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杨进 陈观慈 张文斌 陈永华 杨照林

杨进, 陈观慈, 张文斌, 等. 直流传导式液态金属电磁泵流场畸变及其电磁构型补偿[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
引用本文: 杨进, 陈观慈, 张文斌, 等. 直流传导式液态金属电磁泵流场畸变及其电磁构型补偿[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-12.
YANG Jin, CHEN Guanci, ZHANG Wenbin, et al. DC conduction liquid metal electromagnetic pump flow field distortion and its electromagnetic configuration compensation[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: YANG Jin, CHEN Guanci, ZHANG Wenbin, et al. DC conduction liquid metal electromagnetic pump flow field distortion and its electromagnetic configuration compensation[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 促进绿色能源发展的新型智能传感技术研发(202104BN050011)

    陈观慈,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为:液态金属电磁驱动及其传热技术 E-mail: gcchen@kust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TH35;TB331

DC conduction liquid metal electromagnetic pump flow field distortion and its electromagnetic configuration compensation

Funds: Research and development of new smart sensor technology to promote the development of green energy (No. 202104BN050011)
  • 摘要: 利用直流传导电磁泵(DC-EMP)驱动低熔点的镓基液态金属作为冷却工质的散热方法,在高热流芯片的热控领域展现出重要的应用前景。为削弱液态金属的磁流体动力学(Magnetohydrodynamic, MHD)效应及其导致的流场畸变,提高DC-EMP的驱动性能。对液态金属的流动特性,流道内电流密度场、磁感应强度及洛伦兹力矢量分布进行了研究,采用磁轭和绝缘板进行电磁构型补偿以提高DC-EMP作用区的磁感应强度和有效电流,从而削弱MHD效应。结果表明:受MHD效应的影响,靠近侧壁面的液态金属被加速主流区流速降低,流道内液态金属在穿过作用区后会发生严重的流场畸变。液态金属切割磁感线产生的感应电流在作用区端部形成涡电流,减弱了作用区内的有效电流,同时在涡电流和电、磁场端部效应的耦合下,在作用区外产生与流速方向相反的洛伦兹力阻力,抑制液态金属进入和离开作用区,进而降低DC-EMP的性能。试验表明电磁泵的进出口压差∆P随输入电流It的增加而增大,当It=50 A时补偿后的∆P较传统结构提高了78.08%。


  • 图  1  直流传导电磁泵(DC-EMP) 原理示意图

    Figure  1.  DC-conduction electromagnetic pump (DC-EMP) principle schematic

    图  2  不同Ha数解析解与数值解($ \xi =y/d $,$ \lambda =u/{u}_{0} $)

    Figure  2.  Analytical and numerical solutions for different Ha numbers ($ \xi =y/d $,$ \lambda =u/{u}_{0} $)

    图  3  数值解与解析解速度误差

    Figure  3.  Numerical and analytical solution velocity errors

    图  4  DC-EMP 等效电路模型:(a)基础模型,(b)简化模型

    Figure  4.  The electrical equivalent circuit of DC-EMP:(a) basic form, (b) simplified form

    图  5  数值解与等效电路模型结果对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of numerical solution and equivalent circuit model results

    图  6  (a)不同流向横截面的速度剖面;(b)近壁面(y=18.8 mm)处和中心 (y=0 mm) 处的速度分布

    Figure  6.  (a) Velocity profiles for cross sections in different flow directions; (b) Velocity distribution near the wall (y=18.8 mm) and at the center of the flow channel (y=0 mm)

    图  7  沿流动方向不同流向截面的速度分布

    Figure  7.  Velocity distribution in different flow sections along the flow direction

    图  8  DC-EMP等效电路

    Figure  8.  Equivalent circuit diagram of DC-EMP

    图  9  感应电流密度矢量分布

    Figure  9.  Vector diagram of induced current density

    图  10  磁感应强度与电流密度分布

    Figure  10.  Magnetic flux density and current density distribution

    图  11  洛伦兹力矢量分布

    Figure  11.  Lorentz force vector distribution

    图  12  磁场补偿前后流道中心平面磁感应强度分布

    Figure  12.  Magnetic flux density in the center plane of the flow channel before and after magnetic field compensation

    图  13  含绝缘板的DC-EMP结构

    Figure  13.  Sectional structure of the channel after inserting the insulation bars

    图  14  绝缘板对电流分布的影响

    Figure  14.  Effect of insulation bars on current distribution

    图  15  (a)补偿前电流与速度分布;(b)补偿后电流与速度分布;(c)沿流速方向非均匀波动程度Fd变化曲线

    Figure  15.  (a) Current and velocity distribution before compensation; (b) Current and velocity distribution after compensation; (c) Variation curve of the degree of non-uniform fluctuation Fd along the flow direction

    图  16  DC-EMP进出口压差试验系统

    Figure  16.  DC-EMP inlet and outlet differential pressure test system

    图  17  含磁轭和绝缘板的DC-EMP结构

    Figure  17.  DC-EMP structure with iron yoke and insulation bars

    图  18  DC-EMP进出口压差(∆P)随输入电流的变化

    Figure  18.  Variation of ∆P with input current for DC-EMP

    表  1  Ga68In20Sn12和水的物性参数

    Table  1.   Physical parameters of Ga68In20Sn12 and water

    Electrical conductivity/
    Dynamic viscosity/(mPa·s)2.400.97
    Coefficient of thermal
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    表  2  材料物性参数

    Table  2.   Physical parameters

    Element Materials Relative magnetic
    Relative electric
    Magnet Sm2Co17 1.1 0 1 8300 -
    Electrode Copper 1 5.99×107 1 8940 -
    Channel PLA 1 0 1 1260 -
    Liquid metal Ga68In20Sn12 1 3.6×106 1 6050 2.4×10−3
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    表  3  网格无关性验证

    Table  3.   Mesh independence verification

    Number of meshes Δδmin/mm Pressure/Pa Relative Error
    M1 990248 0.379 2954.6 1.22%
    M2 1118999 0.142 2973.8 0.55%
    M3 1476318 0.059 2990 -
    Notes: Δδmin—Mesh thickness
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