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皮展鹏 杨磊 欧阳震 闫春泽 史玉升

皮展鹏, 杨磊, 欧阳震, 等. 增材制造用碳纤维预浸料制备技术研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-20.
引用本文: 皮展鹏, 杨磊, 欧阳震, 等. 增材制造用碳纤维预浸料制备技术研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-20.
PI Zhanpeng, YANG Lei, OUYANG Zhen, et al. Research progress on preparation technology of carbon fiber prepreg for additive manufacturing[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: PI Zhanpeng, YANG Lei, OUYANG Zhen, et al. Research progress on preparation technology of carbon fiber prepreg for additive manufacturing[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 湖北省重点研发计划(2022BAA030); 2023年湖北省重大攻关项目(JD) (2023BAA023)

    杨磊,博士,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为纤维增强复合材料增材制造。 E-mail:lei.yang@whut.edu.cn

    闫春泽,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为非金属材料增材制造。 E-mail:c_yan@hust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Research progress on preparation technology of carbon fiber prepreg for additive manufacturing

Funds: Hubei Province key research and development plan (2022BAA030); Major Program(JD) of Hubei Province (2023BAA023)
  • 摘要: 碳纤维增强复合材料(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite,CFRP)具有力具有轻质、高强、耐高温、耐腐蚀、抗疲劳、热力学性能优异等特点,是航空航天、军工装备、医疗设备、轨道交通和新能源产业等领域理想的零部件原材料。碳纤维预浸料是CFRP制备过程的中间制品,其优劣决定了复合材料的最终性能。增材制造可以低成本快速成型复杂零件,因此针对增材制造技术的碳纤维预浸料研发成为研究热点。增材制造用碳纤维预浸料的制备可以分为放卷、展纱、改性、浸渍以及冷却收卷几部分。本文总结了增材制造用碳纤维预浸料的制备技术的研究现状,总结了不同工艺的原理特点并详细说明了不同工艺对增材制造用碳纤维预浸料乃至复合材料的影响,最后对目前增材制造用碳纤维预浸料的制备工艺存在的问题做了总结并对其发展方向做了展望。


  • 图  1  LA-LOM制备石墨烯增强碳纤维增强聚合物复合材料原理图[16]

    Figure  1.  Schematic of LA-LOM of graphene reinforced carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites[16]

    图  2  FDM制备CFRP原理图:(a)传统FDM打印;(b)原位浸渍工艺[18]

    Figure  2.  Schematic of FDM of CFRP: (a) Traditional FDM printing; (b) In situ impregnation process[18]

    图  3  R-LAM工艺设备图[13]

    Figure  3.  Equipment picture of R-LAM[13]

    图  4  微波3D打印原理[19]

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of the 3D microwave printing process[19]

    图  5  碳纤维预浸料浸渍流程

    Figure  5.  Carbon fiber prepreg impregnation process

    图  6  机械辊展纱原理示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of mechanical roller yarn exhibition

    图  7  WILSON的机械棍展纱理论模型[30]

    Figure  7.  WILSON's theory model of rod yarn spreading[30]

    图  8  超声杆展纱示意图

    Figure  8.  Diagram of ultrasonic roller yarn spreading

    图  9  超声波展纱示意图

    Figure  9.  Diagram of ultrasonic yarn spreading

    图  10  不同展纱方式对纤维拉伸强度的影响[28]

    Figure  10.  Influence of different yarn spreading methods on tensile strength of fibers[28]

    图  11  气流展纱原理图[37]

    Figure  11.  Schematic diagram of air flow yarn spreading[37]

    图  12  两级气动展纱平台[35]

    Figure  12.  Two-Stage pneumatic yarn spreading platform[35]

    图  13  上浆处理示意图

    Figure  13.  Diagram of sizing process

    图  14  EPD法原理图[48]

    Figure  14.  Schematic diagram of the EPD[48]

    图  15  (a)制备CoNC@CF和CoNC@CF-PLA纳米复合长丝和(b) FDM打印的过程[51]

    Figure  15.  The process for (a) the preparation of CoNC@CF and (b) the preparation of CoNC@CF-PLA nanocomposite filaments and FDM printing. [51]

    图  16  浸渍方法分类

    Figure  16.  Classification of dipping methods

    图  17  熔融浸渍法原理示意图[65]

    Figure  17.  Schematic diagram of molten impregnation method[65]

    图  18  纤维拔出现象[68]

    Figure  18.  Fiber pulled-out phenomenon[68]

    图  19  纤维团聚现象[69]

    Figure  19.  Fiber aggregation phenomenon[69]

    图  20  湿法粉末浸渍示意图

    Figure  20.  Schematic diagram of wet powder impregnation method

    图  21  几种不同预浸料的SEM图像[71]:(a)自制;(b)美国;(c)英国;(d)国产

    Figure  21.  SEM images of several different prepregs[71]: (a)Self-restraint; (b)Made in US; (c)Made in UK; (d)Made in China

    图  22  干法粉末浸渍原理图[73]

    Figure  22.  Dry powder impregnation schematic[73]

    图  23  溶液浸渍原理图[78]

    Figure  23.  Solution impregnation schematic diagram impregnation schematic[78]

    图  24  纤维混编法成形方式[78]

    Figure  24.  Fiber blending forming method[78]

    图  25  两种增材制造用预浸丝模具[86]

    Figure  25.  Two kinds of prepreg wire die for additive manufacturing[86]

    图  26  分体式模具示意图

    Figure  26.  Schematic diagram of split mold

    图  27  分体式模具制备的预浸丝微观形貌图[87]

    Figure  27.  Micromorphology of prepreg wire prepared by split mold[87]

    图  28  分段式模具示意图

    Figure  28.  Schematic diagram of segmented mold

    表  1  展纱方法对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of yarn spreading methods

    Yarn spreading methodYarn spreading principleYarn spreading effectapplied range
    Mechanical roller spreadSpreader rolls are misalignedOrdinarywide
    Ultrasonic yarn spreadingUltrasonic vibration yarn spreadingGoodnarrow
    Air yarn spreadingCompressed air jet yarn spreadingGoodnarrow
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    表  2  不同碳纤维表面改性方法对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of different surface modification methods of carbon fibers

    Modification methodModification principlePeculiarity
    Sizing treatmentBinding fiber to resin matrixEasy to operate but solvent required
    Electrophoretic depositionElectric fields deposit charged particlesThe process is simple and improves the conductivity
    In situ growth technologyFree growth with initiator as mediumEasy to introduce functionality, complex operation
    Microwave irradiation modificationMicrowave heating breaks chemical bondsHighly effective but difficult to control
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    表  3  各种浸渍方法的比较

    Table  3.   Comparison of different impregnation methods

    Impregnation method Peculiarity Scope of application
    Melt impregnation Low energy consumption, short preparation cycle, low cost, fast cooling Widely used but not suitable for high viscosity resin impregnation
    Powder impregnation Wet powder impregnation The porosity of prepreg can be reduced effectively Powder material, spray, brush coating
    Dry powder impregnation Simpler materials and more efficient production processes Chargeable material, simple material impregnation
    Solution impregnation Can improve infiltration
    But there are limitations
    High viscosity resin impregnation
    Fiber blending method Easy to complete the dipping process Mixed fabric, complex shape forming
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