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付珊珊 陈栋 时建纬 李成

付珊珊, 陈栋, 时建纬, 等. CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板的抗低速冲击性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(7): 4226-4236. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20221014.007
引用本文: 付珊珊, 陈栋, 时建纬, 等. CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板的抗低速冲击性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(7): 4226-4236. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20221014.007
FU Shanshan, CHEN Dong, SHI Jianwei, et al. Low-velocity impact of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(7): 4226-4236. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20221014.007
Citation: FU Shanshan, CHEN Dong, SHI Jianwei, et al. Low-velocity impact of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(7): 4226-4236. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20221014.007


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20221014.007
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52175153);中国博士后科学基金(2021 M692912);河南省高等学校重点科研项目(22 A610013)

    李成,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为复合材料损伤分析和复合材料损伤检查 E-mail: chengli@zzu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Low-velocity impact of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52175153); China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2021 M692912); Key Scientific Research Projects of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province (22 A610013)
  • 摘要: 针对蜂窝结构抗冲击性能进行有限元仿真,验证模型与实验结果的一致性,主要研究了碳纤维增强树脂基复合材 料(CFRP)面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板在低速冲击下的防护特性。通过改变壁厚在传统蜂窝结构中引入密度梯度,针对不同冲击能量和不同梯度系数α,对比研究了功能梯度夹层板和传统夹层板的吸能特性。结果表明,冲击能量较小时α>1的蜂窝夹层板具有更好的吸能特性,随着冲击能量的增大,具有吸能优越性的芯层从α>1逐渐向α<1转变,当冲击能量足够击穿整个夹层板时,α<1的夹层板具有更好的吸能特性。在20 J、50 J和100 J冲击能量下,同等质量下的功能梯度夹层板比传统夹层板吸能分别提升7.54%、5.33%和8.65%。


  • 图  1  梯度夹层板几何模型

    Figure  1.  Geometric model of gradient honeycomb sandwich plate

    h—Height of honeycomb cell; l—Length of honeycomb wall; t—Thickness of honeycomb wall; θ—Honeycomb cell wall angle; α—Gradient coefficient

    图  2  碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)面板-丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚(ASB)蜂窝夹层板冲击有限元模型(FEM)

    Figure  2.  Finite element model (FEM) of sandwich plate with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) honeycombsandwich plate and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) face sheets under impact

    图  3  不同网格尺寸接触力历程曲线

    Figure  3.  Contact force history curves of different mesh sizes

    图  4  不同冲击能量Ek下CFRP面板-ABS蜂窝夹层板的接触力与吸能

    Figure  4.  Contact force and energy of sandwich plate with ABS core and CFRP face sheets under different impact energies Ek

    Cf—Contact force; En—Energy

    图  5  不同Ek下CFRP面板-ABS蜂窝夹层板的试验与仿真损伤对比图

    Figure  5.  Comparison diagram of experimental and simulation damage of sandwich plate with ABS core and CFRP face sheets under different Ek

    U—Displacement; LE—True strain

    图  6  不同Ek下CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板芯层变形及应变图

    Figure  6.  Deformation and strain diagram of cores of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets under different Ek

    图  7  不同Ek下CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板的接触力历程

    Figure  7.  Contact force history curves of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets under different Ek

    图  8  不同Ek下CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板的吸能历程

    Figure  8.  Energy absorption history curves of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets under different Ek

    图  9  不同Ek下CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板的中节点位移历程

    Figure  9.  Displacement history of intermediate point in functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets under different Ek

    图  10  不同密度梯度CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板的能量吸收特性

    Figure  10.  Energy absorption characteristics of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets with different density gradients

    图  11  不同梯度形式下CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板吸能分布对比

    Figure  11.  Comparison of energy absorption distribution of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets under different gradient forms

    图  12  不同梯度数值下CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板吸能分布对比

    Figure  12.  Comparison of energy absorption distribution of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets under different gradient values

    表  5  抗冲击性能综合对比

    Impact energy /JαPeak contact force /NTotal energy /JCore energy /JTotal energy percentage increase (%)
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    表  1  CFRP材料参数

    Table  1.   Material properties of CFRP

    Longitudinal stiffness E1/GPa55.92
    Transverse stiffness E2/GPa54.40
    Shear modulus G12/GPa4.199
    Poisson's ratio ν210.043
    Longitudinal tensile strength Xt/MPa910.1
    Longitudinal compressive strength Xc/MPa710.2
    Transverse tensile strength Yt/MPa772.2
    Transverse compressive strength Yc/MPa703.2
    Shear strength Sc/MPa131.0
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    表  2  ABS材料参数

    Table  2.   Material properties of ABS

    Young's modulus/
    Poisson's ratioYield strength/MPaEffective failure strain
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    表  3  网格收敛性分析

    Table  3.   Analysis of mesh convergence

    Mesh size/mmPeak force/NExperimental difference/%FEM relative difference%
    0.54103.61 4.19 8.59
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    表  4  不同Ek下CFRP面板-ABS蜂窝夹层板的接触力峰值和吸能及其相对误差

    Table  4.   Contact force peak and energy absorption and their relative errors of sandwich plate with ABS core and CFRP face sheets under different Ek

    Ek/JContact force/NEnergy/J
    Cf-experiment[20]/NCf-simulation/NError/%En-experiment[20]/JEn-simulation/JRelative error/%
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    表  5  CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板壁厚与梯度值

    Table  5.   Wall thickness and gradient values of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets

    Gradient coefficient αWall thickness/mm
    Layer 1Layer 2Layer 3
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    表  6  CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板抗冲击性能综合对比

    Table  6.   Comprehensive comparison of impact resistance of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets

    Ek/JαPeak contact
    Total energy
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    表  7  不同Ek下CFRP面板-功能梯度蜂窝夹层板吸能对比

    Table  7.   Comparison of energy absorption characteristics of functional gradient honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets under different Ek

    Ek/JOptimal αTotal energy/JTotal energy
    percentage increase/%
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