimen in the x, y, z direction, respectively; $ \Delta $—Deformation in the x direction

    表  1  柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构等效弹性模量E*理论与仿真值的比较

    Table  1.   Comparison between the theoretical and FEM results of equivalent elastic modulus E*of the deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge

    Number Parameter of the unit/mm E*/MPa(Theoretical value) E*/MPa(FEM value) Error/%
    1 d1=2, d2=2, d3=1h1=7, h2=1 6.20×10−3 6.13×10−3 1.13
    2 d1=4, d2=2, d3=1h1=7, h2=1 5.90×10−3 5.83×10−3 1.19
    3 d1=6, d2=2, d3=1h1=7, h2=1 5.60×10−3 5.56×10−3 0.71
    4 d1=10, d2=2, d3=1h1=4, h2=1 3.90×10−3 3.79×10−3 2.82
    5 d1=10, d2=2, d3=1.5h1=4, h2=1 4.80×10−3 4.72×10−3 1.67
    6 d1=10, d2=2, d3=2h1=4, h2=1 5.40×10−3 5.49×10−3 1.67
    7 d1=10, d2=2, d3=1h1=3, h2=2 3.80×10−3 3.74×10−3 1.58
    8 d1=10, d2=2, d3=1h1=3, h2=3 4.10×10−3 4.12×10−3 0.49
    9 d1=10, d2=2, d3=1h1=3, h2=4 4.40×10−3 4.49×10−3 2.05
    10 d1=10, d2=0.75, d3=1h1=6, h2=1 5.20×10−3 5.05×10−3 2.88
    11 d1=10, d2=1.5, d3=1h1=6, h2=1 4.90×10−3 4.87×10−3 0.61
    12 d1=10, d2=2.25, d3=1h1=6, h2=1 4.60×10−3 4.75×10−3 3.26
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    表  2  柔性铰可变形蜂窝和十字形蜂窝的结构参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of the deformable honeycomb with compliant hinge and the cruciform honeycomb

    Number Configuration Parameter of the honeycomb unit/mm Parameter of the compliant hinge/mm Parameter of the model/mm
    1 4×8 l1= l2=10, t1= t2=0.25, b=25, θ=13° d1=10, d2=2, d3=1h1=12, h2=1 312×186×25
    2 5×10 l1= l2=5, t1= t2=0.1, b=10, θ=13° d1=5, d2=1, d3=0.5h1=5, h2=0.5 195×118×10
    3 6×8 l1= l2=20, t1= t2=1, b=40, θ=13° d1=20, d2=4, d3=3h1=20, h2=2 624×568×40
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    表  3  柔性铰可变形蜂窝结构和十字形蜂窝结构的面内拉伸等效弹性模量E*

    Table  3.   Equivalent elastic modulus E*of the deformable honeycomb structure with compliant hinge and the cruciform honeycomb

    Number Configuration E*/MPa (The deformable honeycomb
    with compliant hinge)
    E*/MPa(The cruciform honeycomb) Difference value/%
    1 4×8 0.0064 0.0595 89.2
    2 5×10 0.0054 0.0305 82.3
    3 6×8 0.0725 0.4515 83.9
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