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景欣欣 陈必清 翟佳鑫 袁美玲

景欣欣, 陈必清, 翟佳鑫, 等. 原位生长Ni-Co-B-Yb稀土复合催化剂的制备及其析氢性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
引用本文: 景欣欣, 陈必清, 翟佳鑫, 等. 原位生长Ni-Co-B-Yb稀土复合催化剂的制备及其析氢性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-11.
JING Xinxin, CHEN Biqing, ZHAI Jiaxin, et al. In situ growth of a Ni-Co-B-Yb rare earth composite electrode: preparation and electrocatalytic hydrogen precipitation performance[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: JING Xinxin, CHEN Biqing, ZHAI Jiaxin, et al. In situ growth of a Ni-Co-B-Yb rare earth composite electrode: preparation and electrocatalytic hydrogen precipitation performance[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (22062020)

    陈必清,硕士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向电化学 E-mail: chenbq2332@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TQ151; TB333

In situ growth of a Ni-Co-B-Yb rare earth composite electrode: preparation and electrocatalytic hydrogen precipitation performance

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (22062020)
  • 摘要: 探索和开发低成本、高活性的非贵金属析氢反应(Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, HER)电催化剂,对于电解水的实际应用具有重要意义但仍具有挑战性。本文采用化学沉积法在三维的泡沫镍基底上制备了原位生长的稀土(Rare Earth, RE)复合催化电极(Ni-Co-B-Yb/NF),对催化电极的结构和形貌进行了表征,并研究其在1 mol·L−1 KOH溶液中的析氢性能。结果表明,添加Yb可使电极的形貌及电子结构发生改变,改善催化剂材料的HER催化性能。当Yb和Co浓度分别为3 g·L−1和5 g·L−1时,Ni-Co-B-Yb /NF表现出最佳的析氢性能。当电流密度为10 mA·cm−2时,析氢过电位为57 mV,Tafel斜率仅为73 mV·dec−1,此外,经过100 h长期稳定性测试和2000次循环伏安(Cyclic voltammetry,CV)测试后,该催化剂表现出良好的电化学稳定性。实验结果表明:Yb的引入可以提升Ni-Co-B材料的HER催化性能,且Yb和Co浓度的改变对电催化性能影响较大。这项工作丰富了稀土复合催化剂在电解水催化方面的知识。


  • 图  1  0-NCBY/NF、2-NCBY/NF、3-NCBY/NF和4-NCBY/NF的(a-d)低倍和(e-h)高倍SEM照片

    Figure  1.  (a-d) Low-magnification and (e-h) high-magnification SEM images of 0-NCBY/NF, 2-NCBY/NF, 3-NCBY/NF and 4-NCBY/NF

    图  2  (a) 0-NCBY/NF、2-NCBY/NF、3-NCBY/NF和4-NCBY/NF样品粉末的XRD谱图; (b) 3-NCBY/NF的EDS谱图

    Figure  2.  (a) XRD patterns of 0-NCBY/NF, 2-NCBY/NF, 3-NCBY/NF and 4-NCBY/NF powders; (b) EDS mappings of 3-NCBY/NF

    图  3  (a) 3-NCBY/NF的TEM和(b) HRTEM照片

    Figure  3.  (a) TEM and (b) HRTEM images of 3-NCBY/NF

    图  4  Ni-Co-B-Yb与Ni-Co-B的XPS光谱图

    Figure  4.  XPS spectra of Ni-Co-B-Yb and Ni-Co-B

    (a) Total survey; (b) B1 s and Yb4 d; (c) Co2 p; (d) Ni2 p

    图  5  0-NCBY/NF、2-NCBY/NF、3-NCBY/NF和4-NCBY/NF电极的(a) LSV曲线, (b) Tafel曲线, (c)交换电流密度(j0), (d)EIS图谱

    Figure  5.  (a) LSV curves, (b) Tafel curves, (c) exchange current densities(j0), (d) EIS spectra of 0-NCBY/NF, 2-NCBY/NF, 3-NCBY/NF and4-NCBY/NF electrodes

    图  6  (a-d) 0-NCBY/NF、2-NCBY/NF、3-NCBY/NF和4-NCBY/NF电极在不同扫描速率下的CV曲线, (e)充电双电层库仑曲线, (f) ECSA归一化曲线

    Figure  6.  (a-d) CV curves at different scan rates, (e) charge double-layer voltammetry, and (f) ECSA-normalized curves of 0-NCBY/NF, 2-NCBY/NF, 3-NCBY/NF and 4-NCBY/NF electrodes

    图  7  NCBY/NF-x (x = 1,3,5,7)电极的(a)LSV曲线, (b) Tafel曲线, (c)交换电流密度(j0), (d)EIS图谱, 插图为等效电路图

    Figure  7.  (a) LSV curves, (b) Tafel curves, (c) exchange current densities(j0), (d) EIS spectra with inset showing equivalent circuit of NCBY/NF-x (x = 1, 3, 5, 7) electrodes

    图  8  (a-d) NCBY/NF-x (x = 1,3,5,7)电极在不同扫描速率下的CV曲线, (e)充电双电层库仑曲线, (f) ECSA归一化曲线

    Figure  8.  (a-d) CV curves at different scan rates, (e) charge double-layer voltammetry, and (f) ECSA normalized curves of NCBY/NF-x (x = 1,3,5,7) electrodes

    图  9  (a) Ni-Co-B-Yb在100 mV电位下电解100 h的电流-时间曲线; (b) Ni-Co-B-Yb在2000圈循环伏安扫描前后的LSV曲线

    Figure  9.  (a) I-t curve for Ni-Co-B-Yb at a potential of 100 mV for 100 h; (b) Polarization curves of Ni-Co-B-Yb before and after 2000 CV sweeps

    图  10  Ni-Co-B-Gd/NF在I-t 测试后的 (a) XRD图;(b-c) SEM照片

    Figure  10.  Ni-Co-B-Gd/NF after I-t test (a) XRD image; (b-c) SEM images

    表  1  化学镀镀液配方

    Table  1.   Chemical deposition plating solution formula

    Composition of plating solution Concentration/
    Anhydrous nickel chloride (NiCl2) 10.0
    Anhydrous cobalt chloride (CoCl2) 1.0-7.0
    Borane dimethylamine (C2H10BN) 1.0
    Ytterbium Nitrate [Yb(NO3)3] 2.0-4.0
    Adipic acid (C6H10O4) 1.5
    Citric acid (C6H8O7) 1.5
    Malic acid (C4H6O5) 1.5
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    表  2  Ni-Co-B-Yb/NF与最近报道的电催化剂的 HER 性能进行对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of HER performance of Ni-Co-B-Yb/NF with recently reported electrocatalysts

    Notes Electrocatalysts Electrolyte η10/mV Tafel slop/(mV dec−1) Ref.
    1 Ni-Co-B-Yb/Nickel foam(NF) 1.0 mol/L KOH 57 73 This work
    2 Ni3N/Ni 1.0 mol/L KOH 144 107 [34]
    3 Ni-MgO/ Carbon nanotube (CNT) 1.0 mol/L KOH 117 116 [35]
    4 Co2NiMo-N 1.0 mol/L KOH 69 77.8 [36]
    5 (Ag:Cu)/ Boron nanosheets (BNS) 1.0 mol/L KOH 101 57 [37]
    6 NiCoP 1.0 mol/L KOH 141 66 [38]
    7 Ni-Co/Mo2C/Co6Mo6C2@C 1.0 mol/L KOH 95 99.92 [39]
    8 Ru-NiSe2/ Nickel foam(NF) 1.0 mol/L KOH 39.3 36 [40]
    9 Ni-Ce-Pr-Ho/ Nickel foam(NF) 1.0 mol/L KOH 78 121.6 [41]
    10 Ni2P-Pr 1.0 mol/L KOH 87 65.4 [42]
    11 Ni-La 1.0 mol/L KOH 190 68 [43]
    12 Ni-P-La 1.0 mol/L KOH 139 93 [44]
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