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邓威 翟健梁 赖淏 陆福洋 宗有杰 熊锐 关博文 常明丰

邓威, 翟健梁, 赖淏, 等. 微生物-碳化改性钢渣及其对水泥水化特性影响研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 邓威, 翟健梁, 赖淏, 等. 微生物-碳化改性钢渣及其对水泥水化特性影响研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
DENG Wei, ZHAI Jianliang, LAI Hao, et al. Research progress of microorganism-carbonization modified steel slag and its effect on hydration characteristics of cement[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: DENG Wei, ZHAI Jianliang, LAI Hao, et al. Research progress of microorganism-carbonization modified steel slag and its effect on hydration characteristics of cement[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 青海省重点研发与转化计划项目(No.2023-SF-124)

    熊 锐,博士,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为道路工程材料 E-mail: xiongr61@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TU528; TB332

Research progress of microorganism-carbonization modified steel slag and its effect on hydration characteristics of cement

Funds: Key Research & Development and Transformation Plan Project of Qinghai Province (No.2023-SF-124)
  • 摘要: 微生物诱导碳酸盐沉淀(MICP)是一种新型环保处理技术,其独特的矿化及生物酶催化机制在固废处理及利用方面展现出广阔前景。基于钢渣水化特性,本文探讨了碳化条件及生物酶特性对碳酸盐成核影响,分析并总结了MICP与碳化反应机制、生物-碳化改性中钢渣的物相演变规律、碳酸钙成核及晶体生长等研究进展,从力学性能、水化热及体积稳定性角度进一步综述了改性钢渣对水泥基胶凝材料水化特性影响机制,指出了现阶段微生物-碳化技术在钢渣改性研究中存在的不足,为实现钢渣低污染、高质化利用提供有益参考。


  • 图  1  钢渣BES微观形貌[25]

    Figure  1.  BES morphology of steel slag

    图  2  钢渣抑制复合浆体Ca(OH)2析出和C-S-H成核及生长[2]

    Figure  2.  Steel slag inhibited Ca(OH)2 precipitation and C-S-H nucleation and growth of composite slurry[2]

    图  3  干/湿法碳化装置示意图[10]

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of dry/aqueous carbonization plant[10]

    图  4  微生物诱导CaCO3/MgCO3沉淀示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of CaCO3/MgCO3 precipitation induced by microorganism

    图  5  微生物介导细胞外矿化:A1为酵母细胞;A2为细胞表面的CaCO3直接沉淀;A3为EPS降解后的CaCO3沉淀[53, 60]

    Figure  5.  Microbial mediated extracellular mineralization: A1 is yeast cell; A2 is the direct precipitation of CaCO3 on the cell surface. A3 is CaCO3 precipitation after EPS degradation[53, 60]

    图  6  细胞壁表面CaCO3不均匀沉淀过程[57]

    Figure  6.  Heterogeneous precipitation of CaCO3 on cell wall surface[57]

    图  7  微生物-碳化协同处理钢渣相变反应[77, 78]

    Figure  7.  Microorganism-Carbonization synergistic treatment of steel slag phase transition reaction[77, 78]

    图  8  三类钢渣-水泥砂浆不同龄期抗折强度[16, 81]

    Figure  8.  The flexural strength of three types of steel slag-cement mortar at different ages[16, 81]

    图  9  三类钢渣-水泥砂浆不同龄期抗压强度[16, 81, 86]

    Figure  9.  The compressive strength of three types of steel slag-cement mortar at different ages[16, 81, 86]

    图  10  三类钢渣-水泥净浆沸煮后三维结构孔隙演化[16]

    Figure  10.  3 D-pore structure evolution of three-type steel slag-cement paste after boiling[16]

    表  1  不同因素对钢渣碳化效果影响

    Table  1.   Influence of different factors on carbonization effect of steel slag

    Factor Influencing mechanism References
    Temperature Raising the carbonization temperature facilitates the leaching of carbonate ions, but excessively high temperatures reduce the solubility of CO2 in the liquid phase. [34, 35]
    Time In the initial stages of carbonization, the rate of calcium conversion increases linearly with carbonization time; however, in the later stages, it is restricted by the carbonized layer, leading to a significant decrease in the diffusion rate of silicate ions. [36]
    Air pressure High pressure is conducive to enhancing the uniform distribution of calcium carbonate and accelerating the diffusion and dissolution of CO2. However, in the later stages, the carbonized layer restricts further reaction between CO2 and carbonate ions. [37, 38]
    Concentrations of CO2 High CO2 concentration provides an ample carbon source for the carbonization reaction, accelerating the rate of calcium conversion. However, in the later stages, the reaction rate of carbonization no longer increases due to the influence of solution supersaturation. [39]
    Size of steel slag Smaller steel slag particle size increases the contact area with the carbon source, leading to a more thorough reaction between steel slag particles and CO2, resulting in more carbonization products. [40]
    Humidity The increase in moisture accelerates the dissolution of CO2 and the leaching of Ca2+, but excessive moisture can block the surface pores of steel slag, thereby restricting the penetration of CO2. [38, 41]
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    表  2  脲酶与碳酸酐酶特性[52-54]

    Table  2.   Characteristics of urease and carbonic anhydrase[52-54]

    Catalytic enzyme type High activity range Catalytic object Typical microorganism Chemical construction
    Temperature PH
    Urease 30-40℃ 7.0-8.0 Urea Bacillus pasteurelli
    Carbonic anhydrase 35-55℃ 7.0-10.0 CO2 Bacillus mucosus
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-03-12
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  • 网络出版日期:  2024-06-12


