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闫瑛 祖萌萌 易艳洁 田晓辉 李锦 雷利荣 李友明 张俊岭 侯轶

闫瑛, 祖萌萌, 易艳洁, 等. 纤维素纳米晶的绿色低耗制备方法及其应用研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-19.
引用本文: 闫瑛, 祖萌萌, 易艳洁, 等. 纤维素纳米晶的绿色低耗制备方法及其应用研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-19.
YAN Ying, ZU Mengmeng, YI Yanjie, et al. Research progress of green and low consumption preparation method of cellulose nanocrystal and its application[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: YAN Ying, ZU Mengmeng, YI Yanjie, et al. Research progress of green and low consumption preparation method of cellulose nanocrystal and its application[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 河南中烟工业有限责任公司A类科技项目(No.AW2024022)

    张俊岭,硕士,高工,研究方向为卷烟及再造烟叶配方设计与开发 E-mail: zjl526@126.com

    侯轶,博士,教授级高工,博士生导师,研究方向为生物质资源结构分析与高值化利用等 E-mail: ceyhou@scut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB333

Research progress of green and low consumption preparation method of cellulose nanocrystal and its application

Funds: Category A technology project of Tobacco Henan Industrial Co. Ltd (No. AW2024022)
  • 摘要: 纳米纤维素是地球上最为丰富的生物质资源,具有易降解、可再生、无毒性且廉价易得等优点,纤维素纳米晶(CNC)是纳米纤维素的主要产品之一,因其高结晶度、高抗拉强度、高刚度、高比表面积等优异的理化特性,近年来受到了广泛的研究和关注。对比了传统无机酸水解法和近年来有利于节约能耗、环境友好的几种CNC新型制备方法的优缺点,介绍了CNC各新型制备方法及其优化工艺的最新研究进展,综述了CNC复合材料在食品包装、造纸行业助留助滤和纸张性能提升、固定化酶技术以及废水处理等领域的最新应用研究进展,最后,对CNC的制备方法和应用研究进行了讨论,旨在为促进CNC及其复合材料的规模化生产和推广应用提供理论参考。


  • 图  1  纤维素结构式

    Figure  1.  Cellulose structure formula

    图  2  纤维素纳米晶(CNC)的(a)针状[20]、(b)棒条状[22]、(c)空心型环状[24]形态

    Figure  2.  Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) (a) needle[20], (b) rod[22], (c) hollow ring[24] shape.

    图  3  无机酸水解法制备CNC的常规步骤及条件[4]

    Figure  3.  Routine steps and conditions for preparation of CNC by inorganic acid hydrolysis[4]

    图  4  蒸汽爆破预处理辅助制备CNC[31]

    Figure  4.  Preparation of CNC by steam explosion pretreatment assisted inorganic acid hydrolysis[31]

    图  5  离子液体溶解纤维素的作用机理[61]

    Figure  5.  Mechanism of ionic liquid dissolution of cellulose[61]

    图  6  超声波预处理辅助离子液体法制备CNC[63]

    Figure  6.  Preparation of CNC by ultrasonic assisted ionic liquid pretreatment[63]

    图  7  PVA/CNC/TiO2 [68]

    Figure  7.  PVA/CNC/TiO2 membrane[68]

    图  8  CNC/L-CNC/PVA、PVA/CNC/TiO2膜及其水蒸气透过率[68,77]

    Figure  8.  WVTR(Water Transmission Rate) of CNC/L-CNC/PVA and PVA/CNC/TiO2 membrane [68,77]

    图  9  CNC/L-CNC/PVA、PVA/CNC/TiO2膜及其紫外线透过率[68,76]

    Figure  9.  UV transmittance of CNC/L-CNC/PVA and PVA/CNC/TiO2 membrane [68,76]

    图  10  CNC/金属-有机框架复合材料作为ASA皮克林乳剂的稳定剂用于食品包装纸表面施胶[81]

    Figure  10.  CNC/metal-organic framework composites used as ASA Pickering emulsion stabilizers for food packaging paper surface sizing[81]

    图  11  聚苯胺(PANI)/CNC复合材料的制备及其在纸张表面涂布中的应用[89]

    Figure  11.  Preparation of polyaniline/CNC composite and its application in surface coating of paper[89]

    图  12  纤维素酶@PDA@CNC纳米复合材料的制备步骤[90]

    Figure  12.  Preparation process of cellulase@PDA@CNC nanocomposites[90]

    图  13  氧化石墨烯(GO)-CNC纳米过滤复合膜(NFCM)用于工业废水处理[18]

    Figure  13.  Graphene oxide(GO)-CNC nanofiltration composite membrane(NFCM) for industrial effluent treatment[18]

    图  14  CNC/MnO2/TiO2多孔微球用于染料去除及其光解和再生[110]

    Figure  14.  CNC/MnO2/TiO2 porous microspheres for dye removal and its photolysis and regeneration[110]

    表  1  CNC基本特性的最新研究

    Table  1.   Latest research on basic performance of CNC

    Name/parameters Type/value
    Material source wood[15]
    cotton fiber[16,17]
    agricultural waste[18,19]
    microcrystalline cellulose[20]
    waste paper[23]
    Mean length/nm 93±26[36]
    Length-diameter ratio 5~55[20,34,36]
    Mean diameter/nm 3~5[35]
    Zeta potential of the aqueous suspension/mV −38.6[19]
    Surface charge density/e·nm−2 0.29±0.01[35]
    Crystallinity/% 54~88[25]
    Tensile strength/MPa 7500[27]
    Transverse elastic moduli/GPa 18~50[38]
    Longitudinal elastic moduli/GPa 140~220[23,28]
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  BmimCl和AmimCl的基本性能特点

    Table  2.   Basic performance characteristics of BmimCl and AmimCl

    Name Parameter
    BmimCl AmimCl
    Synthesis time/h 48 80%(3 h conversion rate)
    100%(6 h conversion rate)
    Initial decomposition temperature/℃ 254 273
    Viscosity at 30℃/(mPa·s) 685 11000
    下载: 导出CSV
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